
Cilj rada bio je procijeniti utjecaj genotipa, temperature i pH na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena, te dužinu korijena i hipokotila klijanaca tri kultivara lucerne (Slavonka, Stela i Vuka), sa svrhom procjene mogućnosti izbora genotipova za sjetvu na tlima s različitim pH i pri različitim temperaturama u najranijim fazama razvoja. Pokus je postavljen u četiri ponavljanja na dvije temperature: 20oC; 10oC i dvije razine pH: 7,25; 5,05. Značajna razlika utvrđena je između genotipova za svojstvo dužine korijena (p=0,01). Razlike u energiji klijanja i dužini hipokotila na različitim temperaturama bile su značajne (p= 0,01). Značajnost pH utvrđena je za svojstva dužine korijena i hipokotila (p=0,01 i p=0,05). Interakcija genotip x temperatura bila je značajna za sva proučavana svojstva (p=0,01 i p=0,05), dok je interakcija genotip x pH utvrđena za dužinu hipokotila (p=0,01). Dužina korijena bila je značajno niža kod kultivara Slavonka (2,16 cm) i značajno viša kod kultivara Stela (2,83 cm). Energija klijanja bila je značajno viša pri 20oC, dok je dužina hipokotila bila značajno niža pri istoj temperaturi. Dužina korijena i hipokotila bili su značajno viši kod pH razine 5,05. Rezultati ukazuju da interakcija genotipa i temperature u najvećoj mjeri utječe na najraniji porast lucerne. Premda je razina pH utjecala na rast klijanaca potrebna su dodatna istraživanja da bi se moglo procijeniti postoji li mogućnost izbora genotipova za sjetvu na tlima s različitim pH u stadiju klijanja sjemena.The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of genotype, temperature and pH values on germination energy, seed germination, and root and hypocotil length of seedlings of three alfalfa cultivars (Slavonka, Stela and Vuka) with the aim to assess possibilities for choosing suitable genotypes for sowing in the soil of different pH and temperature levels in the earliest stages of development. The experiment was set up in four replications at two levels of temperature: 20°C and 10°C, and two pH levels: 7.25 and 5.05. A significant difference in genotypes was determined for root length (p=0.01). Differences in energy of germination and hypocotil length at different temperatures were found to be significant (p= 0.01). Significance of pH was determined for root and hypocotil length (p=0.01 and p=0.05). Interaction genotype x temperature was significant in all traits tested (p=0.01 and p=0.05), with interaction genotype x pH determined for hypocotil length (p=0.01). Root length was significantly lower in the Slavonka cultivar (2.16 cm) and significantly higher in the Stela cultivar (2.83 cm). Energy of germination was significantly higher at 20°C, with hypocotil length significantly lower at the same temperature. Root and hypocotil lenght were significantly higher at pH level of 5.05. The results show that interaction of genotype and temperature influence to the fullest extent the earliest growth of alfalfa. Though pH level influenced seedlings growth, further examinations are needed to assess possibilities for choosing genotypes for sowing in the soil of different pH levels at the stage of seed germination

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