357 research outputs found

    Microestrutura da fibra alimentar do albedo de laranja: um estudo por técnicas físicas e análise de imagens.

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    As fibras alimentares são consumidas naturalmente em cereais, frutas e hortaliças, mas também são adicionadas na forma concentrada em alimentos processados. Diferentes fontes de fibras têm diferentes estruturas e composições químicas, que irão definir a sua finalidade nutricional ou tecnológica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a caracterização de fibra alimentar do albedo da laranja submetida a dois métodos de secagem (liofilização e convencional) e divididas por intervalos granulométricos. Para as determinações de densidade, área superficial, porosidade e distribuição de tamanho de poro, utilizaram-se técnicas clássicas da tecnologia de sistema particulado e foram comparadas com imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados apontaram que o método de secagem é o que mais influenciou na redução do volume de poros do material, também visualizado nas características microestruturais reveladas pela análise de imagem. O intervalo granulométrico da fibra particulada apresentou-se inversamente proporcional à densidade e à área superficial específica do material. A fibra alimentar do albedo da laranja apresentou características estruturais que permitem a diversificação de novos produtos alimentícios com alto valor nutritivo e comercial

    Lenalidomide before and after Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma

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    Although multiple myeloma remains incurable outside of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, novel agents made available only in the last few decades have nonetheless tremendously improved the landscape of myeloma treatment. Lenalidomide, of the immunomodulatory class of drugs, is one of those novel agents. In the non-transplant and relapsed/refractory settings, lenalidomide clearly benefits patients in terms of virtually all meaningful outcomes including overall survival. Data supporting the usage of lenalidomide as part of treatment approaches incorporating high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support (ASCT) are less mature as pertains to such long-term outcomes and toxicity, and lenalidomide is not currently approved by regulatory agencies for use in the context of ASCT in either the United States or Europe. That said, relatively preliminary efficacy data describing lenalidomide as a component of ASCT-based treatment approaches to MM are indeed promising, and consequently lenalidomide's role in ASCT-based treatment strategies is growing. In this review we summarize existing data that pertains to lenalidomide in the specific context of ASCT, and we share our thoughts on how our own group applies these data to approach this complex issue clinically

    Tumor-Associated Antigen xCT and Mutant-p53 as Molecular Targets for New Combinatorial Antitumor Strategies

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    The cystine/glutamate antiporter xCT is a tumor-associated antigen that has been newly identified in many cancer types. By participating in glutathione biosynthesis, xCT protects cancer cells from oxidative stress conditions and ferroptosis, and contributes to metabolic reprogramming, thus promoting tumor progression and chemoresistance. Moreover, xCT is overexpressed in cancer stem cells. These features render xCT a promising target for cancer therapy, as has been widely reported in the literature and in our work on its immunotargeting. Interestingly, studies on the TP53 gene have revealed that both wild-type and mutant p53 induce the post-transcriptional down modulation of xCT, contributing to ferroptosis. Moreover, APR-246, a small molecule drug that can restore wild-type p53 function in cancer cells, has been described as an indirect modulator of xCT expression in tumors with mutant p53 accumulation, and is thus a promising drug to use in combination with xCT inhibition. This review summarizes the current knowledge of xCT and its regulation by p53, with a focus on the crosstalk of these two molecules in ferroptosis, and also considers some possible combinatorial strategies that can make use of APR-246 treatment in combination with anti-xCT immunotargeting

    Efeito da temperatura no comportamento reológico da poupa de manga

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    Foi determinado o efeito da temperatura no comportamento reol´ogico da polpade manga, variedade Keitt, na faixa de temperatura de 10oC a 60o C. A polpa integralfoi produzida em planta piloto e refinada em finisher com peneira de 1,6mm. As an´alisesreol´ogicas foram conduzidas em um re^ometro Haake Rotovisco RV-20 com geometria de cilindrosconc^entricos. O efeito da temperatura sobre os par^amentros reol´ogicos que representamo ´ındice de consist^encia (KM) foi ajustado usando-se a equa¸c~ao de Arrhenius: ln(KM) = A1+ B1/T. No caso do modelo de Mizrahi-Berk o ´ındice de comportamento (nM) foi ajustadopor uma fun¸c~ao do tipo: nM = A2 + B2 T