41 research outputs found


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    New powder X ray diffraction data for magnesio- ferro- and manganaxinite obtained from samples closely corresponding to the three end members of the axinite group were obtained using a conventional Bragg-Brentano diffractometer. Space group is P-1. Powder patterns were indexed using Peacock's normal orientation. New data include an increased number of indexed peaks

    Geothermometric study of Cr-spinels of peridotite mantle xenoliths from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica)

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    The crystal chemistry of Cr-spinels included in spinel peridotite mantle xenoliths from Baker Rocks and Greene Point (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) has been studied by single-crystal structure refinement and electron microprobe analysis. All crystals are characterized by a dominance of Al ↔ Cr substitution with minor evidences of Mg ↔ Fe2+ substitution and pertain to the Mg-rich portion of the spinel sensu stricto-chromite join. The two groups of samples, Baker Rocks (BR) and Greene Point (GP), show distinct degree of cation order with the inversion parameter ranging from 0.17 to 0.20 for BR spinels and from 0.06 to 0.13 for GP crystals. Closure temperatures, computed by a geothermometer based on the MAl+TMg ↔ TAl+MMg intra-crystalline exchange, range from 883 to 911 °C for BR spinels and from 592 to 675 °C for GP spinels. We show that this difference is due to the higher concentration in Fe3+ in GP spinels that enabled a faster kinetics of the intra-crystalline cation ordering reaction, allowing the GP spinels to reach a higher degree of cation ordering and then lower closure temperatures

    Surface chemistry and surface reactivity of fibrous amphiboles that are not regulated as asbestos

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    Three fibrous amphiboles that are not regulated as asbestos-two from Biancavilla (Sicily, Italy) and one from Libby (MT, USA)-were studied in order to establish relationships between surface chemistry and surface reactivity. The three fibrous samples, plus one prismatic fluoro-edenite from Biancavilla that was used for comparison, were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in order to obtain their quantitative surface compositions and to determine the chemical environment of the Fe in each case. In particular, the Fe 2p3/2 peak was fitted and, for the first for these materials, the binding energies of Fe(II) oxide, Fe(III) oxide and Fe(III) oxyhydroxide were identified. Bulk chemistries and Fe oxidation states were obtained from previous studies for the samples from Biancavilla, and were investigated in the present work by electron microprobe (EMP) and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) for the sample from Libby. Comparison between surface and bulk data revealed that the sample with the lowest bulk Fe oxidation state was the one most affected by surface oxidation, while the samples with bulk highly-oxidised Fe were showing very high signal of Fe (III) oxy-hydroxide probably due to weathering. The surface reactivities of the fibrous amphiboles were investigated by measuring the production of the [DMPO, HO] radical adduct using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Notably, significant chemical reactivity was observed; it was found to be comparable with-or, for the Libby sample, even higher than-that of fibrous tremolite (one of the six asbestos minerals). A positive linear correlation was observed when the production of HO radical was plotted versus the Fe(II) content on the fibre surface. Data on fibrous tremolite obtained from previous studies were added to substantiate the correlation. These results provide evidence that Fe(II) at the fibre surface controls the production of radicals at the fibre surface. The observed relationship provides further confirmation that Fe topochemistry is strictly related to-though not solely responsible for-the toxicity of asbestos and other fibrous amphiboles that are not regulated as asbestos

    Dissolution reaction and surface iron speciation of UICC crocidolite in buffered solution at pH 7.4: A combined ICP-OES, XPS and TEM investigation

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    The dissolution reaction and the surface modifications of crocidolite asbestos fibres incubated for 0.5, 1, 24, 48, 168 and 1440 h in a phosphate buffered solution at pH 7.4 with and without hydrogen peroxide were investigated. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used to monitor the ion release into solution, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was performed to unveil the chemistry of the leached surface, and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) was carried out to monitor the structural modifications of the fibres. No significant differences were observed between dissolution experiments carried out with and without H2O2 with the exception of results after the first hour, from which it may be inferred that the dissolution proceeds faster in the presence of H2O2 but only in its very early steps. Congruent mobilization of Si and Mg from crocidolite was observed, increasing with time especially in the range between 1 and 48 h, while Ca decreased after 48 h and Fe was not detected at any incubation time. In the undersaturated conditions (0–48 h), dissolution rate of UICC crocidolite fibres has been estimated to be d(Si)/dt = 0.079 μmol h−1. The fibre surface modification is continuous with time: XPS results showed a regular depletion of Si and Mg and enrichment of Fe along dissolution. The Fe2p3/2 signal on the surface was fitted with four components at 709.0, 710.5, 711.6 and 712.8 eV binding energy values corresponding to: (i) Fe(II)–O and (ii) Fe(III)–O surrounded by oxygen atoms in the silicate structure, (iii) Fe(III)–OOH as a product of the dissolution process, and (iv) Fe in a phosphate precipitate (Fe–P), respectively. The evolution of Fe speciation on the crocidolite surface was followed by integrating the four photoemission peaks, and results showed that the oxidative environment promotes the formation of Fe(III)–O (up to 37% Fetot) and of Fe–P species (up to 16% Fetot), which are found on the fibre surface at the end of the dissolution experiment. HR-TEM showed that the crocidolite lattice structure, the fibrous habit and the high aspect ratio are preserved upon leaching, while Fe-bearing nanoparticles, likely amorphous and possibly displaced on top of the fibres, become clearly visible. As a conclusion, coating of the crocidolite fibres was demonstrated to occur due to precipitation of Fe-rich phases (both phosphates and oxide-hydroxides). The occurrence of such iron armouring may modulate asbestos toxicity and possibly be the initial step in the formation of asbestos ferruginous bodies

    Iron topochemistry and surface reactivity of amphibole asbestos: relations with in vitro toxicity.

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    Abstract Chemical reactivity of asbestos tremolite from Italy and USA localities and Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC) crocidolite was studied in relation to Fe content, oxidation state, and structural coordination. Direct correlation between amount of Fe2+ at the exposed M(1) and M(2) sites of the amphibole structure and fiber chemical reactivity was established. The in vitro toxicity of the same samples was investigated on human alveolar A549 cell line. Relationship between crystal-chemical features and cell toxicity is not straightforward. UICC crocidolite has Fe content and chemical reactivity largely higher than that of tremolite samples, but all show comparable in vitro toxic potential. Results obtained evidenced that Fe topochemistry is not a primary factor for induced cell toxicity, though it accounts for asbestos chemical reactivity (and possibly genotoxicity)