137 research outputs found

    DSGSDs induced by post glacial decompression in central Apennine (Italy)

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    During the last 30 years of studies in the field of mass movements located in the calcareous-marly and marly-sandy Apennines (Umbria-Marches and Latium-Abruzzi regions), over to a large number of landslides with different dimensions, even a lot of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) have been recognized and analysed. These phenomena are also located in that sector of central Italy affected by a cold climate during the past and actually temperate (central Apennine chain)

    Le acclività del bacino dell'alto Esino.

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    La carta realizza la zonizzazione del bacino idrografico dell'Esino sulla base delle pendenze delle diverse "faccette" componenti la superficie topografica. La scelta delle classi di acclività ha fatto riferimento alle caratteristiche lito-tecniche delle diverse unità litostratigrafiche del substrato geologico

    Geomorphological of Places and Hydrogeological Risk

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    The landscape of the peri-adriatic belt of Central Italy is characterized by a hilly relief engraved in the badrock in the prevailing clay component of Plio-Pleistocene. It is dissected, in the direction approximately E-W, from terraced river valleys on which areas of the watershed are located many urban centers of the Middle Ages. These historical urban centers appear to be particularly vulnerable to the mass movements; this situation is far more common in older urbanization territories, because they are attacked by the upstream regression of the phenomena which are generally activated at lower altitude

    Geomorfologia. In: Carta dell'ambiente fisico delle Marche.

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    La carta (elaborata alla scala 1:100.00) riporta, unitamente ai dati geologico-struttrali e tettonici del substrato roccioso, gli elementi geomorfologici fondamentali (forme, depositi e processi), allo scopo di contribuire alla ricostruzione dell'evoluzione del paesaggio fisico Quaternario e di evidenziarne alcune situazioni di pericolosità geo-ambientale
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