12 research outputs found

    Semantic segmentation from limited training data

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    We present our approach for robotic perception in cluttered scenes that led to winning the recent Amazon Robotics Challenge (ARC) 2017. Next to small objects with shiny and transparent surfaces, the biggest challenge of the 2017 competition was the introduction of unseen categories. In contrast to traditional approaches which require large collections of annotated data and many hours of training, the task here was to obtain a robust perception pipeline with only few minutes of data acquisition and training time. To that end, we present two strategies that we explored. One is a deep metric learning approach that works in three separate steps: semantic-agnostic boundary detection, patch classification and pixel-wise voting. The other is a fully-supervised semantic segmentation approach with efficient dataset collection. We conduct an extensive analysis of the two methods on our ARC 2017 dataset. Interestingly, only few examples of each class are sufficient to fine-tune even very deep convolutional neural networks for this specific task.A. Milan, T. Pham, K. Vijay, D. Morrison, A.W. Tow, L. Liu, J. Erskine, R. Grinover, A. Gurman, T. Hunn, N. Kelly-Boxall, D. Lee, M. McTaggart, G. Rallos, A. Razjigaev, T. Rowntree, T. Shen, R. Smith, S. Wade-McCue, Z. Zhuang, C. Lehnert, G. Lin, I. Reid, P. Corke, and J. Leitne

    Положение, инструкции и правила. 1912 год

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    We present our approach for robotic perception in cluttered scenes that led to winning the recent Amazon Robotics Challenge (ARC) 2017. Next to small objects with shiny and transparent surfaces, the biggest challenge of the 2017 competition was the introduction of unseen categories. In contrast to traditional approaches which require large collections of annotated data and many hours of training, the task here was to obtain a robust perception pipeline with only few minutes of data acquisition and training time. To that end, we present two strategies that we explored. One is a deep metric learning approach that works in three separate steps: semantic-agnostic boundary detection, patch classification and pixel-wise voting. The other is a fully-supervised semantic segmentation approach with efficient dataset collection. We conduct an extensive analysis of the two methods on our ARC 2017 dataset. Interestingly, only few examples of each class are sufficient to fine-tune even very deep convolutional neural networks for this specific task

    As políticas públicas de ação afirmativa na educação e sua compatibilidade com o princípio da isonomia: acesso às universidades por meio de cotas para afrodescendentes Las políticas públicas afirmativas en educación y su compatibilidad con el principio de isonomía: acceso a las universidades por medio de cuotas para afrodescendientes The public policies of affirmative action on the education and its compatibility with the principle of isonomy: access to the universities by quotes for afro-descendents

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    O trabalho pretende analisar as políticas públicas de ação afirmativa na educação, considerando os aspectos relativos à legislação educacional e aos princípios constitucionais da isonomia, especialmente quanto ao acesso de afrodescendentes às universidades por meio de cotas. Enfatiza a problemática social da dificuldade dos afrodescendentes em virtude de desigualdades históricas, demonstrando que não se trata de política de discriminação e de favorecimento, mas de atendimento aos princípios constitucionais. Assim, apresenta uma evolução do princípio da isonomia, os elementos inerentes e o aspecto social e jurídico que permeia a temática. Para tanto, diferencia princípios de regras, previsão histórica, bem como os critérios adotados por Celso Bandeira de Mello para verificação da constitucionalidade das prerrogativas atribuídas aos afrodescendentes. Ao final, serão apresentadas algumas considerações no tocante às controvérsias existentes acerca do benefício social advindo das políticas públicas voltadas para as ações afirmativas na educação e o princípio da isonomia, realizando um cotejo entre o princípio da isonomia e acesso às universidades por meio de cotas.<br>El trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar las políticas públicas de acción afirmativa en la educación focalizando los aspectos relativos a la legislación educacional y a los principios constitucionales de la isonomía, especialmente en lo que se refiere al acceso de los afrodescendientes a las universidades por medio de cuotas. Enfatiza la problemática social de la dificultad de los afrodescendientes en virtud de desigualdades históricas, demostrando que no se trata de política de discriminación o beneficio sino de cumplimiento de principios constitucionales. Así, presenta una evolución del principio de isonomía, sus elementos inherentes y el aspecto social y jurídico que penetra y orienta la temática. Con tal objeto, diferencia principios de reglas, previsión histórica, así como los criterios adoptados por Celso Bandeira de Mello para verificación de la constitucionalidad de las prerrogativas atribuidas a los afrodescendientes. Al final, se presentan algunas consideraciones relacionadas con las controversias existentes acerca del beneficio social resultado de las políticas públicas orientadas para las acciones afirmativas en la educación y del principio de la isonomía y acceso a las universidades por medio de cuotas.<br>The work intends to analyze the public politics of affirmative action in education considering the aspects concerning the educational legislation and the constitutional principles of isonomy, especially in regard to the access of afro-descendants to the universities by means of quotes. It emphasizes the social problematic of afro-descendants' difficulty due to some historical inequalities, showing that they are not politics of discrimination and favoritism, but of attendance to constitutional principles. Thus, it presents the evolution of the principle of isonomy, the inherent elements and the social and legal aspects that concern the thematic. Therefore, it differentiates principles from rules, historical forecast, as well as the criteria adopted by Celso Bandeira de Mello to verify the constitutionality of the prerogatives attributed to the afrodescendants. In the end, there are some considerations in regard to the controversies concerning the social benefit that arises from the public politics directed toward the affirmative actions in the education will be presented and the principle of isonomy, and a comparison between the principle of the isonomy and the access to the universities by means of quotes

    Advocacia em saúde no Brasil contemporâneo Health advocacy in contemporary Brazil

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    Apresenta-se o conceito de advocacia em saúde, por meio da descrição de seus elementos, sua prática e seus agentes. A necessidade da formulação de tal conceito surge da função que tem a universidade, entre outras, de identificar demandas sociais e oferecer alternativas que busquem a superação de obstáculos. A ênfase é centrada na participação social, assegurada na Constituição, promulgada em 1988, e que desde então tem sido tomada como referência no desenvolvimento dos mecanismos de construção da cidadania, especialmente quando relacionada à conquista do direito à saúde.<br>The concept of health advocacy is presented by means of a description of its elements, practice and agents. The need to formulate this concept derives from one of the main functions of the university: the identification of social demands and the presentation of alternatives that aim at eliminating obstacles to their fulfilment. Social participation, as guaranteed by the 1988 Constitution, understood as an opportunity for the development of mechanisms for the construction of citizenship, especially as related to the conquist of the right to health, is emphasized