22 research outputs found

    A Randomised Experiment Evaluating the Mindful Raisin Practice as a Method of Reducing Chocolate Consumption During and After a Mindless Activity

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    The present study investigated the impact of the mindful raisin exercise on overeating during and after the experiment while controlling for wellbeing. One-hundred and twenty-eight participants were recruited and completed a questionnaire on wellbeing (i.e. depression, anxiety and stress) and state mindfulness. Participants were randomly allocated to either the mindful raisin exercise or a newspaper reading control condition. The State Mindfulness Scale was then completed again, and participants watched a neutral video while exposed to chocolate for 10 min. For those 10 min, results showed that the mindfulness condition translated into lower food consumption during the mindless activity when compared to the control condition. Post experiment, participants were asked to wait for 5 min, and any extra chocolate consumption during this time was recorded. Post-consumption was non-significantly different between the two groups, with those in the mindfulness condition consuming 1.3 g less than those in the control group. Controlling for wellbeing did not alter the impact of the mindfulness intervention on consumption. Implications for future work and practical applications for weight regulation are discussed

    Do agile managed information systems projects fail due to a lack of emotional intelligence?

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    YesAgile development methodologies (ADM) have become a widely implemented project management approach in Information Systems (IS). Yet, along with its growing popularity, the amount of concerns raised in regard to human related challenges caused by applyingADMare rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, the extant scholarly literature has neglected to identify the primary origins and reasons of these challenges. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine if these human related challenges are related to a lack of Emotional Intelligence (EI) by means of a quantitative approach. Froma sample of 194 agile practitioners, EI was found to be significantly correlated to human related challenges in agile teams in terms of anxiety, motivation, mutual trust and communication competence. Hence, these findings offer important new knowledge for IS-scholars, project managers and human resource practitioners, about the vital role of EI for staffing and training of agile managed IS-projects

    Noise and its impact on the perception of food and drink

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    Noise is currently the second most common complaint amongst restaurant-goers, behind poor service. In fact, over the last decade or two, many restaurants have become so loud that some critics now regularly report on the noise levels alongside the quality of the food. In this review, I first highlight the growing problem of noise in restaurants and bars and look at the possible causes. I then critically evaluate the laboratory-based research that has examined the effect of loud background noise on taste perception. I distinguish between the effect of noise on the taste, aroma/flavour, and textural properties of food and drink. Taken together, the evidence now clearly demonstrates that both background noise and loud music can impair our ability to taste food and drink. It would appear that noise selectively impairs the ability to detect tastes such as sweet and sour while leaving certain other taste and flavour experiences relatively unaffected. Possible neuroscientific explanations for such effects are outlined, and directions for future research highlighted. Finally, having identified the growing problem with noise in restaurants, I end by looking at some of the possible solutions and touch on the concept of silent dining