3,727 research outputs found

    Symmetries of Two Higgs Doublet Model and CP violation

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    We use the invariance of physical picture under a change of Lagrangian, the reparametrization invariance in the space of Lagrangians and its particular case -- the rephrasing invariance, for analysis of the two-Higgs-doublet extension of the SM. We found that some parameters of theory like tan beta are reparametrization dependent and therefore cannot be fundamental. We use the Z2-symmetry of the Lagrangian, which prevents a phi_1 phi_2 transitions, and the different levels of its violation, soft and hard, to describe a physical content of the model. In general, the broken Z2-symmetry allows for a CP violation in the physical Higgs sector. We argue that the 2HDM with a soft breaking of Z2-symmetry is a natural model in the description of EWSB. To simplify an analysis we choose among different forms of Lagrangian describing the same physical reality a specific one, in which the vacuum expectation values of both Higgs fields are real. A possible CP violation in the Higgs sector is described by using a two-step procedure with the first step identical to a diagonalization of mass matrix for CP-even fields in the CP conserved case. We find very simple necessary and sufficient condition for a CP violation in the Higgs sector. We determine the range of parameters for which CP violation and Flavor Changing Neutral Current effects are naturally small,what corresponds to a small dimensionless mass parameter nu= Re m_{12}^2/(2v1v2). We discuss how for small nu some Higgs bosons can be heavy, with mass up to about 0.6 TeV, without violating of the unitarity constraints. We discuss main features of the large nu case, which corresponds for nu -> infty to a decoupling of heavy Higgs bosons.Comment: 27 pages, extended discussion, references added, one figure, Revtex

    A new method for calculating jet-like QED processes

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    We consider inelastic QED processes, the cross sections of which do not drop with increasing energy. Such reactions have the form of two-jet processes with the exchange of a virtual photon in the t-channel. We consider them in the region of small scattering angles m/E <= theta << 1, which yield the dominant contribution to their cross sections. A new effective method is presented to calculate the corresponding helicity amplitudes. Its basic idea consists in replacing spinor structures for real and weakly virtual intermediate leptons by simple transition vertices for real leptons. The obtained compact amplitudes are particularly suitable for numerical calculations in jet-like kinematics.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Contribution presented by V.G. Serbo at PHOTON 2003, Frascati, Ital

    Superfluidity and Quantum Melting of para-Hydrogen clusters

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    Structural and superfluid properties of para-Hydrogen clusters of size up to N=40 molecules, are studied at low temperature (0.5 K < T < 4 K) by Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations. The superfluid fraction displays an interesting, non-monotonic behavior for 22 < N < 30. We interpret this dependence in terms of variations with N of the cluster structure. Superfluidity is observed at low T in clusters of as many as 27 molecules; in the temperature range considered here, quantum melting is observed in some clusters, which freeze at high temperature

    Laser cooling of electron beams for linear colliders

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    A novel method of electron beam cooling is considered which can be used for linear colliders. The electron beam is cooled during collision with focused powerful laser pulse. With reasonable laser parameters (laser flash energy about 10 J) one can decrease transverse beam emittances by a factor about 10 per one stage. The ultimate transverse emittances are much below those achievable by other methods. Beam depolarization during cooling is about 5--15 % for one stage. This method is especially useful for photon colliders and opens new possibilities for e+e- colliders.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, v2 corresponds to the PRL paper with erratum (in 1998) include

    Asymptotic analysis of a secondary bifurcation of the one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity

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    The bifurcation of asymmetric superconducting solutions from the normal solution is considered for the one-dimensional Ginzburg--Landau equations by the methods of formal asymptotics. The behavior of the bifurcating branch depends on the parameters d, the size of the superconducting slab, and κ\kappa, the Ginzburg--Landau parameter. The secondary bifurcation in which the asymmetric solution branches reconnect with the symmetric solution branch is studied for values of (κ,d)(\kappa,d) for which it is close to the primary bifurcation from the normal state. These values of (κ,d)(\kappa,d) form a curve in the κd\kappa d-plane, which is determined. At one point on this curve, called the quintuple point, the primary bifurcations switch from being subcritical to supercritical, requiring a separate analysis. The results answer some of the conjectures of [A. Aftalion and W. C. Troy, Phys. D, 132 (1999), pp. 214--232]

    Beam energy measurement at linear colliders using spin precession

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    Linear collider designs foresee some bends of about 5-10 mrad. The spin precession angle of one TeV electrons on 10 mrad bend is 23.2 rad and it changes proportional to the energy. Measurement of the spin direction using Compton scattering of laser light on electrons before and after the bend allows determining the beam energy with an accuracy about of 10^{-5}. In this paper the principle of the method, the procedure of the measurement and possible errors are discussed. Some remarks about importance of plasma focusing effects in the method of beam energy measurement using Moller scattering are given.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 4 figures(.eps). In v.3 corresponds to journal publication. Talk at 26-th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamic Workshop on Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams (Nanobeam2002), Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept 2-6, 200

    Coexistence of Pairing Tendencies and Ferromagnetism in a Doped Two-Orbital Hubbard Model on Two-Leg Ladders

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    Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group and two-leg ladders, we investigate an electronic two-orbital Hubbard model including plaquette diagonal hopping amplitudes. Our goal is to search for regimes where charges added to the undoped state form pairs, presumably a precursor of a superconducting state.For the electronic density ρ=2\rho=2, i.e. the undoped limit, our investigations show a robust (π,0)(\pi,0) antiferromagnetic ground state, as in previous investigations. Doping away from ρ=2\rho=2 and for large values of the Hund coupling JJ, a ferromagnetic region is found to be stable. Moreover, when the interorbital on-site Hubbard repulsion is smaller than the Hund coupling, i.e. for U<JU'<J in the standard notation of multiorbital Hubbard models, our results indicate the coexistence of pairing tendencies and ferromagnetism close to ρ=2\rho=2. These results are compatible with previous investigations using one dimensional systems. Although further research is needed to clarify if the range of couplings used here is of relevance for real materials, such as superconducting heavy fermions or pnictides, our theoretical results address a possible mechanism for pairing that may be active in the presence of short-range ferromagnetic fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Fig

    Efficient kinetic method for fluid simulation beyond the Navier-Stokes equation

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    We present a further theoretical extension to the kinetic theory based formulation of the lattice Boltzmann method of Shan et al (2006). In addition to the higher order projection of the equilibrium distribution function and a sufficiently accurate Gauss-Hermite quadrature in the original formulation, a new regularization procedure is introduced in this paper. This procedure ensures a consistent order of accuracy control over the non-equilibrium contributions in the Galerkin sense. Using this formulation, we construct a specific lattice Boltzmann model that accurately incorporates up to the third order hydrodynamic moments. Numerical evidences demonstrate that the extended model overcomes some major defects existed in the conventionally known lattice Boltzmann models, so that fluid flows at finite Knudsen number (Kn) can be more quantitatively simulated. Results from force-driven Poiseuille flow simulations predict the Knudsen's minimum and the asymptotic behavior of flow flux at large Kn

    Dependence of the critical temperature on the Higgs field reparametrization

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    We show that, despite of the reparametrization symmetry of the Lagrangian describing the interaction between a scalar field and gauge vector bosons, the dynamics of the Higgs mechanism is really affected by the representation gauge chosen for the Higgs field. Actually, we find that, varying the parametrization for the two degrees of freedom of the complex scalar field, we obtain different expressions for the Higgs mass: in its turn this entails different expressions for the critical temperatures, ranging from zero to a maximum value, as well as different expressions for other basic thermodynamical quantities.Comment: revtex, 12 pages, 2 eps figure