137 research outputs found
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The quality of meat products constitutes a major stake for all networks. It is considered as a mandatory pathway for food processors and retailers and a due for the consumers. The various food crises have questioned not only the approach of the intrinsic and extrinsic quality, but also the strategies of products / markets of the various actors of the meat networks. From the breeding to the food processing products, from retailing to consumption, the consumers express new expectations in terms of received and studied quality. Today, marketing can play an essential role in the perception and understanding of the quality approach with the actors of the network. This article tries to explain the marketing and commercial steps for the meat network.La qualitĂ© des produits carnĂ©s constitue un enjeu majeur pour lâensemble des filiĂšres. Elle est considĂ©rĂ©e comme un passage obligĂ© pour les industriels et les distributeurs et un dĂ» pour les consommateurs. Les diffĂ©rentes crises alimentaires ont remis en question non seulement lâapproche de la qualitĂ© intrinsĂšque et extrinsĂšque, mais Ă©galement les stratĂ©gies de produits/marchĂ©s des diffĂ©rents acteurs des filiĂšres carnĂ©es. De lâĂ©levage Ă la transformation des produits, de la commercialisation Ă la consommation, les consommateurs expriment de nouvelles attentes en termes de qualitĂ© perçue et recherchĂ©e. Aujourdâhui, le marketing peut jouer un rĂŽle essentiel dans la perception et la comprĂ©hension de la dĂ©marche qualitĂ© auprĂšs des acteurs de la filiĂšre. Cet article sâefforce dâexpliquer les dĂ©marches marketing et commerciales essentielles Ă la filiĂšre carnĂ©e
Analyse comparative des filiÚres viande, fruits et légumes et halieutique. Information et réassurance. COGEPECHE Phase 2. SynthÚse de résultats. Cellules Etudes et Transfert, PÎle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST
SynthĂšse de rĂ©sultats de la phase 2 du projet COGEPĂCHEAnalyse comparative des filiĂšres viande, fruits et lĂ©gumes et halieutique. Information et rĂ©assurance. COGEPECHE Phase 2. SynthĂšse de rĂ©sultat
Etude du marché français des algues alimentaires. Panorama de la distribution. Programme IDEALG Phase 2 - Programme IDEALG Phase 2. Les publications du PÎle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°36
Le projet IDEALG a pour objectif de dĂ©velopper la filiĂšre des macro-algues en France Ă travers de nombreux axes de recherche. Le PĂŽle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, sâintĂ©resse plus particuliĂšrement aux algues alimentaires françaises. La problĂ©matique dâĂ©tude traitĂ©e au sein du PĂŽle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST est donc la suivante : «Comment dĂ©velopper le marchĂ© des algues alimen-taires?».AprĂšs une Ă©tude nationale de la consommation, lâĂ©quipe du PĂŽle halieutique sâest intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă des questions de marchĂ©. Ce document prĂ©sente lâensemble des rĂ©sultats obtenus grĂące Ă une analyse de lâoffre en produits aux algues de 111 magasins physiques dispersĂ©s dans 7 villes françaises. Cette Ă©tude permet de faire un Ă©tat des lieux et une cartographie de la distribution des produits aux algues en France en 2014
Analyse comparative des filiĂšres des produits carnĂ©s et fruits et lĂ©gumes avec la filiĂšre halieutique par la mĂ©thode benchmarking. Rapport d'Ă©tude. Phase 2 du programme CogĂ©pĂȘche. Les publications du PĂŽle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°14
La filiĂšre des produits de la mer est actuellement dans une phase de rĂ©flexion concernant la valorisation des produits français. En effet, les quantitĂ©s dĂ©barquĂ©es diminuent et la filiĂšre, pour continuer de faire vivre tous ses acteurs, doit trouver de nouvelles voies de valorisation des produits. La mise en avant des qualitĂ©s intrinsĂšques et extrinsĂšques des produits, les modes de commercialisation et de relations entre acteurs sont des axes envisagĂ©s pour faire face Ă ce contexte difficile. Le programme CogĂ©pĂȘche a pour objectif dâamĂ©liorer la mise en marchĂ© des produits de la mer frais. Pour cela, une des Ă©tapes a consistĂ© Ă rĂ©aliser un benchmarking comparatif entre la filiĂšre halieutique et dâautres filiĂšres agro-alimentaires (produits carnĂ©s, fruits et lĂ©gumes). Lâobjectif principal de ce benchmarking est dâidentifier les bonnes pratiques des autres filiĂšres en termes de commercialisation et de mise en marchĂ© des produits, afin de proposer des recommandations Ă la filiĂšre des produits de la mer
Analyse de lâapprovisionnement et des relations entre acheteurs et vendeurs au sein de la filiĂšre pĂȘche en Bretagne : La grande distribution. Phase 2 du programme CogĂ©pĂȘche.
Le programme CogĂ©pĂȘche a Ă©tĂ© labellisĂ© par le PĂŽle Mer Bretagne en 2006. NĂ© dâune demande de la filiĂšre, par lâintermĂ©diaire de NormapĂȘche Bretagne, sa finalitĂ© est de proposer des outils et des innovations permettant dâamĂ©liorer la commercialisation des p roduits de la mer bretons. RĂ©alisĂ© par AGROCAMPUS OUEST , CogĂ©pĂȘche rĂ©unit Ă©galement plusieurs partenaires professionnels : producteurs, entreprises de commercialisation et de transformation d e produits de la mer. Ce programme a pour objectif dâapporter une vue dâensemble, une vision rĂ©gionale globale des attentes des consommateurs, du fonctionnement de la filiĂšre, de la mise en marchĂ© des produits de la mer, aspects qui sont autant de leviers sur lesquels il est possible dâagir pour proposer une meilleure v alorisation de la production bretonne de poisson frais. Ce projet a dĂ©butĂ© en 2008 et sâorganise en trois grandes phases sur une pĂ©riode de cinq an
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How to Reconceptualize Efficiency the Marketing of Seafood Products?
In front of new evolutions of purchasing behaviors, the seafood marketing has to adapt itself by integrating more services into products, a better dramatization, an recourse to new advertising and promotional instruments ⊠The supply not only has to adapt itself to the situational constraints of shoppers, but rethink its universe of consumption. The idea thus is to re-conceptualize the seafood products by moving closer them to a thematized offer. Currently, seafood products are divided into four universes in outlets, retailers or artisanal fishmongers: fresh deli, frozen, canned. These four universes are competitors when they should be complementary. The objective of the program COGEPECHE is to conceptualize the world of seafood to better promote this sector in meeting consumer expectations moment of consumption. A new division of the offer, based on "the need for units" allows us to offer commercial solutions for every consumer need. Creating consumer world is reflected in the reunification of all segments of the seafood (fresh, catering, canned, frozen) around the same dedicated space. This organization allows consumers to have a structured, clear and consistent supply in the same catchment area. This article presents the results of the program COGEPECHE from qualitative studies  (delphi, workshop, tests) proposing new plans of universe of seafood products. The first part of this article presents the business strategies of different French retailers. The second part proposes new reconceptualization concept of seafood products and the third part gives the main recommendation to sell most efficiency seafood products in retails and fishmongers.Proceedings of the Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, held July 11-15, 2016 at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Center (AECC), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
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Seafood Products Enhancement: The Case of Artisanal Fishing in France
Fishermen, who initially harvest the resource, usually content themselves with landing and selling the raw
material. It is the food processing industry, wholesalers, distributors and retailers that create added value from the fish by
transforming it or/and differentiating different types or quality grades.
Focussing upon Brittany, Normandy and the Channel coasts of Northern France, we observed that actors of the channel of
market could also play their part in adding value to seafood products.
A pilot study was made among 18 fishermen, 18 wholesale firms, 11 seafood products department supervisors in
supermarkets and hypermarkets and 37 fishmongers at the beginning of 1999. These 84 market studies focussed on the seven
methods used to add value: modification of fishing techniques; introduction of quality improvements; differentiation between
fish, shellfish and crustaceans; policies of certification or collective brands; economic integration in the sector; creation of
value added products; information and promotion to consumers.
After recalling the various reasons for adding value to seafood products, the results of our market study of 84 professionals
are presented in this paper
Etude du marchĂ© français des algues alimentaires Tome 2 : Catalogue et analyse des produits existants. IDEALG â Phase 2- Les publications du PĂŽle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST n°37
La consommation des algues alimentaires est un phĂ©nomĂšne Ă©mergeant en France et en Europe, notamment grĂące Ă la dĂ©mocratisation de la restauration japonaise et de la consommation de sushis . Cependant, le fait dâavoir trĂšs peu dâinformations sur la consommation dâalgues au niveau national est un frein pour les industriels de la filiĂšre des algues alimentaires. La problĂ©matique dâĂ©tude traitĂ©e au seindâAGROCAMPUS OUEST est donc la suivante : « Comment dĂ©velopper le marchĂ© des algues alimentaires ? Le PĂŽle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST, au sein du WP8 sâintĂ©resse plus particuliĂšrement au marchĂ© des algues alimentaires française
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Motivations and Needs of Consumers of Fresh Seafood Products in France: New Opportunities and Marketing Strategies
Since 2004, the French fishery field has had to cope with a levelling off of
consumption of fresh seafood products whereas the consumption of processed seafood
products is increasing. Nowadays, consumers prefer easier products: fresh deli products,
easy to cook or ready to consume. Therefore, fresh seafood products do not seem to
fulfil current consumer demand intrinsically (aspect, taste) and extrinsically (cooking
methods, use, origin, brand and price). In order to understand the evolution of
behaviour, motivation and consumersâ needs, several behavioural studies have been
conducted within the COGEPECHE research programme. In our article we focus on
three of them: focus groups, trade off and cognitive map.
This study has been carried out using an innovative methodology. First, focus groups
were organized to evaluate cognitive, emotional and prospective behaviours. Then, the
drivers and discriminate criteria of purchasing behaviour were analysed by the trade off
method. A cognitive map was created in order to understand consumer expectations
when purchasing seafood.
Such association allowed us to highlight consumersâ purchasing criteria (price,
freshness). However, dissonances have been shown between consumersâ declarations
and their behaviour. As a whole, these methods have pointed out the lack of consumersâ
knowledge about seafood products. Five general motives for seafood choices have been
noted: safety, pleasure, health, convenience and ethics.Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Markets and Trade, Fisheries EconomicsKeywords: Consumer Behavior, Markets and Trade, Fisheries Economic
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