912 research outputs found

    Fine-Tuning Constraints on Supergravity Models

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    We discuss fine-tuning constraints on supergravity models. The tightest constraints come from the experimental mass limits on two key particles: the lightest CP even Higgs boson and the gluino. We also include the lightest chargino which is relevant when universal gaugino masses are assumed. For each of these particles we show how fine-tuning increases with the experimental mass limit, for four types of supergravity model: minimal supergravity, no-scale supergravity (relaxing the universal gaugino mass assumption), D-brane models and anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking models. Among these models, the D-brane model is less fine tuned.The experimental propects for an early discovery of Higgs and supersymmetry at LEP and the Tevatron are discussed in this framework.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, including 5 eps figure

    Associations between Family Maltreatment Perpetration and Latent Profiles of Personal and Family Strengths among Active-Duty Air Force Members

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    Although individual and family strengths have been found to impact family maltreatment risk, optimal approaches to their assessment are lacking. To substantiate the utility of holistically assessing multiple strengths among active-duty Air Force members (i.e., Airmen) who might be at risk of perpetrating family maltreatment, the current study aimed to identify latent patterns of personal and family strengths among Airmen and assess associations with family maltreatment perpetration. A representative a sample of 30,187 Airmen from the 2011 Air Force Community Assessment Survey was used to identify patterns across latent-factor scores representing unit leader support, informal support, family functioning, individual fitness, and personal resilience. Latent profile analysis was conducted to extract an optimal number of response patterns and estimate associations with family maltreatment perpetration. A five-profile solution was optimal, representing patterns marked by low (10%), below average (26%), mixed (16%), above average (36%), and high (12%) levels of personal and family strengths. Predicted probabilities of family maltreatment among families not identifying as stepfamilies were 39%, 21%, 14%, 10%, and 8% across low, below average, mixed, above average, and high patterns, respectively. Among stepfamilies (20% of sample), predicted probabilities were 49%, 29%, 21%, 15%, and 12%, respectively. Findings encourage a holistic assessment of personal and family strengths among Airmen. The Personal and Family Strengths Inventory, which was developed to gauge these strengths, can position practitioners well to engage Airmen in conversations around strengths and growth opportunities for the purposes of service planning aimed at preventing family maltreatment

    Quark and Lepton Mass Patterns and the Absolute Neutrino Mass Scale

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    We investigate what could be learned about the absolute scale of neutrino masses from comparisons among the patterns within quark and lepton mass hierarchies. First, we observe that the existing information on neutrino masses fits quite well to the unexplained, but apparently present regularities in the quark and charged lepton sectors. Second, we discuss several possible mass patterns, pointing out that this quite generally leads towards hierarchical neutrino mass patterns especially disfavoring the vacuum solution.Comment: final version to be published in PRD, 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Naturalness Implications of LEP Results

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    We analyse the fine-tuning constraints arising from absence of superpartners at LEP, without strong universality assumptions. We show that such constraints do not imply that charginos or neutralinos should have been seen at LEP, contrary to the usual arguments. They do however imply relatively light gluinos (m_{\tilde g} \lsim 350 GeV) and/or a relation between the soft-breaking SU(3) gaugino mass and Higgs soft mass mHUm_{H_U}. The LEP limit on the Higgs mass is significant, especially at low tan⁥ÎČ\tan \beta, and we investigate to what extent this provides evidence for both a lighter gluino and correlations between soft masses.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, including 2 eps figure

    5D seesaw, flavor structure, and mass textures

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    In the 5D theory in which only 3 generation right-handed neutrinos are in the bulk, the neutrino flavor mixings and the mass spectrum can be constructed through the seesaw mechanism. The 5D seesaw is easily calculated just by a replacement of the Majorana mass eigenvalues, M_i, by 2 M_*tan(h)[\pi RM_i] (M_*: 5D Planck scale, R: compactification radius). The 5D features appear when the bulk mass, which induces the 4D Majorana mass, is the same as the compactification scale or larger than it. Depending on the type of bulk mass, the seesaw scales of the 3 generations are strongly split (the tan-function case) or degenerate (the tanh-function case). In the split case, the seesaw enhancement is naturally realized. The single right-handed neutrino dominance works in a simple setup, and some specific mass textures, which are just assumptions in the 4D setup, can be naturally obtained in 5 dimensions. The degenerate case is also useful for a suitable neutrino flavor structure.Comment: 15 page

    Energy Independent Solution to the Solar Neutrino Anomaly including the SNO data

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    The global data on solar neutrino rates and spectrum, including the SNO charged current rate, can be explained by LMA, LOW or the energy independent solution -- corresponding to near-maximal mixing. All the three favour a mild upward renormalisation of the Cl rate. A mild downward shift of the BB neutrino flux is favoured by the energy independent and to a lesser extent the LOW solution, but not by LMA. Comparison with the ratio of SK elastic and SNO charged current scattering rates favours the LMA over the other two solutions, but by no more than 1.5σ1.5\sigma.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 3 figure

    CP and Lepton-Number Violation in GUT Neutrino Models with Abelian Flavour Symmetries

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    We study the possible magnitudes of CP and lepton-number-violating quantities in specific GUT models of massive neutrinos with different Abelian flavour groups, taking into account experimental constraints and requiring successful leptogenesis. We discuss SU(5) and flipped SU(5) models that are consistent with the present data on neutrino mixing and upper limits on the violations of charged-lepton flavours and explore their predictions for the CP-violating oscillation and Majorana phases. In particular, we discuss string-derived flipped SU(5) models with selection rules that modify the GUT structure and provide additional constraints on the operators, which are able to account for the magnitudes of some of the coefficients that are often set as arbitrary parameters in generic Abelian models.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Deviation of Atmospheric Mixing from Maximal and Structure in the Leptonic Flavor Sector

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    I attempt to quantify how far from maximal one should expect the atmospheric mixing angle to be given a neutrino mass-matrix that leads, at zeroth order, to a nu_3 mass-eigenstate that is 0% nu_e, 50% nu_mu, and 50% nu_tau. This is done by assuming that the solar mass-squared difference is induced by an "anarchical" first order perturbation, an approach than can naturally lead to experimentally allowed values for all oscillation parameters. In particular, both |cos 2theta_atm| (the measure for the deviation of atmospheric mixing from maximal) and |U_e3| are of order sqrt(Delta m^2_sol/Delta m^2_atm) in the case of a normal neutrino mass-hierarchy, or of order Delta m^2_sol/Delta m^2_atm in the case of an inverted one. Hence, if any of the textures analyzed here has anything to do with reality, next-generation neutrino experiments can see a nonzero cos 2theta_atm in the case of a normal mass-hierarchy, while in the case of an inverted mass-hierarchy only neutrino factories should be able to see a deviation of sin^2 2theta_atm from 1.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, references and acknowledgments adde

    A Model of Fermion Masses and Flavor Mixings with Family Symmetry SU(3)⊗U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1)

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    The family symmetry SU(3)⊗U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1) is proposed to solve flavor problems about fermion masses and flavor mixings. It's breaking is implemented by some flavon fields at the high-energy scale. In addition a discrete group Z2Z_{2} is introduced to generate tiny neutrino masses, which is broken by a real singlet scalar field at the middle-energy scale. The low-energy effective theory is elegantly obtained after all of super-heavy fermions are integrated out and decoupling. All the fermion mass matrices are regularly characterized by four fundamental matrices and thirteen parameters. The model can perfectly fit and account for all the current experimental data about the fermion masses and flavor mixings, in particular, it finely predicts the first generation quark masses and the values of ξ13 l\theta^{\,l}_{13} and JCP lJ_{CP}^{\,l} in neutrino physics. All of the results are promising to be tested in the future experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, to make a few of corrections to the old version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1011.457

    Leading Order Textures for Lepton Mass Matrices

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    In theories with three light neutrinos, certain simplicity assumptions allow the construction of a complete list of leading order lepton mass matrices. These matrices are consistent with m_{tau} \neq 0, Delta m^2_{12} \ll Delta m^2_{23}, theta_{23} approx 1, and theta_{13} = 0, as suggested by measurements of atmospheric and solar neutrino fluxes. The list contains twelve generic cases: two have three degenerate neutrinos, eight have two neutrinos forming a Dirac state, and in only two cases is one neutrino much heavier than the other two. For each of these twelve generic cases the possible forms for the perturbations which yield m_{mu} are given. Ten special textures are also found.Comment: 17 pages, added reference
