37 research outputs found
Intercropped crops represent an important production system in organic farming, especially maize/climbing bean mixture due to its high content of protein in bean seeds for human diet, and producing silage for ruminants. To test this hypothesis, the effects of maize (Zea mays L.) sown as a sole crop and maize/climbing bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Cipro) mixtures on maize plant height, maize leaf area index, bean leaf area index and grain yield were investigated in field experiments on an organic farm following accepted rules of certification. The maize/climbing bean mixture increased maize plant height as well as maize and bean leaf area and reduced maize grain yield in comparison with maize sown as sole crop, but 477.5 kg ha-1seed yield of bean sown in mixture was obtained. Maize was a stronger competitor than bean. The overall conclusion is that maize/bean mixture has promise for producing valuable yield of maize and bean, but mixtures needs further investigation
Ecological footprint could be a tool for evaluating impacts of different agricultural production systems (PS). Based on more years field experiments producing vegetables and field crops cological footprint of conventional (CON), integrated (INT), organic (ORG) and biodynamic (BD) farming systems in Maribor and CON, INT and ORG in Dolenci was calculated and interpreted using the SPIonExcel tool. Results showed a markedly lower ecological footprint of ORG and BD systems compared to CON and INT which are not significantlly different. Identified were possibilities for reducing ecological footprint – for CON and INT by reducing mineral fertilizers and pesticide inputs; for ORG and BD by changing fuels and reducing maschinery use
Bilan et perspectives de la Recherche en Agriculture Bio-dynamique
L’Agriculture Biodynamique (BD) a été l’objet de nombreux efforts de recherches durant les dernières décennies, bien qu’une partie de la communauté scientifique regarde les méthodes biodynamiques avec scepticisme et les considère comme dogmatiques. Néanmoins, comme cela est montré dans cet article de synthèse, une part non négligeable des résultats présentés dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture et issus d’expérimentations contrôlées de plein champ, ou d’étude de cas, montrent des effets des préparations biodynamiques sur le rendement, la qualité du sol et la biodiversité. De plus, les préparations biodynamiques ont un impact environnemental positif en termes d’utilisation et d’efficacité énergétique. Cependant, le mode d’action mécanique des préparations biodynamique est toujours en cours d’investigation en sciences naturelles. Par ailleurs, les méthodes d’évaluations de la qualité basées sur des approches globales (holistiques) sont de plus en plus étudiées et reconnues. L’agriculture BD s’efforce également, comme cela est montré dans plusieurs publications, d’influencer positivement le paysage culturel. La synthèse des données montre le besoin de poursuivre les recherches dans le domaine de la qualité des aliments, de la sécurité alimentaire, des performances environnementales (par ex. l’empreinte écologique), et sur l’influences des pratiques BD sur les animaux d’élevage
Official, inspected and certified organic farming started in Slovenia in 1998 and almost one decade later we have the first accredited Organic farming study programme on B.Sc. professional level at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maribor. It is also possible to continue the study programme on master and PhD level, too. At the moment there is no special programme for organic farming on the secondary education level, but there are some courses on organic farming on this level. Almost all agricultural schools have nowadays part of their estates converted to organic farming and one of them converted the whole estate (Kranj). Getting also a very some practical knowledge is important part of new study programmes in Slovenia. On the other hand there is lack of new knowledge on organic farming among farmers and especially among agricultural advisors. Based on this, the Leonardo da Vinci pilot project the central data bank has been established on European level for the education of ecological farming advisers. Knowledge and education centres at eight partner institutions have been developed. Collection of the basis of ecological farming knowledge is on a joint server called Ecolibrary. The Knowledge centres disseminate collected database to advisers and other interested groups in the frame of e-learning training courses based on the mutually developed education material that would be adapted to the given ecological, technological, social, national and economical circumstances of the partners.
14 modules have been developed: (i) ecological farming, (ii) EU and national cultural knowledge, (iii) marketing, quality control, communication abilities, (iv) advising knowledge, (v) plant growing, (vi) animal husbandry, (vii) plant protection, (viii) post harvest, storage and processing, (ix) horticulture, (x) agricultural regulations and programs, (xi) conversion to ecological farming, (xii) management and planning of organic farms, (xiii) inspection and certification of ecological farms, (xiv) soil fertility, fertilizing and composting. Training of advisers takes 14 weeks to 6 months depending on the level of preliminary education. The participating advisers will get access to the on-line system, receive education material weekly, and be examined by test and will have tasks controlled regularly by a tutor. They can perform and finish the training in 14 weeks; the shortest and the longest training period is 6 months. The graduated advisers receive a certificate on finishing the training programme. It is possible to disseminate this project in Croatia and some other interested countries. Based on three international summer schools Erasmus Socrates “Alternatives for organic crop production” in the years 2003, 2005 and 2007 in Maribor, new activities are going on, such as “double degree” with University of Kassel and preparation of Erasmus Mundus M.Sc. study programme on Organic farming with international partners.Ecologica je nov pristup dobivanja znanja putem e-obrazovanja. Putem Leonardo da Vinci pilotnog projekta Razvoj centralne baze podataka na europskoj razini za e-obrazovanje u ekološkoj poljoprivredi izrađena je platforma za e-obrazovanje savjetodavaca za ekološku poljoprivredu. U osam partnerskih organizacija razvijeni su Centri znanja i izrađena je internetska veza. Elektronska zbirka znanja nalazi se na zajedničkom serveru pod imenom Ecolibrary. Centri znanja brinu se za širenje nakupljenog znanja i informacija pojedinaca kao što su savjetodavci za poljoprivredu i drugi zainteresirani za ekološku poljoprivredu te prihvaćaju program e-obrazovanja. Sadržaji se temelje na zajedničkom razvijanju i pripremi obrazovnog gradiva prilagođenog specifičnim ekološkim, tehnološkim, socijalnim i ekonomskim uvjetima pojedinih zemalja. Razvijena su 14 modula: (i) ekološka poljoprivreda –osnove, (ii) EU i poznavanje nacionalnih kultura, (iii) marketing, kontrola kakvoće, komunikacijske vještine, (iv) znanja na području savjetodavanja, (v) biljna proizvodnja, (vi) stočarstvo, (vii) zaštita bilja, (viii) požetvene tehnologije, skladištenje i prerada, (ix) hortikultura, (x) legislativa i programi u poljoprivredi, (xi) preusmjerenje na ekološku poljoprivredu, (xii) management ekoloških gospodarstava, (xiii) kontrola i certificiranje, (xiv) plodnost tla, gnojidba i kompost. Program obrazovanja traje između 14 tjedana do 6 mjeseca ovisno o prethodnom obrazovanju i znanju. Sudionici imaju on-line vezu sa studijskim gradivom i mogu tjedno dobivati novo gradivo. Testovima se tjedno provjerava njihovo znanje i nastavnici redovito provjeravaju njihov rad. Na kraju dobivaju certifikat koji dokazuje, da su program e-obrazovanja uspješno završili
Agronomske značilnosti, potencialna raba in kakovost pridelka zrnatega ščira Amaranthus cruentus L.
The present thesis is based on a survey of literature on grain amaranth (i)an experiment aimed at defining allelopathic potential of grain amaranth (ii)pot experiments conducted to determine the effect of various soil and climatic conditions on percentage of live seed emergence (PLSE) and seedling weight of four amaranth species (iii)a pot experiment conducted to study the effect of drought – induced at different phenological stages – on growth, yield performance, and leaf gas exchange (iv)a four-year field experiment conducted to investigate the effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilisation on yields, protein content and amino acid composition (v)and on experiments with various amaranth-containing composite flours conducted to evaluate the rheological properties of dough (vi), and baking performance and sensory characteristics of resulted breads (vii). The survey of literature summarizes grain amaranth importance, botany, nutritive value and properties of crop processed as food (i). The seeds of garden cress were germinated with aqueous extracts of pigweed (A. retroflexus) and grain amaranth prepared from fresh roots, stems, leaves, and inflorescence with seeds, used either undiluted or at varying concentrations (ii). Although all the extracts delayed germination, leaf extracts of both species and inflorescence extracts of grain amaranth proved the most potent. Compared to pigweed, grain amaranth, which is known for its phytotoxic activity, exerted an even stronger inhibitory effect. The results of pot experiments (iii) revealed that the 15 mm sowing depth gave the highest seedling weight on sand and the highest PLSE on loam. A. caudatus gave the highest PLSE whereas A. cruentus gave the lowest PLSE but the heaviest seedlings. PLSE was severely reduced on the loam where topsoil crusting occurred after a decrease in soil moisture content, but not on the silt loam even when dry conditions were maintained throughout the experiment. PLSE was above 80 % with temperatures > 21 °C. Light regime with 12 h illumination gave the highest PLSE. In the greenhouse pot experiment (iv) amaranth plants were exposed to different soil water regimes: constant adequate moisture (W1), drought throughout the growing period (W2), drought initiated at crop inflorescence formation (W3), drought until inflorescence formation (W4), and drought from the beginning of inflorescence formation to the beginning of flowering (W5). Water shortage during inflorescence formation (W3 and W5) appeared to be critical, but soil drying after sowing until the beginning of inflorescence formation (W4) showed a pronounced ability to restore net photosynthesis, and provoke and improve the assimilate allocation to the aboveground biomass, particularly grain. In the field experiment (v) two sowing dates, May and June, and three target levels of soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin) were tested. There was a lower grain yield, higher protein content in grain, and lower EAA in grain protein of plants sown in June. Nmin target value of 140 kg N ha–1 raised grain yield, protein concentration in grain, and maintained the content of EAA in protein. The composite flours were made by mixing 0, 10, 20, and 30 % (w/w) wholegrain amaranth flours with refined wheat, refined spelt, or wholegrain spelt as basic flours. By increasing the amaranth replacement ratio, the gelatinisation temperature, water absorption, development time, and stability increased, whereas the dough softening was only slight. The amaranth addition strengthened the dough (vi). Composite breads made with 10 % amaranth flour had higher (refined wheat and spelt) or unaltered (wholegrain spelt) volume and specific loaf volume than sole basic flours. Samples made from refined spelt flour and samples with 10 % amaranth addition were considered as good, with slight deviation in quality (vii). According to the information obtained in the scope of investigation, grain amaranth is recognised as a perspective crop suitable for production of highly nutritive food also under our conditions.Doktorska disertacija vključuje sedem poglavij: pregled literature o zrnatem ščiru (i), poskus izveden z namenom preučiti alelopatski potencial zrnatega ščira (ii), lončni poskus izveden z namenom preučiti vpliv različnih talnih in klimatskih dejavnikov na odstotek vznika kalivih semen (PLSE) in maso vzniklih rastlinic štirih vrst zrnatega ščira (iii)lončni poskus izveden z namenom preučiti vpliv suše - inicirane v različnih razvojnih fazah ščira - na rast, pridelke in parametre fotosinteze (iv)štiriletni poljski poskus, v katerem je preučen vpliv roka setve in gnojenja z dušikom na pridelke, vsebnost beljakovin in aminokislinsko sestavo zrnja ščira (v) in poskuse z mešanimi mokami z različnim deležem zrnatega ščira, na katerih so preučene reološke lastnosti testa (vi) in pekovske ter senzorične lastnosti mešanih kruhov (vii). Pregled literature povzema pomen, botaniko, prehransko vrednost in lastnosti zrnatega ščira kot komponente v humani prehrani (i). Semena vrtne kreše so kalila z vodnimi ekstrakti iz svežih korenin, stebel, listov in socvetij s semeni plevelnega (A. retroflexus) in zrnatega ščira v različnih koncentracijah (ii). Čeprav vsi ekstrakti upočasnijo kalitev, imajo ekstrakti iz listov obeh testiranih vrst in ekstrakti socvetja zrnatega ščira izrazito negativni učinek na kalitev. V primerjavi s plevelnim ščirom, ki je znan po svoji fitotoksičnosti, deluje zrnati ščir celo bolj zaviralno. Rezultati lončnih poskusov (iii) kažejo, da je pri globini setve 15 mm masa sejancev največja na peščenih in PLSE najvišji na ilovnatih tleh. A. caudatus ima najvišji PLSE in A. cruentus najnižji PLSE ter sejance z najvišjo maso. PLSE je značilno znižan na ilovici, ko polni kapaciteti tal za vodo sledijo sušne razmere, vendar ne na meljastih tleh, kjer so sušne razmere vzdrževane ves čas trajanja poskusa. PLSE nad 80 % je dosežen pri temperaturah > 21 oC. Režim z 12-urno osvetlitvijo rezultira z najvišjim PLSE. V lončnem poskusu (iv) so bili v rastlinjaku preučevani različni režimi talne vlage: konstantna optimalna talna vlaga (W1) in konstantna suša skozi vso rastno dobo (W2), suša inicirana v fazi oblikovanja socvetja (W3), sušne razmere v fazah do oblikovanja socvetja (W4) in sušne razmere v obdobju od oblikovanja socvetja do začetka cvetenja (W5). Pomanjkanje vlage v fazi oblikovanja socvetja (W3 in W5) je za rast in razvoj ščira ključnega pomena, medtem ko ima pomanjkanje vode v vegetativnih fazah razvoja, ki mu sledi stanje optimalne talne vlage po oblikovanju socvetja (W4), za posledico obnovitev fotosintetske aktivnosti in izboljšano alokacijo asimilatov v nadzemne dele, predvsem v zrnje. V poljskem poskusu (v) je bil preučevan vpliv roka setve (maj, junij) in oskrbe posevka z dušikom (tri ciljne vrednosti talnega mineralnega dušika – Nmin). V primerjavi z majskimi setvami je pridelek zrnja junijskih setev nižji, vsebnost beljakovin in vsota esencialnih aminokislin v beljakovinah (EAA) pa višja. Gnojenje do Nmin ciljne vrednosti 140 kg N ha-1 ima za posledico višje pridelke zrnja, višjo koncentracijo beljakovin, na vsebnost EAA v beljakovinah pa ne vpliva. Osnovnim mokam (beli pšenični, ali beli in polnozrnati pirini moki) je bila, v različnih masnih deležih (0, 10, 20 in 30 %), dodana ekološko pridelana polnozrnata ščirova moka. S povečanjem deleža ščira se zviša temperatura zaklejitve, poveča se vpijanje vode, čas razvoja in stabilnost testa. Dodajanje ščirove moke poveča čvrstost testa (vi). V primerjavi s kruhi iz osnovnih mok imajo mešani kruhi z 10 % ščirove moke višji (bela pšenična in pirina moka) ali enak (polnozrnata pirina moka) volumen in specifični volumen. Kruhi iz bele pirine moke in kruhi z 10 % deležem ščirove moke so ocenjeni kot dobri, z rahlim odstopanjem v kakovosti (vii). Rezultati raziskav kažejo, da je zrnati ščir perspektivna rastlina za pridelavo visokokakovostne hrane, primerna za pridelavo tudi v naših razmerah
Exposure to Cattle Slurry of Different Concentrations Influence Germination and Initial Growth of Selected Grass and Legume Species
In addition to improving soil quality, the fertilisation of grassland with cattle slurry is often associated with seed dispersal. Most studies focus on the effects of cattle slurry on the germination and early development of weed species, but less is known about how slurry affects the germination process of grasses and forage legumes. The aim of Experiment I of our study was therefore to investigate the influence of soaking time in cattle slurry of different concentrations on Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis glomerata, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. Seeds were soaked in undiluted (100%) and diluted cattle slurries (50% and 25%) for 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days. Experiment II was conducted to study the initial growth of studied plants from seeds soaked in cattle slurry of different concentrations for 14 days. After the germination test, which was carried out under controlled conditions, the germination index (GI) was calculated. The results (Experiment I) show that a short soaking in cattle slurry (14 days) has no negative effect on the germination process for all species. However, a longer soaking resulted in significantly reduced and delayed germination, especially in undiluted slurry for grasses and diluted slurries for clovers. The slurry concentration (Experiment II) only influenced the root growth of L. multiflorum. Seedlings grown from seeds soaked in undiluted slurry had a 17% higher relative root length than the control and developed significantly longer root systems than the other two slurry concentrations
Strawberries from integrated and organic production
As the nutritional quality of food is becoming increasingly more important forconsumers, significant attention needs to be devoted to agricultural practices and their influences on the nutrient contents in food. The presentedinvestigation studied the mineral contents and antioxidant activitiesin the fruits of four organically-grown strawberry cultivars \u27St. Pierre\u27, \u27Elsanta\u27, \u27Sugar Lia\u27 and \u27Thuchampion\u27 when compared to those of integrated-grown plants. The strawberries were digested and analyzed for K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn using an atomic absorption spectrometer, whilst P was analyzed using a vanadate-molybdate method. In addition, antioxidant activity was estimated by using the ABTS assay. The results showed that the mineral contents and antioxidant activities in strawberries depends on the cultivar, and its production system. Organically-grown fruits showed higher antioxidant activities and Cu content than the integrated fruits, whilst the integrated fruits were superior in their contents of P, K, Mg, Fe and Mn. All the cultivars showed similar Zn content, probably reflecting the fact that the Zn content in strawberries does not depend on the cultivar.Hranilna vrednost živil postaja za potrošnike vedno bolj pomembna, zato je potrebno nameniti pozornost načinom pridelave in njihovim vplivom na vsebnost različnih hranil v živilih. Raziskovali smo vsebnost mineralov in antioksidativni potencial štirih ekološko pridelanih kultivarjev jagod »St. Pierre«, »Elsanta«, »Sugar Lia« in primerjali vrednosti z jagodami iz integrirane pridelave. Naredili smo kislinski razklop jagod in v raztopinah določili vsebnost K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu in Mn z atomsko absorpcijsko spektrometrijo. Vsebnost P smo določali po vanadat-molibdat metodi. Antioksidativni potencial ekstraktov jagod smo ocenili z ABTS metodo. Rezultati so pokazali, da je na vsebnost mineralov in na antioksidativni potencial vplival kultivar in način pridelave. Ekološko pridelane jagode so imele višji antioksidativni potencial in višjo vsebnost Cu, medtem ko so jagode iz integrirane pridelave vsebovale več P, K, Mg, Fe in Mn. Vsi kultivarji so imeli podobno vsebnost Zn, kar nakazuje, da njegova vsebnost v jagodah verjetno ni odvisna od kultivarja
Grain amaranth as an alternative and perspective crop in temperate climate
As a consequence of globalisation and industrialisation of agriculture, global food security has become increasingly dependent on only a handful of fertilisation and energy high demanding plant species. This involution has increased the vulnerability of agriculture, reduced genetic diversity, provoked some environmental problems and impoverished the human diet. The mentioned facts stimulate the retrieving of alternative crops into the production. The present paper briefly describes crop importance, botany, nutritional value and utilisation of grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), one of the alternative crops discussed in the book Organic Production and Use of Alternative Crops. The immediate objective of this paper is to present information gained as a result of a national project on grain amaranth
Ecological efficiency of production and the ecological footprint of organic agriculture
The rising energy prices and climatic changes have intensified the search for alternative farming systems where energy consumption per unit would be lowered. A long-term field trial, started in 2007 at the University of Maribor, focuses on food quality and the ecological foot print of convential (CON), integrated (INT), organic (ORG) anf biodynamic (BD) systems in production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spelt (Triticum spelta L.), mainly due to the non-use of external synthetic production factors. When yields are added to the equation, the ORG and BD systems emerge also as more efficient per unit of land area. Thus, the ORG and BD system present viable alternatives for reducing the impact of agriculture on climate change, while ensuring a more sustainable food security