7 research outputs found

    Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity

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    Um estudo anatomopatológico envolvendo 130 psitacídeos oriundos de centros de triagens, zoológicos e criadouros, visando a determinação da causa de morte destes animais, revelou a presença de neoplasias em sete animais, totalizando 5,4% dos casos. Os processos neoplasicos foram caracterizados como colangiocarcinoma, colangioma, linfoma, hemangiossarcoma e carcinoma renal primário, sendo o colangiocarcinoma o mais freqüentemente encontrado, presente em três animais. Este trabalho descreve estas neoplasias, levando em consideração os aspectos macro e microscópicos, meios de diagnósticos e espécies acometidas.An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquis

    Comparative pathology of passeriforms from the wildlife illegal trade: implications of animal release

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    Os passeriformes compõem a ordem das aves com maior número de famílias e espécies. Consequentemente são os animais que mais sofrem com o tráfico de animais silvestres no Brasil, uma vez que existe uma diversidade muito grande de espécies no país. Este comércio ilegal tem contribuído substancialmente para o empobrecimento da diversidade da fauna brasileira, aumentando o risco de extinção de inúmeras espécies, muitas ainda pouco conhecidas e estudadas. Um grande número de espécimes vem a óbito decorrente desse comércio ilegal, e quando interceptadas as ações de traficantes, os animais sobreviventes são encaminhados aos centros de triagens de animais silvestres; muitos estão extremamente debilitados, sendo irreversível o seu retorno à natureza. O estudo da causa de morte desses animais, assim como a identificação dos patógenos que albergam, podem fornecer dados que auxiliem na manutenção e aumentem a taxa de sobrevida quando capturados, além de gerar informações que auxiliem nos programas de conservação in situ. Além disso, conhecer os patógenos que acometem os passeriformes oriundos do tráfico ajuda a identificar os riscos da soltura desses animais na natureza, e os possíveis impactos de novas doenças sobre populações de vida livre. Este estudo analisou a causa de morte de 360 aves oriundas de tráfico apreendidas na cidade de São Paulo, e as possíveis consequências sanitárias do retorno desses animais à natureza. Foram elaborados dois fluxogramas para auxiliarem na indicação da melhor forma de destinação para os passeriformes apreendidos do comércio ilegal, e proposto um modelo de protocolo sanitário no caso da soltura ser apontada como a melhor opção.The passeriforms are the avian order more abundant in families and species. As a consequence, these are the animals who suffer the most with the wildlife traffic in Brazil, since there is a great species diversity in the country. This illegal trade has substantially contributed to the impoverishment of the Brazilian fauna diversity, increasing the extinction risk of several species, many of them still poorly known and studied. A Iarge number of species dies due to this illegal traffic, and when the dealers activities are intercepted, the surviving animals are taken to the wildlife rehabilitation centers; many are extremely debilitated, and its return to the wild becomes impossible. The study of these animals causes of death, as well as the identification of the pathogens they carry, may provide data that helps its management in captivity and increases its survival when captured; it may also generate information useful in in-situ conservation programs. It is helpful to know the pathogens that affect the passeriforms coming from the wildlife traffic as it helps identifying the risks of releasing these animals in the wild, and the possible impacts of new diseases on free-ranging wildlife populations. This study analyzed the cause of death of 360 birds coming from the illegal trade captured in the city of São Paulo, and the possible sanitary consequences of returning those confiscated animals to the wild. A flow chart was elaborated in order to help indicating the best way of finding a proper destination to the passeriforms confiscated in the illegal trade. A model of sanitary protocol for release was proposed when this was the best indicated option

    A Survey of Diseases in Passeriform Birds Obtained From Illegal Wildlife Trade in Sao Paulo City, Brazil

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    The order Passeriformes comprises the largest number of families and species of birds of any avian order. Brazil is rich in passerine birds, which are a common victim of wildlife trafficking in Brazil. Annually, many birds die as a consequence of illegal trade. To investigate the occurrence of the principle diseases and to identify the main causes of death in smuggled passerine birds, the cause of death was evaluated in 360 passerine birds confiscated within the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Causes of death were determined by anatomopathologic and microbiologic studies. Infectious diseases were the cause of death of most birds, which corresponded to 78.6% of cases. The most common infectious diseases were poxvirus infection, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis. Although the etiologic agents of these diseases can coexist asymptomatically within hosts, once the host`s immunity is compromised, the pathogen multiplies quickly and causes disease. The results of this study may help to improve the care of passerine birds in captivity and increase the survival rate of confiscated birds. Results may also be useful for in situ conservation programs that investigate the reintroduction of confiscated species or captive birds

    A survey of diseases in passeriform birds obtained from illegal wildlife trade in São Paulo city, Brazil

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    The order Passeriformes comprises the largest number of families and species of birds of any avian order. Brazil is rich in passerine birds, which are a common victim of wildlife trafficking in Brazil. Annually, many birds die as a consequence of illegal trade. To investigate the occurrence of the principle diseases and to identify the main causes of death in smuggled passerine birds, the cause of death was evaluated in 360 passerine birds confiscated within the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Causes of death were determined by anatomopathologic and microbiologic studies. Infectious diseases were the cause of death of most birds, which corresponded to 78.6% of cases. The most common infectious diseases were poxvirus infection, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis. Although the etiologic agents of these diseases can coexist asymptomatically within hosts, once the host's immunity is compromised, the pathogen multiplies quickly and causes disease. The results of this study may help to improve the care of passerine birds in captivity and increase the survival rate of confiscated birds. Results may also be useful for in situ conservation programs that investigate the reintroduction of confiscated species or captive bird

    Detecção de Mycobacterium avium em aves de companhia

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    The present study is a report on the presence of Mycobacterium avium in four birds of the psittaciform order kept as pets. Anatomopathological diagnosis showed lesions suggestive of the agent and presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli (AARB) shown by the Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The identification of Mycobacterium avium was performed by means of PRA (PCR Restriction Analysis). DNA was directly extracted from tissue of the lesions and blocked in paraffin. The role of this agent in pet bird infection is discussed, as well as its zoonotic potential.Este estudo relata a presença de Mycobacterium avium em quatro aves da ordem Psitaciformes, mantidos como animais de estimação. O exame anatomopatológico revelou a presença de bacilos álcool ácido resistentes na coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen, e o diagnostico definitivo foi feito pelo método PRA (PCR Restriction Analysis) a partir de tecidos emblocados em parafina. Este estudo visa alertar o possível potencial zoonótico deste agente em aves mantidas domiciliadas.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquis

    Occurrence of sarcocystis falcatula in captive psittacine birds in Brazil

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    Thirty-eight captive psittacine birds housed in a bird park in Foz do Iguaçu, Parana, Brazil, died within a 15-month period as a result of infection with Sarcocystis falcatula. Although fatalities affected 16 species of psittacine birds, mortality was highest in Old World species, which were most susceptible to the pulmonary form of sarcocystosis. Along with the pathologic findings of this disease outbreak, a review of the pathophysiology of sarcosporidiosis is presentedFAPES