305 research outputs found

    Islet isolation assessment in man and large animals

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    Recent progress in islet isolation from the pancreas of large mammals including man, accentuated the need for the development of precise and reproducible techniques to assess islet yield. In this report both quantitative and qualitative criteria for islet isolation assessment were discussed, the main topics being the determination of number, volume, purity, morphologic integrity and in vitro and in vivo function tests of the final islet preparations. It has been recommended that dithizone should be used as a specific stain for immediate detection of islet tissue making it possible to estimate both the total number of islets (dividing them into classes of 50 μ diameter range increments) and the purity of the final preparation. Appropriate morphological assessment should include confirmation of islet identification, assessment of the morphological integrity and of the purity of the islet preparation. The use of fluorometric inclusion and exclusion dyes together have been suggested as a viability assay to simultaneously quantitate the proportion of cells that are intact or damaged. Perifusion of islets with glucose provides a dynamic profile of glucose-mediated insulin release and of the ability of the cells to down regulate insulin secretion after the glycemic challenge is interrupted. Although perifusion data provides a useful guide to islet viability the quantity and kinetics of insulin release do not necessarily predict islet performance after implantation. Therefore, the ultimate test of islet viability is their function after transplantation into a diabetic recipient. For this reason, in vivo models of transplantation of an aliquot of the final islet preparation into diabetic nude (athymic) rodents have been suggested. We hope that these general guidelines will be of assistance to standardize the assessment of islet isolations, making it possible to better interpret and compare procedures from different centers. © 1990 Casa Editrice il Ponte

    Poor Thermal Care Practices among Home Births in Nepal: Further Analysis of Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011

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    Introduction - Hypothermia is a major factor associated with neonatal mortality in low and middle income countries. Thermal care protection of newborn through a series of measures taken at birth and during the initial days of life is recommended to reduce the hypothermia and associated neonatal mortality. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of and the factors associated with receiving ‘optimum thermal care’ among home born newborns of Nepal. Methods - Data from the Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys (NDHS) 2011 were used for this study. Women who reported a home birth for their most recent childbirth was included in the study. Factors associated with optimum thermal care were examined using Chi-square test followed by logistic regression. Results - A total of 2464 newborns were included in the study. A total of 57.6 % were dried before the placenta was delivered; 60.3% were wrapped; 24.5% had not bathing during the first 24 hours, and 63.9% were breastfed within one hour of birth. Overall, only 248 (10.7%; 95% CI (8.8 %, 12.9%)) newborns received optimum thermal care. Newborns whose mothers had achieved higher education (OR 2.810; 95% CI (1.132, 6.976)), attended four or more antenatal care visits (OR 2.563; 95% CI (1.309, 5.017)), and those whose birth were attended by skilled attendants (OR 2.178; 95% CI (1.428, 3.323)) were likely to receive optimum thermal care. Conclusion - The current study showed that only one in ten newborns in Nepal received optimum thermal care. Future newborn survival programs should focus on those mothers who are uneducated; who do not attend the recommended four or more attend antenatal care visits; and those who deliver without the assistance of skilled birth attendants to reduce the risk of neonatal hypothermia in Nepal

    The Water Bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) of the Guyana Region

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    NEPOMORPHA OF THE GUYANA REGION The Nepomorpha of the Guyana Region are keyed out and described. In addition distributional, faunistical and comparative notes on the species are given. New species and subspecies: Ochterus aeneifrons surinamensis, O. tenebrosus; Limnocoris fittkaui surinamensis; Ranatra adelomorpha; Neoplea globoidea; Buenoa amnigenopsis; Tenagobia pseudoromani from Suriname and Ranatra ornitheia from Guyana. New synonyms (junior ones between parenthesis): Gelaslocorus flavus flavus Guér. (G. nebulosus nebulosus Guér.); Pelocoris impicticollis Stål (P. horváthi Mont.), P. poeyi (Guér.) not identical with P. femoratus (P.-B.) (P. convexus Nieser), P. procurrens White (P. minutus Mont.); Belostoma bicavum Lauck ( B. parvoculum Lauck); Ranatra doesburgi De Carlo (R. usingeri De C.), R. macrophthalma H.-S. (R. surinamensis De C.), R. mediana Mont. (R. williamsi Kuitert), R. obscura Mont. (R. annulipes White 1879 not Stål), R. sarmentoi De C. (R. ameghinoi De C.); Buenoa amnigenopsis n. sp. ( B. amnigenus Nieser 1968, 1970 not White), B. amnigenus (White) (B. amnigenoidea Nieser 1970), B. nitida Truxal (B. doesburgi Nieser); Heterocorixa surinamensis Nieser ( H. boliviensis Nieser 1970 not Hungerford); Tenagobia incerta Lundbl. ( T. signata and T. serrata in part, Nieser 1970 not White and Deay respectively), T. socialis (White) (T. serrata in part, Nieser 1970 not Deay)

    Controls on gut phosphatisation : the trilobites from the Weeks Formation Lagerstätte (Cambrian; Utah)

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    Despite being internal organs, digestive structures are frequently preserved in Cambrian Lagerstätten. However, the reasons for their fossilisation and their biological implications remain to be thoroughly explored. This is particularly true with arthropods--typically the most diverse fossilised organisms in Cambrian ecosystems--where digestive structures represent an as-yet underexploited alternative to appendage morphology for inferences on their biology. Here we describe the phosphatised digestive structures of three trilobite species from the Cambrian Weeks Formation Lagerstätte (Utah). Their exquisite, three-dimensional preservation reveals unique details on trilobite internal anatomy, such as the position of the mouth and the absence of a differentiated crop. In addition, the presence of paired pygidial organs of an unknown function is reported for the first time. This exceptional material enables exploration of the relationships between gut phosphatisation and the biology of organisms. Indeed, soft-tissue preservation is unusual in these fossils as it is restricted to the digestive structures, which indicates that the gut played a central role in its own phosphatisation. We hypothesize that the gut provided a microenvironment where special conditions could develop and harboured a source of phosphorus. The fact that gut phosphatization has almost exclusively been observed in arthropods could be explained by their uncommon ability to store ions (including phosphorous) in their digestive tissues. However, in some specimens from the Weeks Formation, the phosphatisation extends to the entire digestive system, suggesting that trilobites might have had some biological particularities not observed in modern arthropods. We speculate that one of them might have been an increased capacity for ion storage in the gut tissues, related to the moulting of their heavily-mineralised carapace

    Transition-metal dimers and physical limits on magnetic anisotropy

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    Recent advances in nanoscience have raised interest in the minimum bit size required for classical information storage, i.e. for bistability with suppressed quantum tunnelling and energy barriers that exceed ambient temperatures. In the case of magnetic information storage much attention has centred on molecular magnets[1] with bits consisting of ~ 100 atoms, magnetic uniaxial anisotropy energy barriers ~ 50 K, and very slow relaxation at low temperatures. In this article we draw attention to the remarkable magnetic properties of some transition metal dimers which have energy barriers approaching ~ 500 K with only two atoms. The spin dynamics of these ultra small nanomagnets is strongly affected by a Berry phase which arises from quasi-degeneracies at the electronic Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) energy. In a giant spin-approximation, this Berry phase makes the effective reversal barrier thicker. [1] Gatteschi, D., Sessoli, R. & Villain, J. Molecular Nanomagnets. (Oxford, New York 2006).Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Zinc Downregulates HIF-1α and Inhibits Its Activity in Tumor Cells In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is responsible for the majority of HIF-1-induced gene expression changes under hypoxia and for the "angiogenic switch" during tumor progression. HIF-1α is often upregulated in tumors leading to more aggressive tumor growth and chemoresistance, therefore representing an important target for antitumor intervention. We previously reported that zinc downregulated HIF-1α levels. Here, we evaluated the molecular mechanisms of zinc-induced HIF-1α downregulation and whether zinc affected HIF-1α also in vivo.Here we report that zinc downregulated HIF-1α protein levels in human prostate cancer and glioblastoma cells under hypoxia, whether induced or constitutive. Investigations into the molecular mechanisms showed that zinc induced HIF-1α proteasomal degradation that was prevented by treatment with proteasomal inhibitor MG132. HIF-1α downregulation induced by zinc was ineffective in human RCC4 VHL-null renal carcinoma cell line; likewise, the HIF-1αP402/P564A mutant was resistant to zinc treatment. Similarly to HIF-1α, zinc downregulated also hypoxia-induced HIF-2α whereas the HIF-1β subunit remained unchanged. Zinc inhibited HIF-1α recruitment onto VEGF promoter and the zinc-induced suppression of HIF-1-dependent activation of VEGF correlated with reduction of glioblastoma and prostate cancer cell invasiveness in vitro. Finally, zinc administration downregulated HIF-1α levels in vivo, by bioluminescence imaging, and suppressed intratumoral VEGF expression.These findings, by demonstrating that zinc induces HIF-1α proteasomal degradation, indicate that zinc could be useful as an inhibitor of HIF-1α in human tumors to repress important pathways involved in tumor progression, such as those induced by VEGF, MDR1, and Bcl2 target genes, and hopefully potentiate the anticancer therapies

    Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of Training Traditional Birth Attendants to Reduce Neonatal Mortality in the Lufwanyama Neonatal Survival Study (LUNESP)

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    The Lufwanyama Neonatal Survival Project (“LUNESP”) was a cluster randomized, controlled trial that showed that training traditional birth attendants (TBAs) to perform interventions targeting birth asphyxia, hypothermia, and neonatal sepsis reduced all-cause neonatal mortality by 45%. This companion analysis was undertaken to analyze intervention costs and cost-effectiveness, and factors that might improve cost-effectiveness.We calculated LUNESP's financial and economic costs and the economic cost of implementation for a forecasted ten-year program (2011–2020). In each case, we calculated the incremental cost per death avoided and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted in real 2011 US dollars. The forecasted 10-year program analysis included a base case as well as ‘conservative’ and ‘optimistic’ scenarios. Uncertainty was characterized using one-way sensitivity analyses and a multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analysis. The estimated financial and economic costs of LUNESP were 118,574and118,574 and 127,756, respectively, or 49,469and49,469 and 53,550 per year. Fixed costs accounted for nearly 90% of total costs. For the 10-year program, discounted total and annual program costs were 256,455and256,455 and 26,834 respectively; for the base case, optimistic, and conservative scenarios, the estimated cost per death avoided was 1,866,1,866, 591, and 3,024,andcostperDALYavertedwas3,024, and cost per DALY averted was 74, 24,and24, and 120, respectively. Outcomes were robust to variations in local costs, but sensitive to variations in intervention effect size, number of births attended by TBAs, and the extent of foreign consultants' participation.Based on established guidelines, the strategy of using trained TBAs to reduce neonatal mortality was ‘highly cost effective’. We strongly recommend consideration of this approach for other remote rural populations with limited access to health care

    Murine B Cell Development and Antibody Responses to Model Antigens Are Not Impaired in the Absence of the TNF Receptor GITR

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    The Glucocorticoid-Induced Tumor necrosis factor Receptor GITR, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, has been shown to be important in modulating immune responses in the context of T cell immunity. B lymphocytes also express GITR, but a role of GITR in humoral immunity has not been fully explored. To address this question, we performed studies to determine the kinetics of GITR expression on naïve and stimulated B cells and the capacity of B cells to develop and mount antibody responses in GITR−/− mice. Results of our studies indicate that all mature B cells express GITR on the cell surface, albeit at different levels. Expression of GITR on naïve mature B cells is upregulated by BCR signaling, but is counteracted by helper T cell-related factors and other inflammatory signals in vitro. In line with these findings, expression of GITR on germinal center and memory B cells is lower than that on naïve B cells. However, the expression of GITR is strongly upregulated in plasma cells. Despite these differences in GITR expression, the absence of GITR has no effect on T cell-dependent and T cell-independent antibody responses to model antigens in GITR−/− mice, or on B cell activation and proliferation in vitro. GITR deficiency manifests only with a slight reduction of mature B cell numbers and increased turnover of naïve B cells, suggesting that GITR slightly contributes to mature B cell homeostasis. Overall, our data indicate that GITR does not play a significant role in B cell development and antibody responses to T-dependent and independent model antigens within the context of a GITR-deficient genetic background

    Apoptosis assays with lymphoma cell lines: problems and pitfalls

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    Much attention has been focused on the manner in which tumour cells die after treatment with cytotoxic agents. The basic question is whether cells die via apoptosis or via direct damage from the toxic agent. Various assays have been used to make this distinction. However, we show herein that some of the widely used assays for apoptosis do not in fact distinguish between apoptosis and other forms of cell death. More specifically: (1) A sub-G1 DNA content, identified by propidium iodide staining, does not distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cells; (2) loss of mitochondrial membrane potential does not distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cells, unless combined with an assay for an intact cell membrane; (3) subcellular fragments that arise from dead cells or from apoptotic bodies can interfere with some assays for apoptosis such as annexin V staining, as they may be close to the size of intact cells, making it difficult to decide where to set the size threshold; (4) irradiated cells display a large increase in nonspecific Ab binding. This may be partly due to an increase in cell size, but, regardless of the cause, it can lead to a mistaken conclusion that there is an increase in a particular antigen if appropriate control reagents are not tested; and (5) experiments utilising Ab crosslinking have neglected the role of cell aggregation, which can cause multiple problems including death from mechanical stress when cells are handled. Consideration of these factors will improve our ability to determine the mode of cell death