199 research outputs found

    Confinement of fluxons by surface columnar defects in Bi1.8Pb0.33Sr1.87Ca2Cu3Oy tapes

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    We study the effects of surface columnar defects created along about 5% of the sample thickness by means of 0.25 GeV Au ions at different doses on Bi1.8Pb0.33Sr1.87Ca2Cu3Oy high-quality tapes on the vortex dynamics in the sample bulk. Strong phenomena of vortex localization inside the bulk are revealed by shifts of the irreversibility lines (IL's) as well as by their after-irradiation shape. The enhanced IL's exhibit specific characteristics, such as a Bose-glass-like behavior up to quite high fields, with a dose-dependent onset point. Moreover, the irreversible regime expands with decreasing defect density. Such results are consistent with the setting up of confined vortices morphologies. Experimental data concerning the IL with the field orthogonal to the columnar defect direction as well as critical current density enhancements are also reported and discussed

    Facile Chemical Synthesis of Doped ZnO Nanocrystals Exploiting Oleic Acid

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    Zinc oxide nanocrystals (ZnO-NCs) doped with transition metal elements or rare earth elements can be probed for magnetic resonance imaging to be used as a molecular imaging technique for accurate diagnosis of various diseases. Herein, we use Mn as a candidate of transition metal elements and Gd as a presenter of rare earth elements. We report an easy and fast coprecipitation method exploiting oleic acid to synthesize spherical-shaped, small-sized doped ZnO-NCs. We show the improved colloidal stability of oleate-stabilized doped ZnO-NCs compared to the doped ZnO-NCs synthesized by conventional sol-gel synthesis method, i.e., without a stabilizing agent, especially for the Mn dopant. We also analyze their structural, morphological, optical, and magnetic properties. We are able to characterize the persistence of the crystalline properties (wurtzite structure) of ZnO in the doped structure and exclude the formation of undesired oxides by doping elements. Importantly, we determine the room-temperature ferromagnetism of the doped ZnO-NCs. This oleate-stabilized coprecipitation method can be subjected as a standard procedure to synthesize doped and also co-doped ZnO-NCs with any transition metal elements or rare earth elements. In the future, oleate-stabilized Gd/Mn-doped ZnO-NCs can be exploited as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents and possibly increase the signal intensity on T1-weighted images or reduce the signal intensity on T2-weighted images

    Study of the thermal distribution for YBCO based Transition Edge Bolometers working above 77 K

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    ransition Edge Bolometers (TEB) are among the simplest radiation detectors. The straightforward operation mode provides good results only if it is combined with a careful thermal optimization.In a TEB, the strong dependence of the electrical resistivity on the temperature in its transition zone enables the detection of a variation of the local temperature which can reach tens of µK. For this reason, it is essential to study the thermal profile of the superconducting active part of the detector, hence its substrate, to make it as homogeneous as possible.Irradiated YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x (YBCO) films can be used for position sensitive detection of infrared radiation. A TEB with a double meander pattern, one of which with a reduced critical temperature due to irradiation with high-energy heavy ions, was designed to work in a portable cryostat at a temperature above the liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) point.In this work, we present a series of Finite Element Method simulations (using COMSOL Multiphysics ® ) aimed at the optimization of the thermal distribution above the YBCO film. Once the optimal working point for the device is found, various materials for the bolometer hosting are tested to identify the combination that provides the most homogeneous temperature distribution. The optimal configurations are then analyzed in response to a sudden change in the PID current to determine the one which presents the best behavior in a transient situation

    Fe-doped sol-gel glasses and glass-ceramics for magnetic hyperthermia

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    This work deals with the synthesis and characterization of novel Fe-containing sol-gel materials obtained by modifying the composition of a binary SiO2-CaO parent glass with the addition of Fe2O3. The effect of different processing conditions (calcination in air vs. argon flowing) on the formation of magnetic crystalline phases was investigated. The produced materials were analyzed from thermal (hot-stage microscopy, differential thermal analysis, and differential thermal calorimetry) and microstructural (X-ray diffraction) viewpoints to assess both the behavior upon heating and the development of crystalline phases. N2 adsorption–desorption measurements allowed determining that these materials have high surface area (40–120 m2/g) and mesoporous texture with mesopore size in the range of 18 to 30 nm. It was assessed that the magnetic properties can actually be tailored by controlling the Fe content and the environmental conditions (oxidant vs. inert atmosphere) during calcination. The glasses and glass-ceramics developed in this work show promise for applications in bone tissue healing which require the use of biocompatible magnetic implants able to elicit therapeutic actions, such as hyperthermia for bone cancer treatment

    Screening magnetic fields by superconductors: A simple model

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    We introduce a simple approach to evaluate the magnetic field distribution around superconducting samples, based on the London equations; the elementary variable is the vector potential. This procedure has no adjustable parameters, only the sample geometry and the London length determine the solution. This approach was validated by comparing the induction field calculated to the one measured above MgB2 disks of different diameters, at 20K and for applied fields lower than 0.4T. The model can be applied if the flux line penetration inside the sample can be neglected when calculating the induction field distribution outside the superconductor. We conclude by showing on a cup-shape geometry how one can design a magnetic shield satisfying a specific constraint

    Modelling and Performance Analysis of MgB2 and Hybrid Magnetic Shields

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    Superconductors are strategic materials for the fabrication of magnetic shields, and within this class, MgB [Formula: see text] has been proven to be a very promising option. However, a successful approach to produce devices with high shielding ability also requires the availability of suitable simulation tools guiding the optimization process. In this paper, we report on a 3D numerical model based on a vector potential (A)-formulation, exploited to investigate the properties of superconducting (SC) shielding structures with cylindrical symmetry and an aspect ratio of height to diameter approaching one. To this aim, we first explored the viability of this model by solving a benchmark problem and comparing the computation outputs with those obtained with the most used approach based on the H-formulation. This comparison evidenced the full agreement of the computation outcomes as well as the much better performance of the model based on the A-formulation in terms of computation time. Relying on this result, the latter model was exploited to predict the shielding properties of open and single capped MgB [Formula: see text] tubes with and without the superimposition of a ferromagnetic (FM) shield. This investigation highlighted that the addition of the FM shell is very efficient in increasing the shielding factors of the SC screen when the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the shield axis. This effect is already significant at low tilt angles and allows compensating the strong decrease in the shielding ability that affects the short tubular SC screens when the external field is applied out of their axis

    Unusually weak irradiation effects in anisotropic iron-based superconductor RbCa2Fe4As4F2

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    We report on the effects of 3.5 MeV proton irradiation in RbCa2Fe4As4F2, an iron-based superconductor with unusual properties in between those of the pnictides and of the cuprate hightemperature superconductors. We studied how structural disorder introduced by ion bombardment affects the critical temperature, superfluid density and gap values by combining a coplanar waveguide resonator technique, electric transport measurements and point-contact Andreevreflection spectroscopy. We find an unusually weak dependence of the superconducting properties on the amount of disorder in this material when compared to other iron-based superconductors under comparable irradiation conditions. The nodal multigap state exhibited by pristine RbCa2Fe4As4F2 is also robust against proton irradiation, with a two-band d-d model being the one that best fits the experimental data

    Vortex-induced nonlinearity and the effects of ion irradiation on the high-frequency response of NbTi films

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    The microwave response of superconducting devices can be affected by nonlinearity effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic origin. In this study, we report on the nonlinear behavior of NbTi microwave resonators, in the presence of dc magnetic fields up to 4 T. The aim of this work is to characterize the vortex-induced nonlinearity, which in these conditions of frequency (11 GHz) and fields is expected to give the major contribution to dissipation, when the circulating rf current exceeds a given threshold. Nonlinearity is investigated by analyzing -degradation and resonance curve distortion as a function of the input rf power, while the emergence of sharp discontinuities is associated to the existence of an rf limiting current density. The current densities corresponding to the onset of these features are compared to the critical current density from dc measurements, helping us to outline a comprehensive picture. Moreover, the pinning constant was extracted as a function of temperature by means of a Gittleman–Rosenblum analysis, revealing the prominent role of type pinning. We also analyzed the effects of introducing controlled artificial disorder and pinning sites through 1.5-MeV proton irradiation. After irradiation, we observed an increase of both the pinning constant and the in-field nonlinearity threshold and limiting current

    An improved method for quantitative magneto-optical analysis of superconductors

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    We report on the analysis method to extract quantitative local electrodynamics in superconductors by means of the magneto-optical technique. First of all, we discuss the calibration procedure to convert the local light intensity values into magnetic induction field distribution and start focusing on the role played by the generally disregarded magnetic induction components parallel to the indicator film plane (in-plane field effect). To account for the reliability of the whole technique, the method used to reconstruct the electrical current density distribution is reported, together with a numerical test example. The methodology is applied to measure local magnetic field and current distributions on a typical YBa2Cu3O7−x good quality film. We show how the in-plane field influences the MO measurements, after which we present an algorithm to account for the in-plane field components. The meaningful impact of the correction on the experimental results is shown. Afterwards, we discuss some aspects about the electrodynamics of the superconducting sample
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