562 research outputs found

    No phase transition for Gaussian fields with bounded spins

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    Let a<b, \Omega=[a,b]^{\Z^d} and H be the (formal) Hamiltonian defined on \Omega by H(\eta) = \frac12 \sum_{x,y\in\Z^d} J(x-y) (\eta(x)-\eta(y))^2 where J:\Z^d\to\R is any summable non-negative symmetric function (J(x)\ge 0 for all x\in\Z^d, \sum_x J(x)<\infty and J(x)=J(-x)). We prove that there is a unique Gibbs measure on \Omega associated to H. The result is a consequence of the fact that the corresponding Gibbs sampler is attractive and has a unique invariant measure.Comment: 7 page

    Non-linear spectroscopy of rubidium: An undergraduate experiment

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    In this paper, we describe two complementary non-linear spectroscopy methods which both allow to achieve Doppler-free spectra of atomic gases. First, saturated absorption spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure of the 5S1/2→5P3/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm P}_{3/2} transition in rubidium. Using a slightly modified experimental setup, Doppler-free two-photon absorption spectroscopy is then performed on the 5S1/2→5D5/25{\rm S}_{1/2}\to 5{\rm D}_{5/2} transition in rubidium, leading to accurate measurements of the hyperfine structure of the 5D5/25{\rm D}_{5/2} energy level. In addition, electric dipole selection rules of the two-photon transition are investigated, first by modifying the polarization of the excitation laser, and then by measuring two-photon absorption spectra when a magnetic field is applied close to the rubidium vapor. All experiments are performed with the same grating-feedback laser diode, providing an opportunity to compare different high resolution spectroscopy methods using a single experimental setup. Such experiments may acquaint students with quantum mechanics selection rules, atomic spectra and Zeeman effect.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Exact multipoint and multitime correlation functions of a one-dimensional model of adsorption and evaporation of dimers

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    In this work, we provide a method which allows to compute exactly the multipoint and multi-time correlation functions of a one-dimensional stochastic model of dimer adsorption-evaporation with random (uncorrelated) initial states. In particular explicit expressions of the two-point noninstantaneous/instantaneous correlation functions are obtained. The long-time behavior of these expressions is discussed in details and in various physical regimes.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Metastable and scaling regimes of a one-dimensional Kawasaki dynamics

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    We investigate the large-time scaling regimes arising from a variety of metastable structures in a chain of Ising spins with both first- and second-neighbor couplings while subject to a Kawasaki dynamics. Depending on the ratio and sign of these former, different dynamic exponents are suggested by finite-size scaling analyses of relaxation times. At low but nonzero-temperatures these are calculated via exact diagonalizations of the evolution operator in finite chains under several activation barriers. In the absence of metastability the dynamics is always diffusive.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Brief additions. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Solution of a class of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion models in disordered media

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    We study a one-dimensional class of reaction-diffusion models on a 10−10-parameters manifold. The equations of motion of the correlation functions close on this manifold. We compute exactly the long-time behaviour of the density and correlation functions for {\it quenched} disordered systems. The {\it quenched} disorder consists of disconnected domains of reaction. We first consider the case where the disorder comprizes a superposition, with different probabilistic weights, of finite segments, with {\it periodic boundary conditions}. We then pass to the case of finite segments with {\it open boundary conditions}: we solve the ordered dynamics on a open lattice with help of the Dynamical Matrix Ansatz (DMA) and investigate further its disordered version.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Diffusion-limited Reactions of hard-core Particles in one-dimension

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    We investigate three different methods to tackle the problem of diffusion-limited reactions (annihilation) of hard-core classical particles in one dimension. We first extend an approach devised by Lushnikov and calculate for a single species the asymptotic long-time and/or large distance behavior of the two-point correlation function. Based on a work by Grynberg et al., which was developed to treat stochastic adsorption-desorption models, we provide in a second step the exact two-point correlation function (both for one and two-time) of Lushnikov's model. We then propose a new formulation of the problem in terms of path integrals for pseudo-fermions. This formalism can be used to advantage in the multi-species case, specially when applying perturbative renormalization group techniques.Comment: 15 pages, no figure, to appear in PR

    Beam splitting and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for stored light

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    Storing and release of a quantum light pulse in a medium of atoms in the tripod configuration are studied. Two complementary sets of control fields are defined, which lead to independent and complete photon release at two stages. The system constitutes a new kind of a flexible beam splitter in which the input and output ports concern photons of the same direction but well separated in time. A new version of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Solution of classical stochastic one dimensional many-body systems

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    We propose a simple method that allows, in one dimension, to solve exactly a wide class of classical stochastic many-body systems far from equilibrium. For the sake of illustration and without loss of generality, we focus on a model that describes the asymmetric diffusion of hard core particles in the presence of an external source and instantaneous annihilation. Starting from a Master equation formulation of the problem we show that the density and multi-point correlation functions obey a closed set of integro-differential equations which in turn can be solved numerically and/or analyticallyComment: 2 figure

    Testing statistical hypothesis on random trees and applications to the protein classification problem

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    Efficient automatic protein classification is of central importance in genomic annotation. As an independent way to check the reliability of the classification, we propose a statistical approach to test if two sets of protein domain sequences coming from two families of the Pfam database are significantly different. We model protein sequences as realizations of Variable Length Markov Chains (VLMC) and we use the context trees as a signature of each protein family. Our approach is based on a Kolmogorov--Smirnov-type goodness-of-fit test proposed by Balding et al. [Limit theorems for sequences of random trees (2008), DOI: 10.1007/s11749-008-0092-z]. The test statistic is a supremum over the space of trees of a function of the two samples; its computation grows, in principle, exponentially fast with the maximal number of nodes of the potential trees. We show how to transform this problem into a max-flow over a related graph which can be solved using a Ford--Fulkerson algorithm in polynomial time on that number. We apply the test to 10 randomly chosen protein domain families from the seed of Pfam-A database (high quality, manually curated families). The test shows that the distributions of context trees coming from different families are significantly different. We emphasize that this is a novel mathematical approach to validate the automatic clustering of sequences in any context. We also study the performance of the test via simulations on Galton--Watson related processes.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS218 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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