15 research outputs found

    Interaction of Molybdo-Phosphoric and Molybdo-Antimono-Phosphoric Heteropoly Acids with Silica Gels Modified with Aliphatic and Heterocyclic Quaternary Ammonium Salts

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    The interaction of molybdo-phosphoric and molybdo-antimonophosphoric heteropoly acids with aliphatic (tetradecylammonium nitrate and trinonyloctadecylammonium iodide) and heterocyclic (lucigenine and safranine) quaternary ammonium salts immobilized onto silica has been studied using adsorption and spectroscopic methods. It has been shown that the formation of ionassociates between the quaternary ammonium cations and the heteropoly anions is accompanied by their interaction with surface silica groups which accounts for the tight binding of heteropoly acids to the surface. Such interfacial reactions can successfully be applied to the development of spectroscopic and semi-quantitative visual test techniques for detecting trace amounts of phosphorus and antimony

    Variabilidade espacial dos teores de macronutrientes em latossolos sob sistema plantio direto Spatial variability of macronutrient contents in untilled oxisols

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    A eficácia dos planos de amostragem do solo pode ser aumentada se for conhecida e considerada a variabilidade espacial de seus atributos, e, para isso, devem ser estudados os fatores que a determinam. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial dos teores de macronutrientes P, K, Ca, Mg e S em dois Latossolos, um muito argiloso e outro de textura média, cultivados com manejo semelhante, há oito anos sob sistema plantio direto. A coleta das amostras do solo foi realizada em intervalos regulares de 50 m, totalizando 121 pontos, em duas camadas (0-10 e 10-20 cm). Os dados foram avaliados por estatística descritiva e geoestatística, com base no ajuste de semivariogramas. Verificou-se que a dependência espacial varia conforme o elemento, a textura do solo e a profundidade de coleta da amostra. Assim, o Latossolo de textura média, de maneira geral, apresentou maior variabilidade espacial para os teores dos nutrientes em relação ao de textura muito argilosa. A camada de 0-10 cm, nos dois Latossolos, proporcionou maior variabilidade espacial para os teores dos nutrientes avaliados. A análise de dependência espacial mostrou que, nos dois solos e nas duas camadas, a maioria dos nutrientes estudados apresentou moderada correlação espacial. Os modelos de semivariogramas ajustados foram o exponencial e o esférico, sendo o primeiro em maior quantidade. Maiores teores de todos os macronutrientes avaliados foram verificados nos primeiros 10 cm do solo. Os valores de alcance da dependência espacial foram menores no Latossolo de textura média, variando de 9 a 29 m; no de textura muito argilosa eles variaram de 31 a 399 m. Se for adotada a geoestatística no esquema de amostragem, o número de amostras a serem coletadas será menor no Latossolo de textura muito argilosa, devido aos maiores valores do alcance apresentados por todas as variáveis.<br>The effectiveness of soil sampling plans may be increased if the spatial variability of soil properties is known and taken into consideration; the factors that determine it should therefore be studied. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the spatial variability of the contents P, K, Ca, Mg, and S in two Oxisols, one very clayey and the other with medium texture, managed in a similar system for eight years, in no-tillage. Soil samples were collected at regular distances of 50 m, totaling 121 points in two layers (0-10 and 10-20 cm). The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and geostatistics, based on the adjustment of semivariograms. It was found that spatial dependence varies with the nutrient, soil texture and sampling depth. Thus, the spatial variability of the medium texture Oxisol for nutrient levels was generally greater than of the very clayey Oxisol. The spatial variability for nutrient levels was highest in both Oxisols in the 0-10 cm layer. The analysis of spatial dependence showed that the spatial correlation in both soils and both layers was moderate for most nutrients studied. Exponential and spherical semivariogram models were adjusted, the first in greater quantity. Highest amounts of all nutrients were detected in the top 10 cm of soil. The range of spatial dependence in the medium texture Oxisol was lower (9-29 m) than in the very clayey Oxisol (31-399 m). If adopted in a geostatistical sampling scheme, the number of samples to be collected will be lower in the very clayey soil, due to the wider range of all variables