5,205 research outputs found

    Numerical Ranges of KMS Matrices

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    A KMS matrix is one of the form J_n(a)=[{array}{ccccc} 0 & a & a^2 &... & a^{n-1} & 0 & a & \ddots & \vdots & & \ddots & \ddots & a^2 & & & \ddots & a 0 & & & & 0{array}] for n≄1n\ge 1 and aa in C\mathbb{C}. Among other things, we prove the following properties of its numerical range: (1) W(Jn(a))W(J_n(a)) is a circular disc if and only if n=2n=2 and a≠0a\neq 0, (2) its boundary ∂W(Jn(a))\partial W(J_n(a)) contains a line segment if and only if n≄3n\ge 3 and ∣a∣=1|a|=1, and (3) the intersection of the boundaries ∂W(Jn(a))\partial W(J_n(a)) and ∂W(Jn(a)[j])\partial W(J_n(a)[j]) is either the singleton \{\min\sigma(\re J_n(a))\} if nn is odd, j=(n+1)/2j=(n+1)/2 and ∣a∣>1|a|>1, or the empty set ∅\emptyset if otherwise, where, for any nn-by-nn matrix AA, A[j]A[j] denotes its jjth principal submatrix obtained by deleting its jjth row and jjth column (1≀j≀n1\le j\le n), \re A its real part (A+A∗)/2(A+A^*)/2, and σ(A)\sigma(A) its spectrum.Comment: 35 page

    Ready, Set, Network! Research Speed Networking for Clinicians, Scientists and Engineers

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    Objectives: A 2013 Institute of Medicine report urged researchers to “engage in additional substantive and productive collaborations” to address important clinical/translational science questions. To encourage team science among our researchers, Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences and Center for Clinical and Translational Research hosted a speed networking event, specifically targeting engineers, clinicians, and basic scientists; an analysis of the event is below. Methods: Invitations were distributed to clinicians, engineers, and basic scientists. To maximize interactions without increasing time spent at the event, researchers were divided into three groups. The event was planned such that each group would meet everyone from the other two groups; researchers were placed into appropriate groups according to their interests. Seated at tables of three, attendees introduced themselves and discussed their research interests for three minutes; then they rotated according to their group’s instructions. Lunch was provided afterwards to give attendees an opportunity to follow up with potential collaborators. Results: Twenty-one faculty researchers attended the speed networking event, which took about 30 minutes, excluding lunch. Using a 5-point Likert scale, all participants selected “strongly agree” or “agree” to respond to questions about whether the event was a valuable use of their time. Also, 53% of attendees “strongly” agreed with the statement “I met a potential collaborator” at the event. Discussion: Subjective evaluations show that researchers see speed networking as an effective way to meet potential collaborators. Objective data including sustained research partnerships and collaborative grant and publication submissions will be tracked

    Weighted Shift Matrices: Unitary Equivalence, Reducibility and Numerical Ranges

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    An nn-by-nn (n≄3n\ge 3) weighted shift matrix AA is one of the form [{array}{cccc}0 & a_1 & & & 0 & \ddots & & & \ddots & a_{n-1} a_n & & & 0{array}], where the aja_j's, called the weights of AA, are complex numbers. Assume that all aja_j's are nonzero and BB is an nn-by-nn weighted shift matrix with weights b1,...,bnb_1,..., b_n. We show that BB is unitarily equivalent to AA if and only if b1...bn=a1...anb_1... b_n=a_1...a_n and, for some fixed kk, 1≀k≀n1\le k \le n, ∣bj∣=∣ak+j∣|b_j| = |a_{k+j}| (an+j≡aja_{n+j}\equiv a_j) for all jj. Next, we show that AA is reducible if and only if AA has periodic weights, that is, for some fixed kk, 1≀k≀⌊n/2⌋1\le k \le \lfloor n/2\rfloor, nn is divisible by kk, and ∣aj∣=∣ak+j∣|a_j|=|a_{k+j}| for all 1≀j≀n−k1\le j\le n-k. Finally, we prove that AA and BB have the same numerical range if and only if a1...an=b1...bna_1...a_n=b_1...b_n and Sr(∣a1∣2,...,∣an∣2)=Sr(∣b1∣2,...,∣bn∣2)S_r(|a_1|^2,..., |a_n|^2)=S_r(|b_1|^2,..., |b_n|^2) for all 1≀r≀⌊n/2⌋1\le r\le \lfloor n/2\rfloor, where SrS_r's are the circularly symmetric functions.Comment: 27 page

    Power Partial Isometry Index and Ascent of a Finite Matrix

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    We give a complete characterization of nonnegative integers jj and kk and a positive integer nn for which there is an nn-by-nn matrix with its power partial isometry index equal to jj and its ascent equal to kk. Recall that the power partial isometry index p(A)p(A) of a matrix AA is the supremum, possibly infinity, of nonnegative integers jj such that I,A,A2,
,AjI, A, A^2, \ldots, A^j are all partial isometries while the ascent a(A)a(A) of AA is the smallest integer k≄0k\ge 0 for which ker⁥Ak\ker A^k equals ker⁥Ak+1\ker A^{k+1}. It was known before that, for any matrix AA, either p(A)≀min⁥{a(A),n−1}p(A)\le\min\{a(A), n-1\} or p(A)=∞p(A)=\infty. In this paper, we prove more precisely that there is an nn-by-nn matrix AA such that p(A)=jp(A)=j and a(A)=ka(A)=k if and only if one of the following conditions holds: (a) j=k≀n−1j=k\le n-1, (b) j≀k−1j\le k-1 and j+k≀n−1j+k\le n-1, and (c) j≀k−2j\le k-2 and j+k=nj+k=n. This answers a question we asked in a previous paper.Comment: 11 page

    Higher rank numerical ranges of normal matrices

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    The higher rank numerical range is closely connected to the construction of quantum error correction code for a noisy quantum channel. It is known that if a normal matrix A∈MnA \in M_n has eigenvalues a1,.˙.,ana_1, \..., a_n, then its higher rank numerical range Λk(A)\Lambda_k(A) is the intersection of convex polygons with vertices aj1,.˙.,ajn−k+1a_{j_1}, \..., a_{j_{n-k+1}}, where 1≀j1<.˙.<jn−k+1≀n1 \le j_1 < \... < j_{n-k+1} \le n. In this paper, it is shown that the higher rank numerical range of a normal matrix with mm distinct eigenvalues can be written as the intersection of no more than max⁥{m,4}\max\{m,4\} closed half planes. In addition, given a convex polygon P{\mathcal P} a construction is given for a normal matrix A∈MnA \in M_n with minimum nn such that Λk(A)=P\Lambda_k(A) = {\mathcal P}. In particular, if P{\mathcal P} has pp vertices, with p≄3p \ge 3, there is a normal matrix A∈MnA \in M_n with n≀max⁥{p+k−1,2k+2}n \le \max\left\{p+k-1, 2k+2 \right\} such that Λk(A)=P\Lambda_k(A) = {\mathcal P}.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to appear in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Application

    Biological control of apple scab and fire blight by the application of the non-pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Bk3 to the leaf surface

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    The biological control of plant diseases by application of antagonistic microorganisms to the plant phyllosphere is an alternative strategy to prevent the frequent treatment of plants by pesticides. Microbiological antagonists can firstly interact directly against the pathogen by releasing antimicrobial compounds and/or secondly induce the plant resistance of the host plant by expression of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins). The focus of our study is on the interaction of the non-pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Bk3 to the plant phyllosphere of Malus domestica cv. Holsteiner Cox. After application of P. fluorescens Bk3 to the phyllosphere of M. domestica cv. Holsteiner Cox we observed dramatic changes in the protein composition of the apoplast of the host plant. Sequencing of the induced proteins by ESI-Q-ToF mass spectrometry and homology search identified these additional proteins as pathogenesis related proteins (PR) like ß-1,3- glucanase, thaumatin-like protein, chitinase and hevein-like protein. To confirm these findings, a suppressive subtractive hybridization with total RNA from leaves before and after inoculation of P. fluorescens Bk3 to the leaves of the host plant was performed. It revealed an increased expression level of many PR and stress related genes. The induction of PR proteins and plant defence genes in host plants after application of non-pathogenic bacterial antagonists to the plant phylloshere can presumably prevent or reduce successful infections by plant pathogens

    PhĂ€notypische Merkmale fĂŒr die Selektion heimischer Leguminosen auf Methioninreichtum in der PflanzenzĂŒchtung

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    Ein Problem der FĂŒtterung von Schweinen und GeflĂŒgel mit 100 % Futtermitteln aus Ökologischen Landbau sind die unzureichenden Methionin-(Met)-Gehalte im Protein europĂ€ischer Körnerleguminosen. Ziel der hier prĂ€sentierten Arbeiten ist es, neue Leguminosen Kultivare mit hohem Met-Gehalt im Samenprotein zu identifizieren. Neben der direkten Analyse der AminosĂ€uregehalte eines Zuchtsortiments der Pflanzenarten wird dazu die Übertragbarkeit der Methoden eines bei Soja (Glycine max) erfolgreich angewandten Verfahrens zur phĂ€notypischen Selektion Met-reicher Pflanzen nach Imsande (2001) an Erbsen (Pisum sativum (L.)), Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba (L.)) and Lupinen (Lupinus angustifolius (L.)) erprobt. Als Indikatoren fĂŒr Pflanzen mit hohem Metgehalt dienten der Chlorophyllgehalt der BlĂ€tter und das Wurzelwachstum von Keimlingen in einer Ethionin Lösung (0,75 mM). Erste Ergebnisse im Labormaßstab an unter Met-Zugabe aufgezogenen Pflanzen zeigten bei L. angustifolius and V. faba eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Met-Versorgung und den Chlorophyllgehalten. Met-reiche Pflanzen zeigten im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten Pflanzen um bis zu 59 % (L. angustifolius) bzw. bis zu 34 % (V. faba) erhöhte Chlorophyllgehalte in den BlĂ€ttern. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurde der phytotoxische Effekt von Ethionin, einem chemischen Derivat zu Met, zum Screening auf Met-reiche Pflanzen genutzt. Der phytotoxische Effekt wird durch ansteigende Met-Konzentrationen gemindert. In einer 1 mM Met Lösung inkubierte Samen bildeten in Ethionin Lösung bis zu 33 % (P. sativum) bzw. bis zu 18 % (V. faba) lĂ€ngere Wurzeln aus. Die Erfolg versprechenden AnsĂ€tze zur Selektion Met-reicher Pflanzen mit direkt mit Met behandelten Pflanzen werden derzeit an Feldpopulationen erprobt
