8 research outputs found

    Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil

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    The Dragonfly-Fauna of Trinidad in the British West Indies, (Odonata)

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    The origin of the present paper is based on two large collections of Odonata, recently made in Trinidad. The first one is my own collection brought home from my stay in the island in July and August 1929, containing several hundreds of specimens from different localities. The second one is that of Dr. E. M. WALKER in Toronto Ontario, generously sent to me for examination. It also contains many hundreds of individuals, collected in the island in Sangre Grande by G. BELMONTES in 1930 and 1931. Lateron in 1931 and '32 two sendings of the same collector were received for my collection, by which it was enlarged by some rare and not yet represented species. It may be interesting to know that duplicates of most of the species in my collection are handed over to 's Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie at Leiden. In the following account I have attempted to gather up all notes and indications of all Odonata which have been recorded from Trinidad, or which are otherwise known to me to occur in this country. Therefore it must be understood as a foundation, by which future discoveries will prove to be facilitated and as it makes our view on the fauna of this island more complete, a useful contribution to our poor knowledge of the Lesser Antilles. Attention must be called to the important results of E. B. WILLIAMSON, who visited the island in 1912 during a collecting trip in the West Indies with his father the late L. A. WILLIAMSON and B. J. RAINEY. A rich collection of Odonata was brought home by these gentlemen, of which since many particularities have been recorded. The first contribution to the Odonate-fauna of Trinidad was furnished by J. H. HART in th

    Larvae of the Costa Rican Hetaerina (Odonata: Calopterygidae) with comments on distribution

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    The larvae of seven of the nine Costa Rican species of Hetaerina (H.capitalis, H.cruentata, H. fuscogutfata, H. majuscula, H. miniata, H. occisa and H. titia) were identified by matching their Cellulose Acetate Gel Electrophoresis (CAGE) patterns with those of adults. CAGE allows larval descriptions to be processed at a much faster rate than through traditional rearing techniques and, provided that refrigeration and a power supply are available, is relatively portable and robust. Adults of H.capitalis, H.cruentata and H. miniata were also reared from final instar larvae. Larvae of H.caja and H.sempronia were identified by site association with adults and unique suites of morphological characters. Characters on the head, antennae, labium, pronotum, legs, abdomen, and caudal appendages are described and illustrated, and a key to final instar larvae of all nine species is presented. The distribution of Hetaerina in Costa Rica is influenced primarily by the Cordillera.Las larvas de siete de las nueve especies costarricenses de Hetaerina (H.capitalis, H.cruentata, H. fuscogutfata, H. majuscula, H. miniata, H. occisa y H. titia) fueron identificadas mediante el emparejamiento de sus electroforesis en gel de acetato de celulosa. (CAGE) con los de los adultos. CAGE permite que las descripciones de las larvas se procesen a un ritmo mucho más rápido que a través de las técnicas tradicionales de crianza y, siempre que se disponga de refrigeración y suministro eléctrico, es relativamente portátil y resistente. También se criaron adultos de H. capitalis, H. cruentata y H. miniata a partir de larvas en estadio final. Las larvas de H.caja y H.sempronia fueron identificadas por asociación de sitio con adultos y conjuntos únicos de caracteres morfológicos. Se describen e ilustran los caracteres de la cabeza, las antenas, los labios, el pronoto, las piernas, el abdomen y los apéndices caudales, y se presenta una clave para el estadio final de las larvas de las nueve especies. La distribución de Hetaerina en Costa Rica está influenciada principalmente por la Cordillera.Universidad Nacional, Costa RicaEscuela de Ciencias Biológica

    Ácaros plantícolas (Acari) da "Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista", Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Ácaros de cafeeiro (Coffea spp.) no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil: Parte II. Prostigmata

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    Stadia and growth ratios of Odonata: a review

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