9 research outputs found

    Journal. Rno Microelectronic Engineering 1987

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    The papers which follow summarize the results of researchperformed by the graduating seniors from the MicroelectronicEngineering Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).In their final quarter (ten weeks) of study, the students submit aproposal for a research topic covering the relevance of theirproject to both the Microelectronics field and the Engineeringprogram at RIT, as well as a tentative timetable and budget. Aftera faculty critique, the project is either accepted as proposed orrevised. Thereafter, the student executes the researchindependently over the course of the quarter. The students meetweekly with the course coordinator to monitor progress, obtainsupplies, and revise the experiment as results develop. In additionto the research, their results are presented orally at the AnnualMicroelectronic Engineering Conference and in written form in thisjournal . The student is free (and encouraged) to seek the guidanceof other faculty members, both in and outside the MicroelectronicEngineering Faculty, researchers at other institutes, or industrialcolleagues.https://scholarworks.rit.edu/meec_archive/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Analyse von Dieselpartikeln. Eine Übersicht

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