8 research outputs found

    Antecedents and consequences of effectuation and causation in the international new venture creation process

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    The selection of the entry mode in an international market is of key importance for the venture. A process-based perspective on entry mode selection can add to the International Business and International Entrepreneurship literature. Framing the international market entry as an entrepreneurial process, this paper analyzes the antecedents and consequences of causation and effectuation in the entry mode selection. For the analysis, regression-based techniques were used on a sample of 65 gazelles. The results indicate that experienced entrepreneurs tend to apply effectuation rather than causation, while uncertainty does not have a systematic influence. Entrepreneurs using causation-based international new venture creation processes tend to engage in export-type entry modes, while effectuation-based international new venture creation processes do not predetermine the entry mod

    Abordagem do modelo transteĂłrico no comportamento alimentar Transtheoretical model approach in eating behavior

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    O estudo do comportamento alimentar tem despertado grande interesse por se tratar de um elemento importante para o sucesso de intervençÔes nutricionais. Considerando-se a complexidade do tema e as inĂșmeras influĂȘncias a que estĂĄ submetido, sugere-se que o aprofundamento de pesquisas sobre os determinantes do comportamento alimentar possibilite maior impacto nas açÔes de promoção de prĂĄticas alimentares saudĂĄveis. A adoção cada vez mais freqĂŒente de uma alimentação inadequada no Brasil e no mundo leva a um questionamento sobre o impacto das intervençÔes nutricionais tradicionalmente utilizadas em Ăąmbito populacional. Diversas estratĂ©gias de educação nutricional sĂŁo atualmente descritas na literatura; contudo, alcançar a motivação da população para uma mudança efetiva do padrĂŁo alimentar ainda Ă© um dos grandes desafios para a saĂșde pĂșblica. A aplicação do modelo transteĂłrico parece ter um papel promissor em relação Ă  melhor compreensĂŁo da mudança de comportamento alimentar, almejada nas intervençÔes nutricionais. EstratĂ©gias que envolvam o direcionamento para cada estĂĄgio de mudança de comportamento, identificado segundo essa teoria, podem ser mais eficazes quanto Ă  motivação dos indivĂ­duos a adotar prĂĄticas alimentares mais saudĂĄveis.<br>The study of eating behavior has been much interest, as this is an essential element for the success of dietary interventions. In view of the complexity of the subject and the countless influences to which it is subject, it is suggested that an in-depth exploration of eating behavior determinants enhances the impact of programs promoting healthy dietary practices. Increasingly more frequent, the adoption of inadequate diets in Brazil and elsewhere in the world leads to questions about the impact of dietary interventions traditionally applied to population groups. Many nutritional education strategies are currently described in the literature; however, motivating people to change their eating habits is still a major public health challenge. Applying the transtheoretical model seems to have a promising role for an enhanced understanding of changes in eating habits that are targeted by dietary interventions. Strategies that are tailored to each step in these changes, as identified by this theory, can motivate people more effectively to adopt healthier eating habits

    Health promotion services for patients having non-comminicable diseases: Feedback from patients and health care providers in Cape Town, South Africa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Due to a paucity of data regarding the availability and efficacy of equipment, health promotion methods and materials currently used by health professionals for the management of patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at primary health care (PHC) facilities in Cape Town, an audit was undertaken.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A multi-centre cross-sectional study was undertaken to interview patients (n = 580) with NCDs at 30 PHC facilities. A questionnaire was used to obtain information on preferences for health promotion methods for lifestyle modification. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with selected health professionals (n = 14) and captured using a digital recorder. Data were transferred to the Atlas ti software programme and analysed using a thematic content analysis approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Blood pressure measurement (97.6%) was the most common diagnostic test used, followed by weight measurement (88.3%), urine (85.7%) and blood glucose testing (80.9%). Individual lifestyle modification counselling was the preferred health education method of choice for the majority of patients. Of the 64% of patients that selected chronic clubs/support groups as a method of choice, only a third rated this as their first choice. Pamphlets, posters and workshops/group counselling sessions were the least preferred methods with only 9%, 13% and 11% of patients choosing these as their first choice, respectively. In an individual counselling setting 44.7% of patients reported that they would prefer to be counselled by a doctor, followed by a nurse (16.9%), health educator (8.8%) and nutrition advisor (4.8%). Health professionals identified numerous barriers to education and counselling. These can be summarised as a lack of resources, including time, space and equipment; staff-related barriers such as staff shortage and staff turnover; and patient-related barriers such as patient load and patient non-compliance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The majority of patients attending PHC facilities want to receive lifestyle modification education. There is not however, one specific method that can be regarded as the gold standard. Patients’ preferences regarding health education methods differ, and they are more likely to be susceptible to methods that do not involve much reading. Health education materials such as posters, pamphlets and booklets should be used to supplement information received during counselling or support group sessions.</p

    International entrepreneurship: A critical analysis of studies in the past two decades and future directions for research

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