23,887 research outputs found

    Traceability for Model Driven, Software Product Line Engineering

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    Traceability is an important challenge for software organizations. This is true for traditional software development and even more so in new approaches that introduce more variety of artefacts such as Model Driven development or Software Product Lines. In this paper we look at some aspect of the interaction of Traceability, Model Driven development and Software Product Line

    Brachyuran crustaceans from the bycatch of prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon river.

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    The present paper is a pioneering study on the Brachyura bycatch associated with the artisan prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon River. The study was conducted at four collection sites distributed along the mouth of the Amazon River between the months of January/2009 and January/2010. The animals were caught using handcrafted traps called ?matapi?, which are used by prawn fisherman in the region. Twenty matapis were used at each collection site. A total of 145 specimens were captured and six species were identified, all belonging to the Trichodactylidae family - Sylviocarcinus maldonadoensis, S. pictus, S. devillei, Valdivia serrata, Dilocarcinus septemdentatus and D. pagei. The most representative species, S. maldonadoensis, S. pictus and S. devillei were classified as regular. Regarding the composition of the capture, there were three specimens of D. pagei , only one male specimen of D. septemdentatus, forty-eight specimens of S. maldonadoensis, sixty-eight specimens of S. pictus, twenty-two specimens of S. devillei and three specimens of V. serrata. In all months, the brachyuran fauna showed a considerably lower biomass when compared to the prawns, representing only 5% of the catch, in a ratio of 1:0.06. For most species, the number of males was always higher than the number of females in almost all collection months

    Sistema de produção de leite à base de pastagens cultivada e nativa melhorada na região de Bagé.

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    Ocorrência de ácaros em cultivares comerciais de soja na safra 2009/2010.

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    Reproductive aspects of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in the State of Amapá, Amazon River mouth.

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    Macrobrachium amazonicum is an indigenous prawn vastly distributed in basins of South America, widely exploited by artisanal fisheries in northern and northeastern Brazil and, with great potential for aquaculture. This study aimed to investigate general aspects of population structure and reproductive characteristics (size at first maturity, fecundity and reproductive output) of M. amazonicum from two important areas to artisanal prawn fishing located at the mouth of the Amazon River, State of Amapá. The specimens were captured using 20 handcrafted traps called ?matapi?. A number of 5,179 prawns were captured, 2,975 females and 2,195 males resulting in 1.35:1 female to male ratio. Santana Island and Mazagão Velho showed females predominated in the population. A reproductive peak period was observed from January to April/2009 and in December/2010, coinciding with the period of higher rainfall. The recruitment peak occurred in June and July/2009. Egg-bearing females ranged in size (carapace length) from 11.10 to 29.6 mm. Fecundity increased with female size and reached up to 7,417 eggs. This amount of eggs is considered low if compared with other Macrobrachium estuarine species. Mean egg volume increased gradually from 0.121 to 0.24 mm3 during embryogenesis, representing 68.5% of overall increase from Stage I to Stage III. Eggs of M. amazonicum are small; this is typical for Macrobrachium species, which depends on brackish water to complete the larval development. Irrespective of female size, reproductive output of M. amazonicum varied between 4.8 and 21.85% of their body weight into eggs production

    Efeito de inseticidas reguladores de crescimento sobre ovos, lagartas e adultos de Grapholita molesta (BUSCK) (LEP.: Tortricidae).

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de inseticidas reguladores de crescimento de insetos (RCI) sobre ovos, lagartas e adultos de G. molesta, em laboratório. Os inseticidas avaliados foram lufenurom e novalurom (4,0g de i.a. 100L-1) metoxifenozida e tebufenozida (9,6g de i.a. 100L-1) e uma testemunha (água destilada). Em aplicação antes da oviposição, somente o metoxifenozida causou mortalidade significativa de ovos (26,3%), quando comparado à testemunha. A aplicação dos inseticidas sobre ovos com diferentes idades (24; 48 e 72 horas) apresentou variações na mortalidade da espécie em função do inseticida e tempo de desenvolvimento embrionário. Somente metoxifenozida e novalurom reduziram a viabilidade de lagartas que eclodiram dos ovos tratados, com um máximo de 35,9 e 39,5% de viabilidade larval quando aplicados em ovos de 48-72 horas, respectivamente. O tratamento dos frutos de maçã com inseticidas causou mortalidade significativa das lagartas, contudo não foram observadas diferenças entre os inseticidas, tanto para lagartas pequenas (eficiência média de 47,2%), quanto para lagartas de 3º-4º instar (média de 45,3%). Lufenurom reduziu sua eficácia com o aumento do tamanho da lagarta. A ingestão de lufenurom, metoxifenozida, novalurom, tebufenozida por adultos de G. molesta reduziu a fecundidade e a fertilidade, porém a longevidade dos adultos somente foi afetada negativamente pela ingestão de metoxifenozida e tebufenozida

    Fenologia reprodutiva de população de clones de castanha-da-Amazônia (Bertholletia excelsa) na Fazenda Aruanã, Itacoatiara - AM.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo acompanhar a fenologia reprodutiva de B. excelsa de três matrizes clonais