6 research outputs found

    Field performance of spider plant (Cleome gynandra l) under different agronomic practices

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    Field experiments were carried out at Kaguvi Vocational Training Centre located in theMidlands province of Zimbabwe, to determine the effect of planting date and fertilizertypes in enhancing the productivity of spider plant, an indigenous leafy vegetable. Theexperimental design was a split- plot arranged in a randomized complete block design(RCBD) with three blocks. The planting date was the main plot with three levels(15/10/12, 30/01/13 and 15/02/13) and the fertilizer treatments as the subplots withseven levels including a control (no fertilizer applied), 20 t/ha cattle manure, 30 t/hacattle manure, 5 t/ha poultry manure, 10 t/ha poultry manure, 300 kg/ha Compound D +100 kg/ha ammonium nitrate and 300 kg/ha Compound D + 150 kg/ha ammoniumnitrate). Growth parameters, vitamin A and C, crude protein, iron content, fresh and dryyield were significantly (p<0.05) increased by use of organic and inorganic fertilizersacross all planting dates compared to the control where no fertilizers were added. TheOctober 2012 planting date, combined with high rates of organic and inorganicfertilizers had the best response with regards to the variables measured, including theduration of the harvest period which was nine weeks, compared to the January andFebruary planting dates where harvesting was for six weeks. The inorganic fertilizersprovided readily available nutrients for uptake by the plants while the long productionperiod for the October 2012 planting date enabled the organic manures (cattle andpoultry manure) adequate time to release the nutrients for uptake, compared to theJanuary 2013 and February 2013 planting dates. It can be concluded that there is meritin staggering the planting dates while using organic and inorganic fertilizers as thepractice results in an extended harvest period. High rates of both inorganic and organicfertilizers are recommended for the different planting dates as follows; 30 t/ha cattlemanure, 10 t/ha poultry manure, 300 kg/ha Compound D + 100 kg/ha ammoniumnitrate and 300 kg/ha Compound D + 150 kg/ha ammonium nitrate.Key words: Indigenous vegetable, spider plant, planting dates, fertilizers, nutrient

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