22 research outputs found

    CAR T cells targeting BAFF-R can overcome CD19 antigen loss in B cell malignancies

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    CAR T cells targeting CD19 provide promising options for treatment of B cell malignancies. However, tumor relapse from antigen loss can limit efficacy. We developed humanized, second-generation CAR T cells against another B cell–specific marker, B cell activating factor receptor (BAFF-R), which demonstrated cytotoxicity against human lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) lines. Adoptively transferred BAFF-R-CAR T cells eradicated 10-day preestablished tumor xenografts after a single treatment and retained efficacy against xenografts deficient in CD19 expression, including CD19-negative variants within a background of CD19-positive lymphoma cells. Four relapsed, primary ALLs with CD19 antigen loss obtained after CD19-directed therapy retained BAFF-R expression and activated BAFF-R-CAR, but not CD19-CAR, T cells. BAFF-R-CAR, but not CD19-CAR, T cells also demonstrated antitumor effects against an additional CD19 antigen loss primary patient–derived xenograft (PDX) in vivo. BAFF-R is amenable to CAR T cell therapy, and its targeting may prevent emergence of CD19 antigen loss variants

    Focus on the research utility of intravascular ultrasound - comparison with other invasive modalities

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    Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is an invasive modality which provides cross-sectional images of a coronary artery. In these images both the lumen and outer vessel wall can be identified and accurate estimations of their dimensions and of the plaque burden can be obtained. In addition, further processing of the IVUS backscatter signal helps in the characterization of the type of the plaque and thus it has been used to study the natural history of the atherosclerotic evolution. On the other hand its indigenous limitations do not allow IVUS to assess accurately stent struts coverage, existence of thrombus or exact site of plaque rupture and to identify some of the features associated with increased plaque vulnerability. In order this information to be obtained, other modalities such as optical coherence tomography, angioscopy, near infrared spectroscopy and intravascular magnetic resonance imaging have either been utilized or are under evaluation. The aim of this review article is to present the current utilities of IVUS in research and to discuss its advantages and disadvantages over the other imaging techniques