33 research outputs found

    Data Mining Algorithms for Internet Data: from Transport to Application Layer

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    Nowadays we live in a data-driven world. Advances in data generation, collection and storage technology have enabled organizations to gather data sets of massive size. Data mining is a discipline that blends traditional data analysis methods with sophisticated algorithms to handle the challenges posed by these new types of data sets. The Internet is a complex and dynamic system with new protocols and applications that arise at a constant pace. All these characteristics designate the Internet a valuable and challenging data source and application domain for a research activity, both looking at Transport layer, analyzing network tra c flows, and going up to Application layer, focusing on the ever-growing next generation web services: blogs, micro-blogs, on-line social networks, photo sharing services and many other applications (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.). In this thesis work we focus on the study, design and development of novel algorithms and frameworks to support large scale data mining activities over huge and heterogeneous data volumes, with a particular focus on Internet data as data source and targeting network tra c classification, on-line social network analysis, recommendation systems and cloud services and Big data

    Self-Learning Classifier for Internet traffic

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    Network visibility is a critical part of traffic engineering, network management, and security. Recently, unsupervised algorithms have been envisioned as a viable alternative to automatically identify classes of traffic. However, the accuracy achieved so far does not allow to use them for traffic classification in practical scenario. In this paper, we propose SeLeCT, a Self-Learning Classifier for Internet traffic. It uses unsupervised algorithms along with an adaptive learning approach to automatically let classes of traffic emerge, being identified and (easily) labeled. SeLeCT automatically groups flows into pure (or homogeneous) clusters using alternating simple clustering and filtering phases to remove outliers. SeLeCT uses an adaptive learning approach to boost its ability to spot new protocols and applications. Finally, SeLeCT also simplifies label assignment (which is still based on some manual intervention) so that proper class labels can be easily discovered. We evaluate the performance of SeLeCT using traffic traces collected in different years from various ISPs located in 3 different continents. Our experiments show that SeLeCT achieves overall accuracy close to 98%. Unlike state-of-art classifiers, the biggest advantage of SeLeCT is its ability to help discovering new protocols and applications in an almost automated fashio

    Hierarchical Learning for Fine Grained Internet Traffic Classification

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    Traffic classification is still today a challenging prob- lem given the ever evolving nature of the Internet in which new protocols and applications arise at a constant pace. In the past, so called behavioral approaches have been successfully proposed as valid alternatives to traditional DPI based tools to properly classify traffic into few and coarse classes. In this paper we push forward the adoption of behavioral classifiers by engineering a Hierarchical classifier that allows proper classification of traffic into more than twenty fine grained classes. Thorough engineering has been followed which considers both proper feature selection and testing seven different classification algorithms. Results obtained over actual and large data sets show that the proposed Hierarchical classifier outperforms off-the-shelf non hierarchical classification algorithms by exhibiting average accuracy higher than 90%, with precision and recall that are higher than 95% for most popular classes of traffi

    Self-learning classifier for internet traffic

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    A method for classifying network traffic, including (1) processing a first working set portion of a flow batch for a first iteration by dividing the first working set portion into clusters and filtering a cluster by (i) identifying a first server port as most frequently occurring comparing to all other server ports in the cluster, (ii) in response to determining that a first frequency of occurrence of the first server port in the cluster exceeds a pre-determined threshold: (a) identifying the cluster as a dominatedPort cluster, (b) removing the cluster from the first working set portion to generate a remainder as a second working set portion, and (c) removing, from the cluster to be added to the second working set portion, one or more flows having different server port than the first server port, and (2) processing the second working set portion for a second iteration

    Analysis of Twitter Data Using a Multiple-level Clustering Strategy

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    Twitter, currently the leading microblogging social network, has attracted a great body of research works. This paper proposes a data analysis framework to discover groups of similar twitter messages posted on a given event. By analyzing these groups, user emotions or thoughts that seem to be associated with specific events can be extracted, as well as aspects characterizing events according to user perception. To deal with the inherent sparseness of micro-messages, the proposed approach relies on a multiple-level strategy that allows clustering text data with a variable distribution. Clusters are then characterized through the most representative words appearing in their messages, and association rules are used to highlight correlations among these words. To measure the relevance of specific words for a given event, text data has been represented in the Vector Space Model using the TF-IDF weighting score. As a case study, two real Twitter datasets have been analyse

    Unsupervised methodology to unveil content delivery network structures

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    A method for analyzing a content delivery network. The method includes obtaining network traffic flows corresponding to user nodes accessing contents from a set of servers of the content delivery network, extracting a timing attribute from each network traffic flow associated with a server, where the timing attribute is aggregated into a timing attribute dataset of the server based on all network traffic flows associated with the server, generating a statistical measure of the timing attribute dataset as a portion of a feature vector representing the server, where the feature vector is aggregated into a set of feature vectors representing the set of servers, analyzing the set of feature vectors based on a clustering algorithm to generate a set of clusters, and generating, based on the set of clusters, a representation of server groups in the content delivery network

    Misleading Generalized Itemset discovery

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    Frequent generalized itemset mining is a data mining technique utilized to discover a high-level view of interesting knowledge hidden in the analyzed data. By exploiting a taxonomy, patterns are usually extracted at any level of abstraction. However, some misleading high-level patterns could be included in the mined set. This paper proposes a novel generalized itemset type, namely the Misleading Generalized Itemset (MGI). Each MGI represents a frequent generalized itemset X and its set E of low-level frequent descendants for which the correlation type is in contrast to the one of X. To allow experts to analyze the misleading high-level data correlations separately and exploit such knowledge by making different decisions, MGIs are extracted only if the low-level descendant itemsets that represent contrasting correlations cover almost the same portion of data as the high-level (misleading) ancestor. An algorithm to mine MGIs at the top of traditional generalized itemsets is also proposed. The experiments performed on both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approac

    MAGMA network behavior classifier for malware traffic

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    Malware is a major threat to security and privacy of network users. A large variety of malware is typically spread over the Internet, hiding in benign traffic. New types of malware appear every day, challenging both the research community and security companies to improve malware identification techniques. In this paper we present MAGMA, MultilAyer Graphs for MAlware detection, a novel malware behavioral classifier. Our system is based on a Big Data methodology, driven by real-world data obtained from traffic traces collected in an operational network. The methodology we propose automatically extracts patterns related to a specific input event, i.e., a seed, from the enormous amount of events the network carries. By correlating such activities over (i) time, (ii) space, and (iii) network protocols, we build a Network Connectivity Graph that captures the overall “network behavior” of the seed. We next extract features from the Connectivity Graph and design a supervised classifier. We run MAGMA on a large dataset collected from a commercial Internet Provider where 20,000 Internet users generated more than 330 million events. Only 42,000 are flagged as malicious by a commercial IDS, which we consider as an oracle. Using this dataset, we experimentally evaluate MAGMA accuracy and robustness to parameter settings. Results indicate that MAGMA reaches 95% accuracy, with limited false positives. Furthermore, MAGMA proves able to identify suspicious network events that the IDS ignored