43 research outputs found

    Prinos zelene mase, sjemena i ostalih komponenata uroda stočnog graška (Pisum sativum L.) u zavisnosti od agroekoloških uvjeta i starosti sjemena

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    The goal of the research was to determine the influence of two locations (Osijek and Vinkovci) and seed age on field germination, vegetative mass and dry matter of vegetative mass yields, grain yield, 1000 grain weight and grain crude protein yield of foreign spring field pea cultivar (Timo) during two successive years (2004 and 2005). The year has significantly influenced the grain yield, and the location influenced the grain yield and 1000 grain weight. In the first year of research, the greater grain yield by 70 % was accomplished on Osijek location, and in the second year it almost doubled. 1000 grain weight was by 19 % greater in the second year of research on Osijek location in relation to Vinkovci location. The same cultivar seed stored for 9 and 21 months were sown on both locations in the second year of investigation. Field germination of 9 month old seed was for 12.1 % greater than 21 month old seed. Seed maturity and location interaction was significant (p=0.05) for vegetative mass yield, dry matter of vegetative mass yield, grain yield and grain crude protein yield.Tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine istraživan je utjecaj agroekoloških uvjeta i starosti sjemena na poljsko nicanje, prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari nadzemne vegetativne mase, prinos zrna, masu 1000 zrna i prinos sirovih bjelančevina zrna inozemnog jarog stočnog kultivara graška (Timo) na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske (Osijek i Vinkovci). Godina je značajno utjecala na prinos zrna, a lokacija na prinos i masu 1000 zrna. U prvoj godini istraživanja ostvaren je za 70 % viši prinos zrna na lokaciji Vinkovci, dok je u drugoj godini gotovo dvostruko viši prinos zrna ostvaren na lokaciji Osijek. Masa 1000 zrna u drugoj godini istraživanja bila je za 19 % veća na lokaciji Osijek, a interakcija godine i lokacije značajna. Sjeme istog kultivara skladišteno 9 i 21 mjesec posijano je na obje lokacije u drugoj godini istraživanja. Poljsko nicanje sjemena starog 9 mjeseci bilo je za 12,1 % više od poljskog nicanja sjemena starog 21 mjesec na obje lokacije. Interakcija starosti sjemena i lokacije bila je značajna (p=0,05) za prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari nadzemne vegetativne mase, prinos zrna, te prinos sirovih bjelančevina zrna


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    A research of seed storage period and storage temperature effects upon the seed quality and seedlings traits for the seeds of two perennial ryegrass cultivars (Bartwingo and Calibra) was conducted. Seeds were stored in hermetically sealed glass dishes at four different temperatures (room temperature about 21°C, 10°C, -20°C and -80°C) and for three different periods (9, 18 and 30 months). Upon completing the storage treatments the seed and seedling traits were tested by the rolled filter paper method. The research has revealed significant effects of storage temperature, storage period, cultivar and interactions upon all the investigated traits. The highest germination energy, germination and seedling plumule length were observed after the shortest (9-month) storage period, and the least after the longest (30-month) storage period. Seedling radicule was longest after 18-month storage period and shortest after 30 months. All the investigated traits had the highest values when seeds were stored at -80°C, and the least when the seeds were stored at room temperature. Cultivar Bartwingo has shown a greater germination energy and germination but Calibra has shown a greater seedling radicule and plumule length.Istraživanje utjecaja dužine i temperature skladištenja na svojstva sjemena i klijanaca engleskoga ljulja provedeno je sa sjemenom dva kultivara (Bartwingo i Calibra). Sjeme je pohranjeno u hermetički zatvorene staklene posude na sobnoj temperaturi te na 10, -20 i -80°C. Navedena svojstva mjerena su nakon 9, 18 i 30 mjeseci skladištenja metodom rolanoga filter papira. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj temperature, dužine skladištenja i kultivara te njihove interakcije za sva isptivana svojstva. Najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena te dužinu stabljike dobivene su nakon 9 mjeseci skladištenja, a najmanje nakon 30 mjeseci. Korijen klijanaca bio je najduži nakon 18, a najkraćinakon 30 mjeseci skladištenja. Sva ispitivana svojstva imala su najveće vrijednostiskladištenjem na -80°C, a najmanje na sobnoj temperaturi. Kultivar Bartwingo imao je veću energiju klijanja i klijavost, a Calibra dužinu korijena i klijanaca

    Effect of pH on α-Amylase Activity and Early Seedling Growth of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    The pH of the surrounding media is one of the environmental factors that can severely limited legume growth and development. We preliminary examined the effect of four pH levels of germination media (4, 5, 6 and 7) on α-amylase activity, seed germination and radicle length of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and traits correlations to evaluate the significance of obtained relationships in development of an screening method for pH tolerance in the earliest phases of plant growth. The pH of germination media significantly affected red clover α-amylase activity (P<0.01), germination (P<0.05) and radicle length (P<0.05).The overall α -amylase activity was higher at 5 and 6 of pH than at pH 4 and 7. The activity of α -amylase at the same pH was most intensive during the first two days of germination. The highest seed germination percentage was found at pH 5. Length of radicle was higher at pH 5 and 6 than at 4 and 7. The occurrence of positive correlations (P<0.01) among tested traits suggested that the α-amylase activity might serve as a parameter for the pH tolerance testing


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    Provedeno je preliminarno istraživanje na dvije lokacije istočne Hrvatske s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja kultivara, inokulacije sjemena i navodnjavanja na poljsko nicanje, broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna po mahuni, masu 1000 zrna, prinos zrna i sadržaj bjelančevina u zrnu. Značajnost učinaka ispitivanih faktora na istraživana svojstva bila je različita. Različita je bila i značajnost interakcija ispitivanih faktora. Podaci pokazuju da postoji mogućnost povećanja prinosa i kvalitete krmnog graška primjenom adekvatne agrotehnike, a prije svega inokulacije sjemena i navodnjavanja.Preliminary field research was conducted at two locations of East Croatia in order to determine the impact of cultivar, seed inoculation and irrigation on field emergence, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 1000 grain mass, grain yield and seed protein content. Significance of tested factor effects on investigated traits varied. Differences in significance of tested interactions were also found. Results indicate that there is a possibility that the yield and quality of field pea may increase by applying appropriate agrotechnical measures and above all seed inoculation and irrigation


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    Stabilna i visoka proizvodnja sjemena ključna je za učinkovitu raspodjelu i širenje novih sorti u širokoj proizvodnji. Isto se odnosi i na lucernu iako je ona prvenstveno voluminozna kultura. Cilj ovog rada bio je kod osam populacija lucerne visoke agronomske vrijednosti, izabranih nakon trogodišnjeg praćenja važnih gospodarskih svojstava, utvrditi variranja prinosa i komponenti prinosa sjemena, proučiti odnose između istraživanih svojstava, te izdvojiti populacije s povećanim genetskim potencijalom za prinos sjemena. Istraživanje je provedeno na Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek tijekom 2007. godine. Proučavane populacije lucerne značajno su varirale u visini biljaka, broju grana i cvata po stabljici, broju mahuna i sjemenki po cvatu, broju sjemenki po mahuni, masi sjemena po cvatu i prinosu sjemena po biljci. Razlike između populacija za svojstva broj stabljika po biljci i masa 1000 zrna nisu dobivene. Postojala je značajna varijabilnost za većinu ispitivanih svojstava, osim za visinu biljaka i masu 1000 zrna. Utvrđene su pozitivne korelacijske veze između prinosa i komponenti prinosa sjemena, što ukazuje na mogućnost poboljšanja prinosa sjemena korištenjem pojedinih komponenti kao selekcijskog kriterija u oplemenjivačkom procesu. Populacija PL-6 je imala najveći broj stabljika po biljci (79,50) i cvata po stabljici (19,30) te najvišu visinu biljaka (106,80 cm). Populacijom PL-3 ostvaren je najveći broj mahuna po cvatu (11,50), sjemenki po cvatu (37,81) i sjemenki po mahuni (3,14), te najveća masa sjemena po cvatu (0,079 mg) i prinos sjemena po biljci (40,07 g). Visoke prosječne vrijednosti prinosa i komponenti prinosa sjemena postigle su i PL-6 te PL-07. Populacije PL-3, PL-6 i PL-7 mogu se izdvojiti kao populacije s povećanim genetskim potencijalom za prinos sjemena.stable and high seed production is crucial for effective distribution and expansion of new cultivars to a wide production. This is also true for alfalfa, although alfalfa is primarily considered a voluminous crop. The aim of this study was to determine variation of seed yield and seed yield components of eight alfalfa populations of high agronomic value selected after three years of testing for important agronomic traits, to estimate correlations among investigated traits, and to select populations with higher genetic potential for seed yield. Investigation was carried out at the Agricultural Institute Osijek during 2007. Investigated alfalfa populations significantly varied in plant height, number of branches and inflorescences per stem, number of pods and seeds per inflorescence, number of seeds per pod, seed weight per inflorescence and seed yield per plant. Differences among populations for the traits of stem number per plant and 1000 seed weight were not significant. High variability for the most of investigated traits, with exception of plant height and 1000 seed weight, was recorded. Estimated positive correlations among seed yield and seed yield components indicated possibilities for improving seed yield by using a particular component as a selection criterion in the breeding process. Population PL-6 had the highest number of stems per plant (79.50), inflorescences per stem (19.30), and plant height (106.80 cm). Population PL-3 realised the highest number of pods per inflorescence (11.50), seeds per inflorescence (37.81), seeds per pod (3.14), seed weight per inflorescence (0.079 mg), and seed yield per plant (40.07 g). High mean values of seed yield and seed yield components were also found for PL-6 and PL-7. Populations PL-3, PL-6 and PL-7 may be selected as populations with high genetic potential for seed yield


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    Produkcija nadzemne biomase tri kultivara bijele djeteline različitoga podrijetla (Jura, Regal i Rivendel ) ispitivana je na dva tla s pH vrijednostima 5,61 i 6,27 te supstratu s pH 7,56. Kod biljaka starih 30 dana utvrđena je ukupna nadzemna biomasa, masa listova i stolona, omjer list/stolona te sadržaj suhe tvari u listovima i stolonama. Dobiven je značajan utjecaj tla na sva ispitivana svojstva osim za omjer list/stolona, sadržaj suhe tvari u listovima i stolonama. U prosjeku za kultivare, biljke su se najbolje razvijale na tlu s pH 6,27, a najlošije na supstratu. Kultivari su se značajno razlikovali u svim ispitivanim svojstvima, osim u omjeru list/stolona. Kultivar Regal ostvario je najniže vrijednosti za većinu ispitivanih svojstava kultivara. Kultivari Jura i Rivendel razlikovali su se u sadržaju suhe tvari u listovima.Above-ground biomass production of three white clover cultivars with different origin (Jura, Regal and Rivendel ) was investigated on two soils with 5.61 and 6.27 pH values and at substrate with pH 7.56. Total above-ground biomass, leaf and stolon mass, leaf/stolon ratio and dry matter content of leaf and stolon were evaluated on 30 days old plants. Significant influence of soil was found for all investigated traits with exceptions of leaf/stolon ratio and dry matter content of stolon. On the cultivars average plant development was the best on the soil with pH 6.27, and worse at substrate. Cultivars significantly differed in all investigated traits with exception of leaf/stolon ratio trait. Cultivar Regal obtained the lowest values of most of the investigated traits. Cultivars Jura and Regal differed from each other in dry matter content of leaf


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    Cilj rada bio je procijeniti utjecaj genotipa, temperature i pH na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena, te dužinu korijena i hipokotila klijanaca tri kultivara lucerne (Slavonka, Stela i Vuka), sa svrhom procjene mogućnosti izbora genotipova za sjetvu na tlima s različitim pH i pri različitim temperaturama u najranijim fazama razvoja. Pokus je postavljen u četiri ponavljanja na dvije temperature: 20oC; 10oC i dvije razine pH: 7,25; 5,05. Značajna razlika utvrđena je između genotipova za svojstvo dužine korijena (p=0,01). Razlike u energiji klijanja i dužini hipokotila na različitim temperaturama bile su značajne (p= 0,01). Značajnost pH utvrđena je za svojstva dužine korijena i hipokotila (p=0,01 i p=0,05). Interakcija genotip x temperatura bila je značajna za sva proučavana svojstva (p=0,01 i p=0,05), dok je interakcija genotip x pH utvrđena za dužinu hipokotila (p=0,01). Dužina korijena bila je značajno niža kod kultivara Slavonka (2,16 cm) i značajno viša kod kultivara Stela (2,83 cm). Energija klijanja bila je značajno viša pri 20oC, dok je dužina hipokotila bila značajno niža pri istoj temperaturi. Dužina korijena i hipokotila bili su značajno viši kod pH razine 5,05. Rezultati ukazuju da interakcija genotipa i temperature u najvećoj mjeri utječe na najraniji porast lucerne. Premda je razina pH utjecala na rast klijanaca potrebna su dodatna istraživanja da bi se moglo procijeniti postoji li mogućnost izbora genotipova za sjetvu na tlima s različitim pH u stadiju klijanja sjemena.The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of genotype, temperature and pH values on germination energy, seed germination, and root and hypocotil length of seedlings of three alfalfa cultivars (Slavonka, Stela and Vuka) with the aim to assess possibilities for choosing suitable genotypes for sowing in the soil of different pH and temperature levels in the earliest stages of development. The experiment was set up in four replications at two levels of temperature: 20°C and 10°C, and two pH levels: 7.25 and 5.05. A significant difference in genotypes was determined for root length (p=0.01). Differences in energy of germination and hypocotil length at different temperatures were found to be significant (p= 0.01). Significance of pH was determined for root and hypocotil length (p=0.01 and p=0.05). Interaction genotype x temperature was significant in all traits tested (p=0.01 and p=0.05), with interaction genotype x pH determined for hypocotil length (p=0.01). Root length was significantly lower in the Slavonka cultivar (2.16 cm) and significantly higher in the Stela cultivar (2.83 cm). Energy of germination was significantly higher at 20°C, with hypocotil length significantly lower at the same temperature. Root and hypocotil lenght were significantly higher at pH level of 5.05. The results show that interaction of genotype and temperature influence to the fullest extent the earliest growth of alfalfa. Though pH level influenced seedlings growth, further examinations are needed to assess possibilities for choosing genotypes for sowing in the soil of different pH levels at the stage of seed germination

    Evaluation of state and possibilities of forage crops seed production in the Republic of Croatia

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    Cilj rada bio je analizirati postojeće stanje proizvodnje sjemena krmnog bilja u proteklom petogodišnjem razdoblju (2000./01.-2004./05.) i procjeniti mogućnosti te proizvodnje u Republici Hrvatskoj. U 2005. godini ukupne količine deklariranog sjemena krmnog bilja povećale su se u odnosu na 2001. godinu za 367 143,7 kg, tj. za 23,41%. Istodobno, udio količina deklariranog sjemena domaćih kultivara se smanjio s 24,81 na 17,70%. Od ukupno 41 različite biljne vrste krmnog bilja čije se sjeme može naći na tržištu, 16 je moguće umnožavati sjemenom domaćih kultivara. No, u 2005. godini, u odnosu na 2001. godinu, udio količina sjemena domaćih kultivara u ukupnoj količini deklariranog sjemena se smanjio za 10 od 16 navedenih biljnih vrsta, i to za od 8,49 (Trifolium pratense L.) do 45,00% (Phleum pratense L.). Rezultati ukazuju da nacionalni program proizvodnje sjemena krmnog bilja nije razrađen, niti u organizacijskom, niti i u financijskom pogledu. Prema zasijanim površinama i udjelu na oranicama i vrtovima proizvodnja krmnog bilja se nalazi odmah iza proizvodnje žitarica. Klimatski uvjeti za proizvodnju sjemena krmnih kultura su odgovarajući. Glede toga, mogućnosti za proizvodnju sjemena krmnog bilja su dobre. Za rješavanje postojećih problema potrebna je prilagodljiva strategija razvitka koja će ojačati proizvodnju sjemena krmnog bilja na bazi potrebne proizvodnje krmnog bilja i unaprijediti područja od edukacije, organizacije i unapređenja metoda proizvodnje do razvoja sustava potpore i tržišta.The aim of the paper was to analyse the present state of forage crops seed production in the last five years period (2000/2001-2004/2005), and to evaluate the possibilities of that production in the Republic of Croatia. In 2005, compared with 2001, a total amount of declarated forage crops seed was increased for 367 143.7 kg, i.e. 23.41%. At the same time, the share of declarated amount of domestic cultivars seed decreased from 24.81 to 17.70%. Of 41 different plant species of forage crops whose seed was declarated, for 16 is possible to multiply seed by domestic cultivars. But from 2001 to 2005 the share of declarated amount of domestic cultivars seed for 10 of 16 mentioned plant species was decreased from 8.49 (Trifolium pratense L.) to 45.00% (Phleum pratense L.). Data indicated that the national forage crops seed production program has not been fully designed either in the organizational or financial aspect. The areas of arable land and gardens under forage crops stands follow the areas under cereals. Climatic conditions for forage crops seed production are adequate. Therefore, there are good possibilities for forage crops seed production. Adjustable strategy of development could improve the forage crops seed production at the base of required forage crops production and enhance the areas from education, organization, and production methods improvement to system of subsidies and market development