8 research outputs found

    Fetal and Early Post-Natal Mineralization of the Tympanic Bulla in Fin Whales May Reveal a Hitherto Undiscovered Evolutionary Trait

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    The evolution of the cetacean skeleton followed a path that differentiated this group from other terrestrial mammals about 50 million years ago [1], and debate is still going on about the relationships between Cetacea and Artiodactyla [2], [3], [4]. Some skeletal traits of the basilosaurids (the more advanced forms of Archaeocetes), such as the expansion of the peribullary air sinuses, dental modification and vertebral size uniformity [5] are maintained and further emphasized also in contemporary odontocetes and mysticetes. Using Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry here we report that the deposition of bone mineral in fetal and newborn specimens of the fin whale Balaenoptera physalus is remarkably higher in the bulla tympanica than in the adjacent basal skull or in the rest of the skeleton. Ossification of the tympanic bulla in fetal Artiodactyla (bovine, hippopotamus) is minimal, becomes sensible after birth and then progresses during growth, contrarily to the precocious mineralization that we observed in fin whales. Given the importance of the ear bones for the precise identification of phylogenetic relationship in therian evolution [6], this feature may indicate a specific evolutionary trait of fin whales and possibly other cetacean species or families. Early mineralization of the tympanic bulla allows immediate sound conduction in the aquatic medium and consequently holds potential importance for mother-calf relationship and postnatal survival

    A hyper-realistic method for facial approximation: the case of the Italian humanist Angelo Poliziano

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    Frequently, identification of individuals is problematical due to the level of associated decomposition and even more when the skeletal remains are incomplete or fragmented. The identikit, which includes a sketch or a facial reconstruction, could assist investigators with determining the identity of the decedent. Similarly, in archeology and physical anthropology it gives a realistic appearance to a historical character known only through iconography. We examined the skull of Angelo Poliziano, an Italian humanist of the 15(th) century. Previously, his facial approximation was completed in clay according to the Manchester protocol and then a duplication was prepared in ultra-realistic materials. This technique returns a long lasting 3D model of the individual and provides the perception to be in front of a real person and, although expensive, applied in forensic context could it improve the recognition of the individual

    Fetal Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Models:Systems Information on Fetal Biometry and Gross Composition

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    Fetal Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Models: Systems Information on Fetal Biometry and Gross Composition

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