36 research outputs found

    Using Strategic Movement to Calibrate a Neural Compass: A Spiking Network for Tracking Head Direction in Rats and Robots

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    The head direction (HD) system in mammals contains neurons that fire to represent the direction the animal is facing in its environment. The ability of these cells to reliably track head direction even after the removal of external sensory cues implies that the HD system is calibrated to function effectively using just internal (proprioceptive and vestibular) inputs. Rat pups and other infant mammals display stereotypical warm-up movements prior to locomotion in novel environments, and similar warm-up movements are seen in adult mammals with certain brain lesion-induced motor impairments. In this study we propose that synaptic learning mechanisms, in conjunction with appropriate movement strategies based on warm-up movements, can calibrate the HD system so that it functions effectively even in darkness. To examine the link between physical embodiment and neural control, and to determine that the system is robust to real-world phenomena, we implemented the synaptic mechanisms in a spiking neural network and tested it on a mobile robot platform. Results show that the combination of the synaptic learning mechanisms and warm-up movements are able to reliably calibrate the HD system so that it accurately tracks real-world head direction, and that calibration breaks down in systematic ways if certain movements are omitted. This work confirms that targeted, embodied behaviour can be used to calibrate neural systems, demonstrates that ‘grounding’ of modelled biological processes in the real world can reveal underlying functional principles (supporting the importance of robotics to biology), and proposes a functional role for stereotypical behaviours seen in infant mammals and those animals with certain motor deficits. We conjecture that these calibration principles may extend to the calibration of other neural systems involved in motion tracking and the representation of space, such as grid cells in entorhinal cortex

    YAP/TAZ upstream signals and downstream responses

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    Randomized trial of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis

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    Hyperactive pectoralis reflex as an indicator of upper cervical spinal cord compression

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    The adenosine generating enzymes CD39/CD73 control microglial processes ramification in the mouse brain

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    <div><p>Microglial cells invade the brain as amoeboid precursors and acquire a highly ramified morphology in the postnatal brain. Microglia express all essential purinergic elements such as receptors, nucleoside transporters and ecto-enzymes, including CD39 (NTPDase1) and CD73 (5'-nucleotidase), which sequentially degrade extracellular ATP to adenosine. Here, we show that constitutive deletion of CD39 and CD73 or both caused an inhibition of the microglia ramified phenotype in the brain with a reduction in the length of processes, branching frequency and number of intersections with Sholl spheres. <i>In vitro</i>, unlike wild-type microglia, cd39<sup>-/-</sup> and cd73<sup>-/-</sup> microglial cells were less complex and did not respond to ATP with the transformation into a more ramified phenotype. In acute brain slices, wild-type microglia retracted approximately 50% of their processes within 15 min after slicing of the brain, and this phenomenon was augmented in cd39<sup>-/-</sup> mice; moreover, the elongation of microglial processes towards the source of ATP or towards a laser lesion was observed only in wild-type but not in cd39<sup>-/-</sup> microglia. An elevation of extracellular adenosine 1) by the inhibition of adenosine transport with dipyridamole, 2) by application of exogenous adenosine or 3) by degradation of endogenous ATP/ADP with apyrase enhanced spontaneous and ATP-induced ramification of cd39<sup>-/-</sup> microglia in acute brain slices and facilitated the transformation of cd39<sup>-/-</sup> and cd73<sup>-/-</sup> microglia into a ramified process-bearing phenotype <i>in vitro</i>. These data indicate that under normal physiological conditions, CD39 and CD73 nucleotidases together with equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1) control the fate of extracellular adenosine and thereby the ramification of microglial processes.</p></div