13 research outputs found

    Mutations in the gene encoding B1 subunit of H+-ATPase cause renal tubular acidosis with sensorineural deafness

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    H+-ATPases are ubiquitous in nature; V-ATPases pump protons against an electrochemical gradient, whereas F-ATPases reverse the process, synthesizing ATP. We demonstrate here that mutations in ATP6B1, encoding the B-subunit of the apical proton pump mediating distal nephron acid secretion, cause distal renal tubular acidosis, a condition characterized by impaired renal acid secretion resulting in metabolic acidosis. Patients with ATP6B1 mutations also have sensorineural hearing loss; consistent with this finding, we demonstrate expression of ATP6B1 in cochlea and endolymphatic sac. Our data, together with the known requirement for active proton secretion to maintain proper endolymph pH, implicate ATP6B1 in endolymph pH homeostasis and in normal auditory function. ATP6B1 is the first member of the H+-ATPase gene family in which mutations are shown to cause human disease

    Reduced Electromotility of Outer Hair Cells Associated with Connexin-Related Forms of Deafness: An In silico Study of a Cochlear Network Mechanism

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    Mutations in the GJB2 gene encoding for the connexin 26 (Cx26) protein are the most common source of nonsyndromic forms of deafness. Cx26 is a building block of gap junctions (GJs) which establish electrical connectivity in distinct cochlear compartments by allowing intercellular ionic (and metabolic) exchange. Animal models of the Cx26 deficiency in the organ of Corti seem to suggest that the hearing loss and the degeneration of outer hair cells (OHCs) and inner hair cells is due to failed K+ and metabolite homeostasis. However, OHCs can develop normally in some mutants, suggesting that the hair cells death is not the universal mechanism. In search for alternatives, we have developed an in silico large scale three-dimensional model of electrical current flow in the cochlea in the small signal, linearised, regime. The effect of mutations was analysed by varying the magnitude of resistive components representing the GJ network in the organ of Corti. The simulations indeed show that reduced GJ conductivity increases the attenuation of the OHC transmembrane potential at frequencies above 5 kHz from 6.1 dB/decade in the wild-type to 14.2 dB/decade. As a consequence of increased GJ electrical filtering, the OHC transmembrane potential is reduced by up to 35 dB at frequencies >10 kHz. OHC electromotility, driven by this potential, is crucial for sound amplification, cochlear sensitivity and frequency selectivity. Therefore, we conclude that reduced OHC electromotility may represent an additional mechanism underlying deafness in the presence of Cx26 mutations and may explain lowered OHC functionality in particular reported Cx26 mutants