14 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu opisano je združivanje WRF i CAMx modela te primjena sustava na stvarnoj situaciji u razdoblju 10.02. - 20.02.2008. za disperziju onečišćenja SO2. Numerički model WRF poslužio je za dobivanje trodimenzionalnih meteoroloških podataka koji su korišteni kao ulazni podaci za CAMx model. Emisije u CAMx modelu uvedene su preko točkastih (industrijska zona grada Siska i ostali izvori u Sisačko moslavačkoj županiji) i površinskih izvora (EMEP model za 2007. g). Rezultati dobiveni fotokemijskim modelom CAMx uspoređeni su s mjernim postajama kakvoće zraka Sisak - 1 i Kutina - 1. Mjerna postaja Kutina - 1 poslužila je za prikazivanje utjecaja industrijske zone Siska na daljnja područja gdje je pokazano da faktor vjetra ima značajnu ulogu pri disperziji onečišćenja u zraku. Usporedba mjerenih i modeliranih vrijednosti na postaji Sisak - 1 pokazuje dobro slaganje na dnevnoj skali, a na satnoj skali bitne mjestimične razlike. Provedene simulacije s različitim tehnološkim parametrima - temperatura i brzina ispusnog plina, visina i promjer izlaznog otvora dimnjaka, ukazuju da su oni bitni za bolje rezultate u području bliže izvorima onečišćenja. Verifikacijom rezultata pokazalo se da su za bolji opis disperzije onečišćenja uz kvalitetnu meteorološku pozadinu, potrebni svi tehnički parametri obrađeni u radu, kao i točna ulazna emisija

    Development and application of the coupled atmospheric-chemistry modelling system over the Republic of Croatia

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    Doktorski rad rezultat je istraživanja primjene regionalnih atmosfersko-kemijskih modela na područje Hrvatske s verifikacijom rezultata koja je provedena na temelju raspoloživih pozadinskih mjerenja lebdećih čestica, prizemnih meteoroloških parametara, radiosondažnih podataka te mjerenja s mjernih stupova na području Europe s posebnim fokusom na statički stabilne atmosferske uvjete u atmosferi. Ostvareni su sljedeći izvorni znanstveni doprinosi: - Prvi puta se provodi znanstveno istraživanje i objavljuju rezultati u značajnim znanstvenim časopisima o primjeni i razvoju združenog atmosfersko-kemijskog modelskog sustava WRFChem na područje Hrvatske s fokusom na PM, izrazito kompleksne smjese različitih spojeva s prepoznatim značajem kroz utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje i stanje okoliša u cjelini. Također, prvi je puta dana sustavna i sveobuhvatna usporedna validacija i evaluacija dva najčešće korištena atmosfersko-kemijska modelska sustava na području Europe (EMEP i WRF-Chem). - Rad doprinosi novim spoznajama o karakteristikama modela u primjeni na statički stabilne uvjete atmosfere. Takvi uvjeti su bitni za istraživanje jer doprinose akumulaciji onečišćujućih tvari u zraku, pojavi povišenih mjerenih vrijednosti koncentracija PM-a i prekoračenju propisanih kritičnih vrijednosti koncentracija. - Validacija modela korisna je za širu znanstvenu zajednicu jer je provedena na velikom skupu mjerenja sa mjernih postaja diljem Europe, grupiranih po visini s ciljem ispitivanja prostorne varijabilnosti onečišćenja te provjere fizikalnih i dinamičkih svojstava modela. - Istraživanje kemijskih i meteoroloških mehanizama koji doprinose povećanju koncentracija lebdećih čestica omogućuju bolje razumijevanje specifičnih meteoroloških situacija kada se javljaju povećane koncentracije onečišćujućih tvari u zraku te daju potrebne informacije o uzrocima prekomjernih onečišćenja lebdećim česticama u zraku. - Detaljne analize osiguravaju potrebne informacije o združenim kompleksnim modelskim sustavima koje mogu pomoći u daljnjem razvijanju numeričkih modela i njihove primjene na konkretne probleme kvalitete zraka te općenito u upravljanju kvalitetom zraka.(Short summary from Extended abstract) The application of regional-scale air quality models is an important tool in air quality assessment and management. For this reason, the understanding of model abilities and performances is mandatory. The main objective of this research was to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of background particulate matter (PM) concentrations, to evaluate the regional air quality model performance in simulating PM concentrations during statically stable atmospheric conditions and to investigate processes that contribute to regionally increased PM concentrations. The focus of this research is on Republic of Croatia and consequently, on Eastern and Central Europe. The domain of research encompassed almost entire Europe in order to include all sources in vicinity of country that could contribute to possible transboundary pollution and to analyze model on significant amount of background air quality and meteorological stations. The temporal and spatial variability of observed particulate matter (PM) was analysed at 320 rural background stations in Europe during 2011. Two different regional air quality modelling systems (offline coupled EMEP and online coupled Weather Research and ForecastChem) were applied to simulate the transport of pollutants and to further investigate the processes that contributed to increased concentrations during identified high pollution episodes in relative vicinity of Croatia. Background PM measurements from rural background stations and wind speed, surface pressure and ambient temperature data from 920 meteorological stations across Europe, classified according to the elevation, were used for the evaluation of individual model performance. Among the „sea-level“ stations (at altitudes up to 200 m), the best model performance, in terms of meteorology and chemistry, was found for both models. The underestimated modelled PM concentrations in some cases indicated the importance of accurate assessment of regional air pollution transport under statically stable atmospheric conditions and the necessity of further model improvements

    Development and application of the coupled atmospheric-chemistry modelling system over the Republic of Croatia

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    Doktorski rad rezultat je istraživanja primjene regionalnih atmosfersko-kemijskih modela na područje Hrvatske s verifikacijom rezultata koja je provedena na temelju raspoloživih pozadinskih mjerenja lebdećih čestica, prizemnih meteoroloških parametara, radiosondažnih podataka te mjerenja s mjernih stupova na području Europe s posebnim fokusom na statički stabilne atmosferske uvjete u atmosferi. Ostvareni su sljedeći izvorni znanstveni doprinosi: - Prvi puta se provodi znanstveno istraživanje i objavljuju rezultati u značajnim znanstvenim časopisima o primjeni i razvoju združenog atmosfersko-kemijskog modelskog sustava WRFChem na područje Hrvatske s fokusom na PM, izrazito kompleksne smjese različitih spojeva s prepoznatim značajem kroz utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje i stanje okoliša u cjelini. Također, prvi je puta dana sustavna i sveobuhvatna usporedna validacija i evaluacija dva najčešće korištena atmosfersko-kemijska modelska sustava na području Europe (EMEP i WRF-Chem). - Rad doprinosi novim spoznajama o karakteristikama modela u primjeni na statički stabilne uvjete atmosfere. Takvi uvjeti su bitni za istraživanje jer doprinose akumulaciji onečišćujućih tvari u zraku, pojavi povišenih mjerenih vrijednosti koncentracija PM-a i prekoračenju propisanih kritičnih vrijednosti koncentracija. - Validacija modela korisna je za širu znanstvenu zajednicu jer je provedena na velikom skupu mjerenja sa mjernih postaja diljem Europe, grupiranih po visini s ciljem ispitivanja prostorne varijabilnosti onečišćenja te provjere fizikalnih i dinamičkih svojstava modela. - Istraživanje kemijskih i meteoroloških mehanizama koji doprinose povećanju koncentracija lebdećih čestica omogućuju bolje razumijevanje specifičnih meteoroloških situacija kada se javljaju povećane koncentracije onečišćujućih tvari u zraku te daju potrebne informacije o uzrocima prekomjernih onečišćenja lebdećim česticama u zraku. - Detaljne analize osiguravaju potrebne informacije o združenim kompleksnim modelskim sustavima koje mogu pomoći u daljnjem razvijanju numeričkih modela i njihove primjene na konkretne probleme kvalitete zraka te općenito u upravljanju kvalitetom zraka.(Short summary from Extended abstract) The application of regional-scale air quality models is an important tool in air quality assessment and management. For this reason, the understanding of model abilities and performances is mandatory. The main objective of this research was to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of background particulate matter (PM) concentrations, to evaluate the regional air quality model performance in simulating PM concentrations during statically stable atmospheric conditions and to investigate processes that contribute to regionally increased PM concentrations. The focus of this research is on Republic of Croatia and consequently, on Eastern and Central Europe. The domain of research encompassed almost entire Europe in order to include all sources in vicinity of country that could contribute to possible transboundary pollution and to analyze model on significant amount of background air quality and meteorological stations. The temporal and spatial variability of observed particulate matter (PM) was analysed at 320 rural background stations in Europe during 2011. Two different regional air quality modelling systems (offline coupled EMEP and online coupled Weather Research and ForecastChem) were applied to simulate the transport of pollutants and to further investigate the processes that contributed to increased concentrations during identified high pollution episodes in relative vicinity of Croatia. Background PM measurements from rural background stations and wind speed, surface pressure and ambient temperature data from 920 meteorological stations across Europe, classified according to the elevation, were used for the evaluation of individual model performance. Among the „sea-level“ stations (at altitudes up to 200 m), the best model performance, in terms of meteorology and chemistry, was found for both models. The underestimated modelled PM concentrations in some cases indicated the importance of accurate assessment of regional air pollution transport under statically stable atmospheric conditions and the necessity of further model improvements

    Regional-scale modelling for the assessment of atmospheric particulate matter concentrations at rural background locations in Europe

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    The application of regional-scale air quality models is an important tool in air quality assessment and management. For this reason, the understanding of model abilities and performances is mandatory. The main objective of this research was to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of background particulate matter (PM) concentrations, to evaluate the regional air quality modelling performance in simulating PM concentrations during statically stable conditions and to investigate processes that contribute to regionally increased PM concentrations with a focus on Eastern and Central Europe. The temporal and spatial variability of observed particulate matter (PM) was analysed at 310 rural background stations in Europe during 2011. Two different regional air quality modelling systems (offline coupled EMEP and online coupled Weather Research and Forecast-Chem) were applied to simulate the transport of pollutants and to further investigate the processes that contributed to increased concentrations during high pollution episodes. Background PM measurements from rural background stations and wind speed, surface pressure and ambient temperature data from 920 meteorological stations across Europe, classified according to the elevation, were used for the evaluation of individual model performance. Among the sea-level stations (up to 200 m), the best modelling performance, in terms of meteorology and chemistry, was found for both models. The underestimated modelled PM concentrations in some cases indicated the importance of accurate assessment of regional air pollution transport under statically stable atmospheric conditions and the necessity of further model improvements

    Measures for Reducing Traffic Congestion in Cities

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    Traffic planners and designers are daily confronted by theproblems of traffic flow. Finding a solution for the optimal organisationof the traffic system in the wider (at the state level)and the narrower sense (cities, towns), requires accurate planningand adequate financing. With Croatia being a developingcountry that has higher investments into the traffic system, thematerial means need to be rati01~t~lised and the human andland resources cautiously managed. With the development andimplementation of the traffic studies, an improvement of thetraffic in cities can be expected. The work describes the trafficmeasures which provide higher quality traffic flow, with low investments.They can be used as guidelines in planning the trafficand as the first implementations of solutions from the trafficstudies

    The assessment of transboundary and regional air pollution due to particles

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    Elevated atmospheric particulate matter concentrations are associated with significant adverse health effects, affect ecosystems, influence visibility and cloud formation in the atmosphere and play an important role in climate change. Air quality modelling makes the connection between the design of effective mitigation strategies and knowledge of air pollutant sources. Transboundary and regional air quality models are one of the main scientific and policy tools used for the air quality assessment including particulate matter (PM). As sources outside cities often contribute significantly to local air pollution, many European cities will be unable to meet WHO guideline levels for air pollutants only by local action. Regional models resolve complex chemical processes of formation of secondary PM providing the possibility to identify the key mechanisms in their formation. Modelling results are primarily used to identify the contribution of the regional anthropogenic and natural emission sources of air pollution to the local levels, and to ensure high quality data for decision making that would jointly with the adequate measurements allow for the implementation of effective measures for air pollution reduction. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of transboundary and regional modelling of air pollution due to PM as well as the assessment of rural background PM measurements. Within this chapter regional model capabilities including input data (emissions, meteorology etc.) are discussed with focus on two widely applied atmospheric chemistry models EMEP and WRF/Chem as well as trajectory model Hysplit. Finally, the systematic review of some recent scientific papers focused on PM simulation and intercomparison of different models enabled the identification of unresolved scientific issues in regional PM simulations with atmospheric chemistry models

    Designing laboratory wind simulations using artificial neural network

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    Identification of diverse air pollution sources in a complex urban area of Croatia

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    Pinpointing the contribution of sources in complex urban areas, affected by large point sources such as oil refineries, is important for developing emission control strategies. Receptor models based on chemical composition of particulate matter PM), such as Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) are useful means for source apportionment but their results are usually affected by the lack of appropriate inclusion of meteorological parameters that significantly affect the distribution of pollutants in the atmosphere and deserve considerations. This work applies and evaluates different source apportionment techniques to identify the sources of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and to the less represented – hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) – in an urban area influenced by a large point source (an oil refinery) in Brod of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although domestic heating and refinery contributed equally to PM2.5 primary emissions, source apportionment receptor model method based on conditional bivariate probability function (CPBF) revealed that probability ~70% for the PM2.5 concentrations higher than 80th percentile (>37 µg/m3) is assigned to the refinery while ~30% is attributed to the urban sources. The composition of PM2.5 is seen to be dominated by carbonaceous combustion particles, mainly organic carbon (OC), with maximum values appearing during winter. Summer PM2.5 levels were dominated by the sulphate, which can be related to the oil refinery, and ammonium pointing towards the agriculture activities. Urban and highway traffic was the main source (probability ~20%) of NO2 concentrations >80th percentile. Results of multi-pollutant analyses using various source apportionment techniques (i.e. emissions, temporal pollutant variations, chemical PM speciation and CPBF) are ummarized in the form of blame matrix that relates observed concentrations to the sources. An oil refinery was identified as the major source of PM2.5, SO2, H2S and O3 in the area while the city (domestic heating, biomass burning and traffic) is a second contributing source to PM2.5 and SO2 and traffic is the major source of NO2. This work brings an evaluation of source apportionment methods in the assessment of PM and less represented gaseous pollutants NO2, SO2, H2S and O3 that can be used for future scientific applications and assures more efficient air quality management in the analyzed area of Southeastern Europe with prominent air pollution problems