48 research outputs found

    The Mayer-Rokitansky-KΓΌster-Hauser syndrome (congenital absence of uterus and vagina) – phenotypic manifestations and genetic approaches

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    The Mayer-Rokitansky-KΓΌster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome affects at least 1 out of 4500 women and has for a long time been considered as a sporadic anomaly. Congenital absence of upper vagina and uterus is the prime feature of the disease which, in addition, is often found associated with unilateral renal agenesis or adysplasia as well as skeletal malformations (MURCS association). The phenotypic manifestations of MRKH overlap various other syndromes or associations and thus require accurate delineation. Since MRKH manifests itself in males, the term GRES syndrome (Genital, Renal, Ear, Skeletal) might be more appropriate when applied to both sexes. The MRKH syndrome, when described in familial aggregates, seems to be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with an incomplete degree of penetrance and variable expressivity. This suggests the involvement of either mutations in a major developmental gene or a limited chromosomal deletion. Until recently progress in understanding the genetics of MRKH syndrome has been slow, however, now HOX genes have been shown to play key roles in body patterning and organogenesis, and in particular during genital tract development. Expression and/or function defects of one or several HOX genes may account for this syndrome

    Why Pleiotropic Interventions are Needed for Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves a complex pathological cascade thought to be initially triggered by the accumulation of Ξ²-amyloid (AΞ²) peptide aggregates or aberrant amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing. Much is known of the factors initiating the disease process decades prior to the onset of cognitive deficits, but an unclear understanding of events immediately preceding and precipitating cognitive decline is a major factor limiting the rapid development of adequate prevention and treatment strategies. Multiple pathways are known to contribute to cognitive deficits by disruption of neuronal signal transduction pathways involved in memory. These pathways are altered by aberrant signaling, inflammation, oxidative damage, tau pathology, neuron loss, and synapse loss. We need to develop stage-specific interventions that not only block causal events in pathogenesis (aberrant tau phosphorylation, AΞ² production and accumulation, and oxidative damage), but also address damage from these pathways that will not be reversed by targeting prodromal pathways. This approach would not only focus on blocking early events in pathogenesis, but also adequately correct for loss of synapses, substrates for neuroprotective pathways (e.g., docosahexaenoic acid), defects in energy metabolism, and adverse consequences of inappropriate compensatory responses (aberrant sprouting). Monotherapy targeting early single steps in this complicated cascade may explain disappointments in trials with agents inhibiting production, clearance, or aggregation of the initiating AΞ² peptide or its aggregates. Both plaque and tangle pathogenesis have already reached AD levels in the more vulnerable brain regions during the β€œprodromal” period prior to conversion to β€œmild cognitive impairment (MCI).” Furthermore, many of the pathological events are no longer proceeding in series, but are going on in parallel. By the MCI stage, we stand a greater chance of success by considering pleiotropic drugs or cocktails that can independently limit the parallel steps of the AD cascade at all stages, but that do not completely inhibit the constitutive normal functions of these pathways. Based on this hypothesis, efforts in our laboratories have focused on the pleiotropic activities of omega-3 fatty acids and the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-amyloid activity of curcumin in multiple models that cover many steps of the AD pathogenic cascade (Cole and Frautschy, Alzheimers Dement 2:284–286, 2006)

    Models as a Tool in Grazing Management

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    Transcription of major histocompatibility complex class I (K(b)) and transporter associated with antigen processing 1 and 2 genes is up-regulated with age

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    The transporter associated with antigen processing 1 and 2 (TAP1 and TAP2) genes belong to the ATP-binding cassette family of transporter genes. They provide peptides necessary for the assembly of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules by transporting these peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum. As MHC class I protein expression increases with age, we have explored the effect of age on the transcription of MHC class I genes (K(b)) and TAP1 and TAP2 genes in C57BL/6 mice. Blood and spleen lymphocytes were isolated from mice aged from 3 months to over 24 months. RNA was extracted and mRNA for K(b), TAP1, TAP2 was quantified using slot-blot hybridization followed by densitometry. There was a parallel age-related increase (1Β·5-fold) in blood lymphocyte mRNA of these genes from 3 months to 21 months. In mice over 24 months old there was a decrease in K(b) and TAP1 mRNA, but an increase in TAP2 mRNA. In spleen lymphocytes an age-related increase in all three mRNA species occurred throughout life. While MHC class I and Tap genes underwent very similar age-related changes, MHC class I mRNA was about 50 times more abundant than either TAP1 or TAP2 mRNA