10,116 research outputs found

    Construction of environmental knowledge: experiences from India

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    This paper explored key issues in how knowledge of the environment is constructed in the Third World. Drawing on which, it showed that there are both explicit and implicit ways in which this knowledge is contested. Particularly, it discussed how implicit forms of contestation are problematic in Third World economies because they are exclusionary and also where such issues become ‘headlines’ only after environmental damage and accompanying social injustices have resulted. It concludes by raising crucial questions for environmental research in the Third World where there is limited role of governments and communities in protecting their environment

    Reworking the Antonsen-Bormann idea

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    The Antonsen - Bormann idea was originally proposed by these authors for the computation of the heat kernel in curved space; it was also used by the author recently with the same objective but for the Lagrangian density for a real massive scalar field in 2 + 1 dimensional curved space. It is now reworked here with a different purpose - namely, to determine the zeta function for the said model using the Schwinger operator expansion.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics:Conference Series (2012

    India: Shadow WTO agricultural domestic support notifications

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    "In this study, we examined India's domestic support policies to understand their classification and measurement for the purposes of official World Trade Organization (WTO) notifications. We then employed the underlying methods to prepare shadow notifications of India's domestic support for 1998-2005. Following that, we explored alternative support-definition scenarios and their possible effects on shadow notifications. Preliminary support estimates for 2006-2007 and a projection for 2015 are also provided with a discussion on how the latest WTO (2008) draft modalities are likely to impact India's domestic support. India's official notifications began in 1995 with green box support of nearly US2billionandlimiteduseofspecialanddifferentialtreatment.Theproductspecificaggregatemeasureofsupport(AMS)wasnegativebecauseexternalreferencepriceswerelargerthanminimumsupportprices.NonproductspecificAMS,bywayoffertilizer,electricity,irrigation,credit,andseedsubsidies,accountedforabout7percentofthevalueofagriculturalproductionin1995.Insubsequentnotifications,for1996and1997,severalkeychangeswereobserved.Thefirstwasthetransferof80percentoffertilizer,irrigation,andelectricitysubsidiesfromnonproductspecificAMStospecialanddifferentialtreatmentoflowincomeandresourcepoorfarmers.ProductspecificAMSremainednegative,butthevalueofproductionwasreplacedbyeligibleproduction,whichwassetequaltoquantitiesprocuredbypublicagenciesin1996and1997.Shadownotifications,basedonourunderstandingoftheunderlyingmethods,showedthatgreenboxsupporthadgrowntonearlyUS2 billion and limited use of special and differential treatment. The product-specific aggregate measure of support (AMS) was negative because external reference prices were larger than minimum support prices. Nonproduct-specific AMS, by way of fertilizer, electricity, irrigation, credit, and seed subsidies, accounted for about 7 percent of the value of agricultural production in 1995. In subsequent notifications, for 1996 and 1997, several key changes were observed. The first was the transfer of 80 percent of fertilizer, irrigation, and electricity subsidies from nonproduct-specific AMS to special and differential treatment of low-income and resource-poor farmers. Product-specific AMS remained negative, but the value of production was replaced by eligible production, which was set equal to quantities procured by public agencies in 1996 and 1997. Shadow notifications, based on our understanding of the underlying methods, showed that green box support had grown to nearly US8.0 billion in 2005. Estimates of input subsidies to low-income and resource-poor producers declined between 1998 and 2002, but they amounted to about US4.5billionor4percentofthevalueofagriculturalproductionin2005.ProductspecificAMSremainednegativethrough2005mostlybecauseofthewidegapbetweenexternalreferencepricesandminimumsupportprices.NonproductspecificAMSaccountedforabout1percentoftheannualvalueofagriculturalproductionfor19982005.AlternativesupportdefinitionandmeasurementscenariosshowedapossibleincreaseinproductspecificAMS.However,reallocatinginputsubsidiesfromspecialanddifferentialtreatmenttononproductspecificAMSwouldonlyeliminatesomeoftheslackinthelattersdeminimisexemption.WithIndiasgeneralelectionsexpectedinearly2009,theimmediatefutureincludespopularpoliciessuchascreditsubsidiesandsignificantgrowthinminimumsupportprices.Nevertheless,nonproductspecificAMSwouldnotlikelyexceedthelimitsproposedintheDohaRound(thatis,10percentofvalueofproduction)evenwithpopularpolicies.However,productspecificAMSwouldturnpositive,especiallyincereals,withhighgrowthinsupportpricesandtheappreciationofRupeeasseeninrecentyears.Projectionsfor2015suggestthatdeminimisexemptionswouldbeaboutUS4.5 billion or 4 percent of the value of agricultural production in 2005. Product-specific AMS remained negative through 2005 mostly because of the wide gap between external reference prices and minimum support prices. Nonproduct-specific AMS accounted for about 1 percent of the annual value of agricultural production for 1998-2005. Alternative support-definition and measurement scenarios showed a possible increase in product-specific AMS. However, reallocating input subsidies from special and differential treatment to nonproduct-specific AMS would only eliminate some of the slack in the latter's de minimis exemption. With India's general elections expected in early 2009, the immediate future includes popular policies such as credit subsidies and significant growth in minimum support prices. Nevertheless, non-product-specific AMS would not likely exceed the limits proposed in the Doha Round (that is, 10 percent of value of production) even with popular policies. However, product-specific AMS would turn positive, especially in cereals, with high growth in support prices and the appreciation of Rupee as seen in recent years. Projections for 2015 suggest that de minimis exemptions would be about US16 billion each for product-specific and non-product-specific AMS, giving India ample flexibility in domestic support policies." from authors' abstractAgricultural policies, WTO Doha round, WTO compliance, Notification of domestic support, India agricultural support policies, Globalization, Markets,

    Macroprudential Approach to Regulation-Scope and Issues

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    This paper provides an overview of the Reserve Bank of India's approach to macroprudential regulation and systemic risk management, and reviews lessons drawn from the Indian experience. It emphasizes the need for harmonization of monetary policy and prudential objectives, which may not be possible if banking supervision is separated from central banks. It also notes that supervisors need to have the necessary independence and flexibility to act in a timely manner on the basis of available information. Macroprudential regulation is an inexact science with limitations and needs to be used in conjunction with other policies to be effective.macroprudential regulation; systemic risk management; monetary policy; banking supervision; central banks