187 research outputs found

    Efficacy of some anthelmintics against the swimbladder nematode <i>Anguillicola crassus</i> of eel <i>Anguilla anguilla</i> under saltwater conditions

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    Six anthelmintic drugs, Ivermectin, Closantel, Safewormer, Masoten, Oxfendazole and L-Levamisol·HCL were screened for their efficacy against Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladder nematode of European eel Anguilla anguilla. All experiments were carried out under saltwater conditions. Of the 6 drugs, L-Levamisole·HCL used in a bath treatment gave the most promising results. Evaluation of the curative dose of L-Levamisole·HCL showed that a long-term treatment (24h). Dosages lower than 20 mg 1-1 showed a lower efficacy against Anguillicola crassus. However, even with a long-term, high-dosage treatment, some recovery of adult nematodes with sublethal damage and/or migration of viable juveniles into the swimbladder lumen could not be excluded. When examined 35d after treatment, the percentage of mobile adults had increased, while a decrease in percentage of dead worms was noticed compared to values obtained immediately after treatment

    Ecological study of some parasitic helminths of aquatic organisms

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    Except for Monogenea, most other helminth parasites (Digenea, Cestoda, Nematoda and Acanthocephala) of aquatic organisms have a rather complex life cycle, which includes one or more intermediate hosts. Studies have been carried out on the elucidation of helminth life cycles and on parasite-host relationships. Knowledge of the feeding behaviour of the host is a very useful starting-point for elucidation of the life cycles of its' parasites. Asymphylodora demeli, a trematode of two sympatric gobies (Pomatoschistus minutus and P. lozanoi) of the Belgian coastal waters, has been studied. Although very abundant, the life cycle of this parasite remains unsolved. During the summer, the percentage of infection is the same for both Pomatoschistus populations, but the infection level is remarkably higher for P. minutus. Some invertebrates, which are important food items for the Pomatoschistus species, are proposed as potential intermediate hosts. It has become clear that special attention has to be paid on the role of Mollusca in the life cycle of A. demeli. The impact of parasites on lenght-weight relationship, gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic index of their hosts is studied

    Features of Gynecological Pathology and Management Tactics for Women With Increased Body Weight

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    The article discusses the aspects of increased body weight and concomitant gynecological pathology in patients with antenatal clinics and gynecological hospitals, the relationship between the development of gynecological and extragenital pathology and increased body weight, the attitude of women to the problem of increased body weight, the tactics of conducting outpatient clinics by doctors in relation to patients with overweight and obese.В статье рассмотрены аспекты повышенной массы тела и сопутствующей гинекологической патологии у пациенток женской консультации и гинекологического стационара, взаимосвязь развития гинекологической и экстрагенитальной патологии и повышенной массы тела, отношение женщин к проблеме повышенной массы тела, особенность тактики ведения врачами амбулаторно-поликлинического звена в отношении пациенток с избыточной массой тела и ожирение

    Assessment of women's health during menopausal transition and postmenopause in the framework of medical examination

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    The article discusses some health indicators defined in the framework of the clinical examination 2019 among menopausal women and postmenopausal women, as well as the severity of menopausal syndrome among women and their relationship to menopausal hormone therapy.В статье рассмотрены некоторые показатели здоровья, определенные в рамках диспансеризации 2019 среди женщин, находящихся в период менопаузального перехода и постменопаузы

    Features of surgical gynecological pathology in women with increased body mass

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    The diagnoses of overweight and obesity have become not only medical, but also an important social problem, and during the past decades have gained high importance in the practice of gynecologists. This article discusses the problem of increased body weight in patients of gynecological departments of MAU GKB №40 hospital of Ekaterinburg.Диагнозы избыточная масса тела и ожирения, стали не только медицинской, но и важной социальной проблемой, и за последние десятки лет приобрели высокую значимость в практике врача акушера- гинеколога. В данной статье рассмотрена проблема повышенной массы тела (ПМТ) у пациенток гинекологических отделений МАУ ГКБ №40 г. Екатеринбурга

    Features of surgical gynecological pathology in women with increased body mass

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    The diagnoses of overweight and obesity have become not only medical, but also an important social problem, and during the past decades have gained high importance in the practice of gynecologists. This article discusses the problem of increased body weight in patients of gynecological departments of MAU GKB №40 hospital of Ekaterinburg.Диагнозы избыточная масса тела и ожирения, стали не только медицинской, но и важной социальной проблемой, и за последние десятки лет приобрели высокую значимость в практике врача акушера- гинеколога. В данной статье рассмотрена проблема повышенной массы тела (ПМТ) у пациенток гинекологических отделений МАУ ГКБ №40 г. Екатеринбурга

    Features of surgical gynecological pathology in women with increased body mass

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    The diagnoses of overweight and obesity have become not only medical, but also an important social problem, and during the past decades have gained high importance in the practice of gynecologists. This article discusses the problem of increased body weight in patients of gynecological departments of MAU GKB №40 hospital of Ekaterinburg.Диагнозы избыточная масса тела и ожирения, стали не только медицинской, но и важной социальной проблемой, и за последние десятки лет приобрели высокую значимость в практике врача акушера- гинеколога. В данной статье рассмотрена проблема повышенной массы тела (ПМТ) у пациенток гинекологических отделений МАУ ГКБ №40 г. Екатеринбурга