7,659 research outputs found

    Variance-Gamma approximation via Stein's method

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    Variance-Gamma distributions are widely used in financial modelling and contain as special cases the normal, Gamma and Laplace distributions. In this paper we extend Stein's method to this class of distributions. In particular, we obtain a Stein equation and smoothness estimates for its solution. This Stein equation has the attractive property of reducing to the known normal and Gamma Stein equations for certain parameter values. We apply these results and local couplings to bound the distance between sums of the form βˆ‘i,j,k=1m,n,rXikYjk\sum_{i,j,k=1}^{m,n,r}X_{ik}Y_{jk}, where the XikX_{ik} and YjkY_{jk} are independent and identically distributed random variables with zero mean, by their limiting Variance-Gamma distribution. Through the use of novel symmetry arguments, we obtain a bound on the distance that is of order mβˆ’1+nβˆ’1m^{-1}+n^{-1} for smooth test functions. We end with a simple application to binary sequence comparison.Comment: 39 pages. Published Versio

    Wasserstein and Kolmogorov error bounds for variance-gamma approximation via Stein's method I

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    The variance-gamma (VG) distributions form a four parameter family that includes as special and limiting cases the normal, gamma and Laplace distributions. Some of the numerous applications include financial modelling and approximation on Wiener space. Recently, Stein's method has been extended to the VG distribution. However, technical difficulties have meant that bounds for distributional approximations have only been given for smooth test functions (typically requiring at least two derivatives for the test function). In this paper, which deals with symmetric variance-gamma (SVG) distributions, and a companion paper \cite{gaunt vgii}, which deals with the whole family of VG distributions, we address this issue. In this paper, we obtain new bounds for the derivatives of the solution of the SVG Stein equation, which allow for approximations to be made in the Kolmogorov and Wasserstein metrics, and also introduce a distributional transformation that is natural in the context of SVG approximation. We apply this theory to obtain Wasserstein or Kolmogorov error bounds for SVG approximation in four settings: comparison of VG and SVG distributions, SVG approximation of functionals of isonormal Gaussian processes, SVG approximation of a statistic for binary sequence comparison, and Laplace approximation of a random sum of independent mean zero random variables.Comment: 37 pages, to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2018

    Glauber Gluons and Multiple Parton Interactions

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    We show that for hadronic transverse energy ETE_T in hadron-hadron collisions, the classic Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) argument for the cancellation of Glauber gluons breaks down at the level of two Glauber gluons exchanged between the spectators. Through an argument that relates the diagrams with these Glauber gluons to events containing additional soft scatterings, we suggest that this failure of the CSS cancellation actually corresponds to a failure of the `standard' factorisation formula with hard, soft and collinear functions to describe ETE_T at leading power. This is because the observable receives a leading power contribution from multiple parton interaction (or spectator-spectator Glauber) processes. We also suggest that the same argument can be used to show that a whole class of observables, which we refer to as MPI sensitive observables, do not obey the standard factorisation at leading power. MPI sensitive observables are observables whose distributions in hadron-hadron collisions are disrupted strongly by the presence of multiple parton interactions (MPI) in the event. Examples of further MPI sensitive observables include the beam thrust Ba,b+B^+_{a,b} and transverse thrust.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Rates of convergence in normal approximation under moment conditions via new bounds on solutions of the Stein equation

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    New bounds for the kk-th order derivatives of the solutions of the normal and multivariate normal Stein equations are obtained. Our general order bounds involve fewer derivatives of the test function than those in the existing literature. We apply these bounds and local approach couplings to obtain an order nβˆ’(pβˆ’1)/2n^{-(p-1)/2} bound, for smooth test functions, for the distance between the distribution of a standardised sum of independent and identically distributed random variables and the standard normal distribution when the first pp moments of these distributions agree. We also obtain a bound on the convergence rate of a sequence of distributions to the normal distribution when the moment sequence converges to normal moments.Comment: 16 pages. Final version. To appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Derivative formulas for Bessel, Struve and Anger-Weber functions

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    We derive formulas for the derivatives of general order for the functions zβˆ’Ξ½hΞ½(z)z^{-\nu}h_{\nu}(z) and zΞ½hΞ½(z)z^{\nu}h_{\nu}(z), where hΞ½(z)h_{\nu}(z) is a Bessel, Struve or Anger--Weber function.Comment: 9 page

    Inequalities for modified Bessel functions and their integrals

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    Simple inequalities for some integrals involving the modified Bessel functions IΞ½(x)I_{\nu}(x) and KΞ½(x)K_{\nu}(x) are established. We also obtain a monotonicity result for KΞ½(x)K_{\nu}(x) and a new lower bound, that involves gamma functions, for K0(x)K_0(x).Comment: 13 pages. Final version. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application

    Inequalities for integrals of the modified Struve function of the first kind

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    Simple inequalities for some integrals involving the modified Struve function of the first kind LΞ½(x)\mathbf{L}_{\nu}(x) are established. In most cases, these inequalities have best possible constant. We also deduce a tight double inequality, involving the modified Struve function LΞ½(x)\mathbf{L}_{\nu}(x), for a generalized hypergeometric function.Comment: 9 pages. To appear in Results in Mathematics, 2018
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