95 research outputs found

    Dynamiques de pauvreté en milieu rural malgache

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    AprĂšs des dĂ©cennies de recul du PIB par habitant Ă  Madagascar, les annĂ©es 1990 ont renouĂ© avec la croissance. Cependant, les rĂ©percussions en milieu rural, notamment en ce qui concerne la pauvretĂ©, restent mal connues. L’article se propose donc d’étudier les dynamiques rurales de la pauvretĂ© Ă  Madagascar. Pour ce faire, deux types d’analyses complĂ©mentaires sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s : il s’agit, en premier lieu, de mener une comparaison temporelle des indicateurs monĂ©taires de pauvreté ; en second lieu, un accent particulier est mis sur l’identification des formes dynamiques de la pauvretĂ© (pauvretĂ© chronique et pauvretĂ© transitoire) et de leurs dĂ©terminants sur la base de donnĂ©es de panel. Il s’avĂšre que les Ă©volutions de la pauvretĂ© en milieu rural sont assez largement dĂ©connectĂ©es des tendances macroĂ©conomiques nationales (mis Ă  part pour l’annĂ©e 2002). Elles sont en outre diffĂ©renciĂ©es d’une zone rurale Ă  l’autre. Il apparaĂźt ainsi que les Ă©volutions de la pauvretĂ© s’expliquent majoritairement par la survenance de chocs positifs ou nĂ©gatifs localisĂ©s, soulignant la prĂ©caritĂ© des conditions de vie des mĂ©nages ruraux. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des formes de pauvretĂ©, bien qu’elle confirme des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales marquĂ©es dans la prĂ©dominance d’une forme de pauvretĂ© plutĂŽt que l’autre, met Ă©galement en exergue l’influence majeure des dotations en actifs (particuliĂšrement la dotation terrienne) et des moyens de protection vis-Ă -vis des alĂ©as (diversification des activitĂ©s et capital social notamment). After decades of decline of the GDP per capita in Madagascar, it increases at the end of the 1990’s. However, the effects on poverty, especially in rural Madagascar, are poorly documented. This paper proposes to study dynamic rural poverty in Madagascar following two types of complementary analyses: firstly, by carrying out a temporal comparison of poverty indicators; then, by identifying chronic poverty and transitory poverty and their determinants on the basis of panel data. We show that poverty evolution in rural Madagascar is rather disconnected from the national macroeconomic tendencies (aside for the year 2002). Moreover, they are differentiated from one rural zone to another. It appears that poverty evolution is mainly explained by localised shocks, emphasising the vulnerability of rural livelihoods. In addition, although the analysis of chronic and transitory poverty confirms local specificities, it also puts forward the major influence of shocks and protection with respect to risk. (Full text in french)

    Poverty dynamics in rural Madagascar: regularities and specificities at the regional level\r\n (In French)

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    Poverty is a temporal phenomenon and its evolutions have to be studied. Nevertheless, it is overall important to understand the working process which explains trajectories of poverty, at both levels of households and regional under-groups. Carrying out an applied study on rural Madagascar, the article shows that poverty dynamics can not be properly understood without a territorial approach.Chronic poverty, transitory poverty, regional dynamics, rural Madagascar

    Lack of opportunities and persistent poverty: income diversification in rural Madagascar (In French)

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    NAIn Madagascar, the inequalities gap between urban and rural areas implies to draft rural specific policies. Nevertheless, the only focusing on growth might have a limited impact on persistent poverty. All households have not the same capacity to catch new opportunities generated by growth, and those with weakest resources could be durably excluded. Thanks to an applied study on income diversification in rural Madagascar, this paper shows these households are unable to carry out forms of income diversification that protect from poverty. On the contrary, they are forced to choice diversification forms associated with chronic poverty.Income diversification ; risk coping strategies ; risk management strategies ; persistent poverty ; transitory poverty ; Madagascar ; Rural areas

    Lack of opportunities and persistent poverty:income diversification in rural Madagascar (In French)

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    In Madagascar, the inequalities gap between urban and rural areas implies to draft rural specific policies. Nevertheless, the only focusing on growth might have a limited impact on persistent poverty. All households have not the same capacity to catch new opportunities generated by growth, and those with weakest resources could be durably excluded. Thanks to an applied study on income diversification in rural Madagascar, this paper shows these households are unable to carry out forms of income diversification that protect from poverty. On the contrary, they are forced to choice diversification forms associated with chronic poverty.Income diversification, risk coping strategies, risk management strategies, persistent poverty, transitory poverty, Madagascar, Rural areas

    Social networks in the entrepreneurial career: life-stories analysis of informal entrepreneurs in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso) (In French)

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    This paper analyzes the evolution and transformation of social relations and networks of access to resources during the professional career of micro entrepreneurs in the informal African urban economy. Our analysis of social networks fits in the ‘structural embeddedness’ framework of Granovetter (1985) associated with a dynamic perspective of social relations. This perspective allows taking into account the temporal dimension of embeddedness, and its links with others social mediations, as communities, organizations and formal institutions. With such a view, embeddedness is analyzed with its reverse, the decoupling that is to say how actors and structures become independent from social relations (White, 1992). From a methodological standpoint, our analysis of life-stories of micro and small entrepreneurs of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso) combines qualitative and quantitative methods. It suggests that social networks and interpersonal relations of access to resources are constructed through a long-time process. Thus they can not be so easily and quickly mobilized by the entrepreneurs as it is sometimes suggested in social capital approaches. We then observe a co-construction phenomenon of social networks and activity that undermine the view of social capital as a substitute for lack of personal resources. The development and resilience of micro and small activities are directly linked to the professionalization and the stabilization of the network; and even the institutionalization of access to resources. However, it should not mask strong inequalities among entrepreneurs according to their initial social network and the dynamic of their business environment.Embeddedness, Social networks, Informal economy, Life-story analysis, Burkina-Faso

    Spécificités des dynamiques de pauvreté en milieu rural malgache

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    The thesis deals with the study of poverty dynamics in rural Madagascar from 1998 to 2002. Here, the poverty is approached as the result of a process to understand socio-economics dynamics. In addition, the extension of poverty field towards aspects that classical methods can not think properly implies to find new ones in order to have a global view of the phenomenon. So, the research is led using an original information system composed by: (i) an illustrative statistic information tool (Rural Observatories Network of Madagascar), able to express agro-economic heterogeneity of rural Madagascar; (ii) two qualitative surveys. Following the definition of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the explanation of their complementarities, different kinds of combination are used in order to bring methodological proposal that could answer the research needs. Then, the study puts into light the great diversity of situation concerning poverty in rural areas, and a relative disconnection from national economic cycles. Nevertheless, the strict focusing on global evolutions hides a variety of poverty forms. The distinction between chronic poverty and transient poverty specifies the results. Finally, the study is completed by the poverty process analysis to explain the impact of resource weakness and lack of opportunity on poverty dynamics. This point is treated in reference to the household's capacity to attempt a diversification portfolio that is more lucrative and offers a better risk management.La thĂšse porte sur l'Ă©tude des dynamiques de pauvretĂ© en milieu rural malgache sur la pĂ©riode 1998-2002. La pauvretĂ© est apprĂ©hendĂ©e comme le rĂ©sultat d'un processus dont il convient de comprendre les dynamiques socio-Ă©conomiques. Par ailleurs, l'extension du champ thĂ©matique de la pauvretĂ© vers des aspects rĂ©tifs aux mĂ©thodes conventionnelles nĂ©cessite un renouvellement mĂ©thodologique afin de mener une analyse globale du phĂ©nomĂšne. Le programme de recherche est donc conduit en mobilisant un systĂšme d'information original, composĂ© d'un outil d'information statistique illustratif (le RĂ©seau des Observatoires Ruraux de Madagascar), apte Ă  restituer l'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© agro-Ă©conomique des campagnes malgaches, et de deux enquĂȘtes qualitatives. AprĂšs avoir dĂ©fini les analyses qualitative et quantitative et mis en Ă©vidence leur complĂ©mentaritĂ© pour l'Ă©tude des dynamiques de pauvretĂ©, diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s de combinaison sont mises en Ɠuvre, de façon Ă  apporter des rĂ©ponses mĂ©thodologiques adaptĂ©es aux besoins de le recherche. Sur cette base, l'Ă©tude Ă©tablit la diversitĂ© de situation des zones rurales vis-Ă -vis de la pauvretĂ© et une dĂ©connexion relative par rapport aux cycles Ă©conomiques nationaux. Cependant, la seule prise en compte des Ă©volutions globales masque la diversitĂ© des formes de pauvretĂ© intertemporelles. La distinction entre la pauvretĂ© chronique, ou structurelle, et la pauvretĂ© transitoire, ou conjoncturelle, prĂ©cise les rĂ©sultats. Enfin, l'Ă©tude est complĂ©tĂ©e par une analyse en termes de processus pour comprendre comment la faiblesse des ressources et des opportunitĂ©s socio-Ă©conomiques se combinent pour expliquer les aspects intertemporels de la pauvretĂ©. La capacitĂ© des mĂ©nages Ă  opter pour des stratĂ©gies de diversification des activitĂ©s rĂ©munĂ©ratrices et offrant une protection efficace joue un rĂŽle central dans l'explication de la durabilitĂ© de la pauvretĂ©

    Base de données MAPNET (Mapping social networks in the South of Madagascar)

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    PRODUITS ET OUTILS INFORMATIQUES / Bases de donnĂ©es / Cohortes / 2019, Base de donnĂ©es MAPNET (Mapping social networks in the South of Madagascar), EnquĂȘte menĂ©e auprĂšs de 1200 mĂ©nages et 37 organisations locales sur 7 sites du Sud de Madagascar, projet coordonnĂ© par Claire Gondard-Delcroix, dans le cadre d'une expertise IRD menĂ©e pour le compte de la Banque mondialeEnquĂȘte menĂ©e auprĂšs de 1200 mĂ©nages et 37 organisations locales sur 7 sites du Sud de Madagascar, projet coordonnĂ© par Claire Gondard-Delcroix, dans le cadre d'une expertise IRD menĂ©e pour le compte de la Banque mondial
