474 research outputs found

    Plasma Modification of PCL Porous Scaffolds Fabricated by Solvent Casting/Particulate Leaching for Tissue Engineering

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    This study points out how the plasma modification of PCL porous scaffolds, produced by Solvent Casting/Particulate Leaching, may enhance their biocompatibility. A C2H4/N2 plasma deposition followed by a H2 plasma treatment was used to increase the hydrophilicity of the whole scaffold to support osteoblast cell proliferation, both outside and inside the scaffold. A better cell growth was obtained on plasma modified scaffolds.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Karyological data of four geophytes native to Tunisia

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    Chromosome numbers were studied in four geophytes collected in Tunisia. Allium pallens was collected from Zembra island, N of Tunisia, while Drimia purpurascens, Oncostema peruvianum and Pancratium foetidum from continental Tunisia. The chromosome numbers found for Allium pallens, Drimia purpurascens, and Oncostema peruvianum coincides with the previous reports obtained from other Mediterranean populations. The chromosome number 2n = 22, found on material from Toujane is the first reported for Pancratium foetidum

    Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. montis-scuderii (Asteraceae), a new endemic subspecies from Sicily (Italy)

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    Hieracium hypochoeroides subsp. montis-scuderii, a new subspecies endemic to Sicily, is described and illustrated. It is only known from the carbonate cliffs of Monte Scuderi (Peloritani Mountains, NE-Sicily). Informations on its ecology and taxonomic relationships are provided

    The prognostic importance of chronic end-stage diseases in geriatric patients admitted to 163 Italian ICUs

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    BACKGROUND: The number of elderly patients undergoing major surgical interventions and then needing admission to intensive care unit (ICU) grows steadily. We investigated this issue in a cohort of 232,278 patients admitted in five years (2011-2015) to 163 Italian general ICUs. METHODS: Surgical patients older than 75 registered in the GiViTI MargheritaPROSAFE project were analyzed. The impact on hospital mortality of important chronic conditions (severe COPD, NYHA class IV, dementia, end-stage renal disease, cirrhosis with portal hypertension) was investigated with two prognostic models developed yearly on patients staying in the ICU less or more than 24 hours. RESULTS: 44,551 elderly patients (19.2%) underwent emergency (47.3%) or elective surgery (52.7%). At least one severe comorbidity was present in 14.6% of them, yielding a higher hospital mortality (32.4%, vs. 21.1% without severe comorbidity). In the models for patients staying in the ICU 24 hours or more, cirrhosis, NYHA class IV, and severe COPD were constant independent predictors of death (adjusted odds ratios [ORs] range 1.67-1.97, 1.54-1.91, and 1.34-1.50, respectively), while dementia was statistically significant in four out of five models (adjusted ORs 1.23-1.28). End-stage renal disease, instead, never resulted to be an independent prognostic factor. For patients staying in the ICU less than 24 hours, chronic comorbidities were only occasionally independent predictors of death. CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms that elderly surgical patients represent a relevant part of all ICUs admissions. About one of seven bear at least one severe chronic comorbidity, that, excluding end-stage renal disease, are all strong independent predictors of hospital death

    Forest nurseries and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: the case of Sicily and Apulia (Italy)

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    In Italy, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) foresees the planting of ca. 6.6 million trees to establish urban and peri-urban forests in 14 metropolitan cities. This ambitious project requires a significant number of native trees and shrubs, currently unavailable in Italian public and private nurseries. This survey analyzes the state of forest nurseries in two administrative regions of southern Italy, i.e. the “Filici” forest nursery (province of Agrigento, Sicily) and the Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium (province of Foggia, Apulia), to evaluate the adequacy of Sicilian and Apulian forest nurseries as potential sources of plant material to meet the requirements of the NRRP. The census carried out at the “Filici” nursery revealed the presence of more than 22,000 seedlings in cultivation, comprising 55 species, 26 genera, and 26 families. The autochthonous species are 43 (78.2%), while the exotic ones are 12 (21.8%). The Gargano Mountain Reclamation Consortium forest nursery has 190,876 seedlings in cultivation. A total of 80 species are present, belonging to 59 genera and 32 families. Of these, 68 (85%) are native species, 12 (15%) are exotic. An analysis of the plant material being cultivated in these forest nurseries shows the presence of a share of autochthonous species of interest for urban reforestation initiatives, however these are still insufficient in number

    The effects of post-pasture woody plant colonization on soil and aboveground litter carbon and nitrogen along a bioclimatic transect.

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    We investigated the effects of woody plant colonization of abandoned pastures on soil and litter organic carbon (C) stocks and nitrogen (N) content along a bioclimatic transect in a semi-arid environment (Sicily, Italy). Soil samples were taken in three successional stages (grazed pasture, shrubland, forest) within each of three bioclimates (supramediterranean - \u201csupra\u201d, mesomediterranean - \u201cmeso\u201d, thermomediterranean - \u201cthermo\u201d). Organic C and N in litter and soil (0-10 cm and 10-30 cm depth) were determined, as well as soil bulk density. Especially at 0-10 cm depth, changes in C and N contents along successional stages differed among bioclimates. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock decreased from pasture to shrubland and increased from shrubland to forest in \u201csupra\u201d, increased from pasture to shrubland and then remained stable in \u201cthermo\u201d, and was stable in \u201cmeso\u201d. Soil C/N ratio decreased with succession in \u201csupra\u201d, showed no significant trend in \u201cmeso\u201d, and increased with succession in \u201cthermo\u201d. Litter C stock increased with succession in \u201cmeso\u201d, increased from pasture to shrubland and decreased from shrubland to forest in \u201cthermo\u201d, and increased from pasture to shrubland and then remained stable in \u201csupra\u201d. Litter C/N ratio increased in \u201cthermo\u201d and \u201csupra\u201d from pasture to shrubland and from shrubland to forest, but did not change significantly with succession in \u201cmeso\u201d. The different trends in SOC among bioclimates may be caused by changes in the importance of litter input, litter decay rate and mineralization. Successional changes in \u201cmeso\u201d and \u201csupra\u201d appeared to be most affected by litter quality, while those in \u201cthermo\u201d appeared to be strongly influenced by limited litter decay due to low soil moisture and high temperature

    Carbon input threshold for soil carbon budget optimization in eroding vineyards

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    Previous studies have documented that, relative to conventional tillage (CT), alternative soil management (reduced tillage, mulching, or cover crops) decreases soil erosion and increases soil organic matter (SOM) in vineyards. These previous studies, however, failed to consider the loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) with erosion that could occur with the adoption of agro-environmental measures (AEM) in a semiarid environment. Accordingly, the aims of this study were to determine whether changes in SOC content under AEM management are always positive and to develop a conceptual model for estimating the "SOC threshold". The SOC threshold was defined as that level of SOC in an AEM-managed vineyard above which erosion will result in greater loss of C than occur in a comparable vineyard with CT management. SOC was analyzed at a 100 paired sites (vineyards with AEM management vs. CT). The results showed that in some cases the loss of C was higher with AEM than with CT. Overall, the results indicate that the SOC threshold may be a key parameter in determining the best AEM measures for vineyards that are on slopes and therefore vulnerable to erosion

    Urgent need for preservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera) germplasm from small circum-Sicilian islands as revealed by SSR markers and traditional use investigations

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    Since the last decades grapevine germplasm is undergoing a process of rapid genetic erosion. This process is of particular concern in minor circum-Sicilian islands, because of the sharp reduction of the cultivated surfaces and the shift of their economy from agriculture to tourism. Aiming at valorising and preserving the surviving varieties we collected 185 accessions during several surveys since 2007. Six nuclear microsatellite markers were used for germplasm characterization, yielding 75 different genetic profiles. We found out that most genetic profiles (39) were not listed in national and international grapevine databases, confirming that the Sicilian minor islands represent underexplored hotspots of genetic diversity for grapevine. We also identified several synonymies, often due to geographic isolation, having 20 varieties at least two names. Conversely, 18 homonyms collectively indicated 34 genetically different accessions. Interviews with farmers provided information on current and past usage, and the origin and type of cultivation practices as well. The study also shows the urgent need for preservation of local grapevine germplasm, due to the disappearance of the elder caretakers of these traditional varieties. For rare germplasm preservation most part of the collected grapevine cultivars were introduced in an ex situ collection field

    Bone mineral as a drug-seeking moiety and a waste dump

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    Bone is a dynamic tissue with a quarter of the trabecular and a fifth of the cortical bone being replaced continuously each year in a complex process that continues throughout an individual’s lifetime. Bone has an important role in homeostasis of minerals with non-stoichiometric hydroxyapatite bone mineral forming the inorganic phase of bone. Due to its crystal structure and chemistry, hydroxyapatite (HA) and related apatites have a remarkable ability to bind molecules. This review article describes the accretion of trace elements in bone mineral giving a historical perspective. Implanted HA particles of synthetic origin have proved to be an efficient recruiting moiety for systemically circulating drugs which can locally biomodulate the material and lead to a therapeutic effect. Bone mineral and apatite however also act as a waste dump for trace elements and drugs, which significantly affects the environment and human health
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