22 research outputs found

    Associations of baseline use of biologic or targeted synthetic DMARDs with COVID-19 severity in rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician registry.

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate baseline use of biologic or targeted synthetic (b/ts) disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and COVID-19 outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: We analysed the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician registry (from 24 March 2020 to 12 April 2021). We investigated b/tsDMARD use for RA at the clinical onset of COVID-19 (baseline): abatacept (ABA), rituximab (RTX), Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi), interleukin 6 inhibitors (IL-6i) or tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi, reference group). The ordinal COVID-19 severity outcome was (1) no hospitalisation, (2) hospitalisation without oxygen, (3) hospitalisation with oxygen/ventilation or (4) death. We used ordinal logistic regression to estimate the OR (odds of being one level higher on the ordinal outcome) for each drug class compared with TNFi, adjusting for potential baseline confounders. RESULTS: Of 2869 people with RA (mean age 56.7 years, 80.8% female) on b/tsDMARD at the onset of COVID-19, there were 237 on ABA, 364 on RTX, 317 on IL-6i, 563 on JAKi and 1388 on TNFi. Overall, 613 (21%) were hospitalised and 157 (5.5%) died. RTX (OR 4.15, 95% CI 3.16 to 5.44) and JAKi (OR 2.06, 95% CI 1.60 to 2.65) were each associated with worse COVID-19 severity compared with TNFi. There were no associations between ABA or IL6i and COVID-19 severity. CONCLUSIONS: People with RA treated with RTX or JAKi had worse COVID-19 severity than those on TNFi. The strong association of RTX and JAKi use with poor COVID-19 outcomes highlights prioritisation of risk mitigation strategies for these people

    Oxidação da pirita e seus efeitos em argamassas de cimento Portland sujeitas ao ataque por sulfatos de origem interna

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    RESUMO O ataque por sulfatos de origem interna é resultante da reação química entre os íons Fe2+ e SO4 2-, provenientes da oxidação de agregados sulfetados, e os compostos da pasta cimentícia, e tende a promover a degradação do concreto devido formação de produtos expansivos que geram fissuração e desagregação do material. Neste trabalho, a morfologia da pirita, presente em alguns tipos de agregado, foi avaliada. O mineral foi utilizado em substituição parcial à areia (10%, em massa) na dosagem de argamassas, para estudo das modificações microestruturais e da variação dimensional linear sob envelhecimento natural durante 42 dias. A caracterização microestrutural foi executada em equipamento FEG/SEM com sonda analítica de EDS. Verificou-se, na superfície da pirita oxidada, a formação de óxidos de ferro, os quais afetaram a interface entre a pasta de cimento e o agregado nos materiais produzidos com a pirita. Quanto a variação dimensional, a argamassa apresentou apenas contrações durante o período de estudo. Verificou-se a ocorrência de fissuração e a predominância na formação de cristais aciculares de etringita aos 42 dias enquanto aos 90 dias a presença de gipsita predomina. Óxidos de ferro oriundos da oxidação da pirita são evidentes nas argamassas aos 90 dias

    Reptiles of the municipality of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    Finger blood pressure during leg resistance exercise

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    Blood pressure (BP) assessment during resistance exercise can be useful to avoid high BP, reducing cardiovascular risk, especially in hypertensive individuals. However, non-invasive accurate technique for this purpose is not available. The aim of this study was to compare finger photoplethysmographic (FPP) and intra-arterial BP values and responses during resistance exercise. Eight non-medicated hypertensive subjects (5 males, 30-60 years) were evaluated during pre-exercise resting period and during three sets of the knee extension exercise performed at 80% of 1RM until fatigue. BP was measured simultaneously by FPP and intra-arterial methods. Data are mean +/- SD. Systolic BP was significantly higher with FPP than with intra-arterial: at pre-exercise (157 +/- 13 vs. 152 +/- 10 mmHg; p < 0.01) and the mean (202 +/- 29 vs. 198 +/- 26 mmHg; p < 0.01), and the maximal (240 +/- 26 vs. 234 +/- 16 mmHg; p < 0.05) values achieved during exercise. The increase in systolic BP during resistance exercise was similar between FPP and intra-arterial (+ 73 +/- 29 vs. + 71 +/- 18 mmHg; p = 0.59). Diastolic BP values and increases were lower with FPP. In conclusion, FPP provides similar values of BP increment during resistance exercise than intra-arterial method. However, it overestimates by 2.6 +/- 6.1% the maximal systolic BP achieved during this mode of exercise and underestimates by 8.8 +/- 5.8% the maximal diastolic BP

    Atenolol blunts blood pressure increase during dynamic resistance exercise in hypertensives

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    center dot Dynamic resistance exercise promotes a sizeable increase in blood pressure during its execution in non medicated hypertensives. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot Atenolol not only decreases blood pressure level but also mitigates the increase of blood pressure during dynamic resistance exercise in hypertensive patients. An increase in blood pressure during resistance exercise might be at least in part attributed to an increase in cardiac output. AIMS This study was conducted to determine whether atenolol was able to decrease BP level and mitigate BP increase during dynamic resistance exercise performed at three different intensities in hypertensives. METHODS Ten essential hypertensives (systolic/diastolic BP between 140/90 and 160/105 mmHg) were blindly studied after 6 weeks of placebo and atenolol. In each phase, volunteers executed, in a random order, three protocols of knee-extension exercises to fatigue: (i) one set at 100% of 1 RM; (ii) three sets at 80% of 1 RM; and (iii) three sets at 40% of 1 RM. Intra-arterial radial blood pressure was measured throughout the protocols. RESULTS Atenolol decreased systolic BP maximum values achieved during the three exercise protocols (100% = 186 +/- 4 vs. 215 +/- 7, 80% = 224 +/- 7 vs. 247 +/- 9 and 40% = 223 +/- 7 vs. 252 +/- 16 mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol also mitigated an increase in systolic BP in the first set of exercises (100% = +38 +/- 5 vs. +54 +/- 9; 80% = +68 +/- 11 vs. +84 +/- 13 and 40% = +69 +/- 7 vs. +84 +/- 14, mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol decreased diastolic BP values and mitigated its increase during exercise performed at 100% of 1 RM (126 +/- 6 vs. 145 +/- 6 and +41 +/- 6 vs. +52 +/- 6, mmHg, P < 0.05), but not at the other exercise intensities. CONCLUSIONS Atenolol was effective in both reducing systolic BP maximum values and mitigating BP increase during resistance exercise performed at different intensities in hypertensive subjects.FAPESP[06/52726-1]FAPESP[06/06356-8