81 research outputs found

    Overview of the quality criteria for soil in the East European countries

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    W artykule przedstawiono kryteria określające jakość gleb, stosowane w krajach wschodnioeuropejskich. Odpowiednie wymogi różnią się w tych krajach w bardzo szerokim zakresie, chociaż wszystkie opierają się na naukowych podstawach oraz na praktycznym doświadczeniu. Niektóre standardy glebowe powiązane są z wymogami stawianymi wodom pitnym, chroniąc przed zanieczyszczeniem obydwa te środowiska. Przepisy stosowane w poszczególnych krajach dopuszczają jednak różne zawartości w glebach tych samych zanieczyszczających składników. Wszystkie kryteria dotyczące jakości gleb, stosowane w poszczególnych krajach wschodniej Europy, zostały w artykule dość szczegółowo przedstawione i krytycznie ocenione

    Vertical distribution patterns of trace and major elements within soil profile in Lithuania

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    The vertical distribution of the total contents assayed by Dc-Arc ES analysis of 28 trace elements and 6 major elements measured by ICP-MS within 53 complete soil profiles in Lithuania are presented. Models of the soil profiles were created, each having the master soil horizons A, E, B and C. Median values of elements in the master horizons of different texture were used in place of missing samples, while aberrant samples were discarded. The absolute average deviation () was taken to measure the variability of the data subsets and thus to check the reliability of location of the element contents within the soil profile. Within the context of the different actions of the various soil-forming processes (podzolization, lessivage, gleyfication, humification and so on) the general patterns of vertical element distribution were revealed. Element depletion is dominant in the soils of Lithuania. Themost easily removed are the alkaline elements Ca and Mg, while U, B, Th, As, Co, Cr, Sr, Y, Mo, La, Sc, Yb, Ti, P and K are depleted through the whole soil profile. Ag, Pb, Sn and Mn were defined as the accumulative elements in the surface A-horizon and might be influenced by anthropogenic or biogenic processes. A relative accumulation of Zr, Ba and Nb was observed in the surface A-horizon, and this seems to be related to the weathering of resistant minerals. Levels of Fe, Li, Al, V, Zn, Ga, Ni, Cu and Rb were ascribed to elements precipitated in the soil illuvial B-horizon due to soil formation processes. Na, K, Sr, B, U, As, Co Rb and Yb were found to be the most immobile elements within typical soil profiles, while Ag, Zn, Sc, Ba, Cu, Zr, Fe La, Th and Ca are themostmobile elements and affected by a variety of natural and human factors

    Chemical composition of soil and lake sediments - an indicator of geological processes in Lithuania

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    Long-term multipurpose geochemical studies in Lithuania show that the chemical composition of surface sediment can be used as an indicator of geological process: duration of weathering, soil formation and thickness of sediment. The chemical composition of upper and lower soil layers and of lake sediments gives information on past sedimentation: the type and age of Quaternary deposits and the location and depth of Pleistocene glaciolacustrine basins. We therefore have a baseline to predict changes in surface chemistry provoked by current anthropogenic pressures

    FOREGS Geochemical Mapping Field Manual

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    FOREGS Geochemical Baseline Programme (FGBP) This programme has been initiated to provide high quality environmental geochemical baseline data for Europe. The data will be based on samples of stream water, stream sediment, floodplain sediment, soil, and humus collected from all over Europe. High quality and consistency of the obtained data are ensured by using standardised sampling methods and by treating and analysing all samples in the same laboratories. The FGBP is authorised by the directors of the Geological Surveys within FOREGS (Forum of European Geological Surveys). The FGBP also represents the European contribution to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)/ International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry (IAGC) Working Group on Global Geochemical Baselines. The present report contains comprehensive instructions for sample site selection and sample collection. In addition, a summary of methods intended for sample preparation and analysis is included. Detailed descriptions of analytical methods used in FGBP will appear in a separate report