2,764 research outputs found

    The Gluon Beam Function at Two Loops

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    The virtuality-dependent beam function is a universal ingredient in the resummation for observables probing the virtuality of incoming partons, including N-jettiness and beam thrust. We compute the gluon beam function at two-loop order. Together with our previous results for the two-loop quark beam function, this completes the full set of virtuality-dependent beam functions at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). Our results are required to account for all collinear ISR effects to the N-jettiness event shape through N^3LL order. We present numerical results for both the quark and gluon beam functions up to NNLO and N^3LL order. Numerically, the NNLO matching corrections are important. They reduce the residual matching scale dependence in the resummed beam function by about a factor of two.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures; v2: journal versio

    The Quark Beam Function at Two Loops

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    In differential measurements at a hadron collider, collinear initial-state radiation is described by process-independent beam functions. They are the field-theoretic analog of initial-state parton showers. Depending on the measured observable they are differential in the virtuality and/or transverse momentum of the colliding partons in addition to the usual longitudinal momentum fraction. Perturbatively, the beam functions can be calculated by matching them onto standard quark and gluon parton distribution functions. We calculate the inclusive virtuality-dependent quark beam function at NNLO, which is relevant for any observables probing the virtuality of the incoming partons, including N-jettiness and beam thrust. For such observables, our results are an important ingredient in the resummation of large logarithms at N3LL order, and provide all contributions enhanced by collinear t-channel singularities at NNLO for quark-initiated processes in analytic form. We perform the calculation in both Feynman and axial gauge and use two different methods to evaluate the discontinuity of the two-loop Feynman diagrams, providing nontrivial checks of the calculation. As part of our results we reproduce the known two-loop QCD splitting functions and confirm at two loops that the virtuality-dependent beam and final-state jet functions have the same anomalous dimension.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures; v2: journal versio

    Critical Percolation in High Dimensions

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    We present Monte Carlo estimates for site and bond percolation thresholds in simple hypercubic lattices with 4 to 13 dimensions. For d<6 they are preliminary, for d >= 6 they are between 20 to 10^4 times more precise than the best previous estimates. This was achieved by three ingredients: (i) simple and fast hashing which allowed us to simulate clusters of millions of sites on computers with less than 500 MB memory; (ii) a histogram method which allowed us to obtain information for several p values from a single simulation; and (iii) a new variance reduction technique which is especially efficient at high dimensions where it reduces error bars by a factor up to approximately 30 and more. Based on these data we propose a new scaling law for finite cluster size corrections.Comment: 5 pages including figures, RevTe

    N-jettiness Subtractions for NNLO QCD Calculations

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    We present a subtraction method utilizing the N-jettiness observable, Tau_N, to perform QCD calculations for arbitrary processes at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). Our method employs soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) to determine the IR singular contributions of N-jet cross sections for Tau_N -> 0, and uses these to construct suitable Tau_N-subtractions. The construction is systematic and economic, due to being based on a physical observable. The resulting NNLO calculation is fully differential and in a form directly suitable for combining with resummation and parton showers. We explain in detail the application to processes with an arbitrary number of massless partons at lepton and hadron colliders together with the required external inputs in the form of QCD amplitudes and lower-order calculations. We provide explicit expressions for the Tau_N-subtractions at NLO and NNLO. The required ingredients are fully known at NLO, and at NNLO for processes with two external QCD partons. The remaining NNLO ingredient for three or more external partons can be obtained numerically with existing NNLO techniques. As an example, we employ our method to obtain the NNLO rapidity spectrum for Drell-Yan and gluon-fusion Higgs production. We discuss aspects of numerical accuracy and convergence and the practical implementation. We also discuss and comment on possible extensions, such as more-differential subtractions, necessary steps for going to N3LO, and the treatment of massive quarks.Comment: 51 pages, 10 figures, v2: journal versio

    What is Double Parton Scattering?

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    Processes such as double Drell-Yan and same-sign WW production have contributions from double parton scattering, which are not well-defined because of a delta(z_\perp=0) singularity that is generated by QCD evolution. We study the single and double parton contributions to these processes, and show how to handle the singularity using factorization and operator renormalization. We compute the QCD evolution of double parton distribution functions (PDFs) due to mixing with single PDFs. The modified evolution of dPDFs at z_\perp=0, including generalized dPDFs for the non-forward case, is given in the appendix. We include a brief discussion of the experimental interpretation of dPDFs and how they can probe flavor, spin and color correlations of partons in hadrons.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures; v2: appendix fixed and extended, journal versio

    Local availability and long-range trade: the worked stone assemblage

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    Inter disciplinary study of major excavation assemblage from Norse settlement site in Orkney. Combines methodological and typological developments with scientific discussion

    Heuristic Spike Sorting Tuner (HSST), a framework to determine optimal parameter selection for a generic spike sorting algorithm

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    Extracellular microelectrodes frequently record neural activity from more than one neuron in the vicinity of the electrode. The process of labeling each recorded spike waveform with the identity of its source neuron is called spike sorting and is often approached from an abstracted statistical perspective. However, these approaches do not consider neurophysiological realities and may ignore important features that could improve the accuracy of these methods. Further, standard algorithms typically require selection of at least one free parameter, which can have significant effects on the quality of the output. We describe a Heuristic Spike Sorting Tuner (HSST) that determines the optimal choice of the free parameters for a given spike sorting algorithm based on the neurophysiological qualification of unit isolation and signal discrimination. A set of heuristic metrics are used to score the output of a spike sorting algorithm over a range of free parameters resulting in optimal sorting quality. We demonstrate that these metrics can be used to tune parameters in several spike sorting algorithms. The HSST algorithm shows robustness to variations in signal to noise ratio, number and relative size of units per channel. Moreover, the HSST algorithm is computationally efficient, operates unsupervised, and is parallelizable for batch processing
