4 research outputs found

    Cercetări privind fertilizarea și irigarea prin picurare a unei culturi de tomate în solar

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    This article presents the influence of the fertilization methods on the production obtained from a culture of tomatoes located in a protected space. The experiments were organized in a solar belonging to the Vegetable discipline, located in the "V. Adamachi" Didactic Farm, in Iasi County. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of fertilization by irrigation, compared to the classical fertilization and the microorganism one. In this regard, after subjecting the plants to the three types of fertilizer, there were observed differences in the amount of tomatoes per hectare. The highest production, compared to the control one, was obtained by the Minaret cultivar, fertilized dropwise, which is of 111,421 kg / h

    Cercetări privind fertirigarea prin picurare a unei culturi de ardei în solar

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    The paper presents some aspects concerning the effect of fertilization factors and drip irrigation over the production level of the bell pepper crop placed in a protected environment. The experiments took place in a solarium from “V. Adamachi”Didactic Farm. The aim of the research was to asses the influence of the fertilization method, when using classic fertilizers and microorganism based fertilizers, simultaneously with drip irrigation. Significant differences regarding the production levels were noticed when the crop was fertilized using the three methods and drip irrigation. The highest production level compared with the control variant (43.885 kg / ha) was obtained for the drip irrigation fertilization metho