159 research outputs found

    Validation of VSD+ and critical loads for nutrient N

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    A semi-empirical dynamic soil acidification model for use in spatially explicit integrated assessment models for Europe

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    A semi-empirical soil acidification model was developed for use in integrated assessment models on a European scale. The model simulates the time development of base saturation and aluminium concentration using an empirical relationship with pH. An accompanying data set was developed by overlaying European maps of soils, land use, climate and altitude followed by a procedure that aggragates the input data over soil-texture combinations in each EMEP 150 km x 150 km grid cell. Model tests show that themodel gives results comparable to the SMART model, although it overestimates initial base saturation in some areas with high acid input and simulates a faster recovery from acidification than SMART

    SMART users guides: SMART_NL & SMS_NL

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    Instructions to install and to use the model SMART_NL are given, and how to use the model SMART_NL with SUMO included. Besides, a user manual for configuration management is given

    Simulation of phosphate leaching in catchments with phosphate-saturated soils in the Netherlands

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    The effects on phosphate leaching to surface waters of two scenarios for net phosphate input to sandy agricultural soils were estimated. WATBAL and ANIMO simulations for manure surplus areas in the Netherlands were used. The methodology and models were verified by comparing model results with measured values of the Schuitenbeek catchment. Simulated values of phosphate loads to surface waters and phosphate concentrations were underestimated by 10 and 30% respectively. Phosphate leaching to surface waters and phosphate concentrations hardly increase in the lower scenario with a net P2O5 input or `loss' of 10 kg per ha per year. With a P2O5 surplus of 40 kg per ha per year both leaching fluxes and concentrations increase

    Technical documentation of the soil model VSD+ : Status A

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    VSD+ is een model om de gevolgen te berekenen van atmosferische depositie en klimaatverandering voorbodemverzuring, de beschikbaarheid van voedingsstoffen en het vastleggen van koolstof. Het model isontwikkeld ter onderbouwing van strategieën om de uitstoot van zwavel (S) en stikstof (N) in Europa teverminderen. Dit document biedt een samenvatting van de theorie waar het model op gestoeld is, detechnische documentatie hiervan alsmede een beschrijving van het testen, het valideren en de sensitiviteitsanalysevan het model. De processen zoals beschreven in het artikel over VSD+ zijn met goed gevolg getest.De gevoeligheidsanalyse gaf aan dat de constante voor het evenwicht tussen H+ en Al3+ in de bodemoplossingen de Ca-verweringssnelheid de parameters zijn, die voor een groot gedeelte de waarde van degesimuleerde pH bepalen. Voor basenverzadiging zijn de belangrijkste parameters de uitwisselingsconstantetussen H+ en basische kationen en de verwering van Ca. Voor de C/N ratio van bodemorganische stof zijn Cen N in het strooisel en de opname van N zeer bepalende factoren. De nitraatconcentratie hangt sterk samenmet het nerslagoverschot en de netto input van N---VSD+ is a model to calculate effects of atmospheric deposition and climate change on soil acidification,nutrient availability and carbon sequestration. The model has been developed to support emission abatementstrategies of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) in Europe. This document contains a summary of the modeltheory, technical documentation and descriptions of testing, validations and the sensitivity analysis of themodel. The processes described in the paper about VSD+ have been tested successfully. The sensitivityanalysis showed that the constant for the equilibrium between H+ and Al3+ in the soil solution and theweathering rate of Ca are the parameters that to a large extent determine the value of the simulated pH. Forbase saturation, most important parameters are the exchange constant between H+ and base cations andthe weathering of Ca. For the C/N ratio of soil organic matter, litterfall of C and N and the uptake of N areimportant influencing factors. The nitrate concentration strongly depends on the leaching flux and the net N inpu

    Verbeteringen voor de Natuurplanner

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    Tijdens de ontwikkeling en toepassing van de modellen SMART2, SUMO2 en MOVE, alle onderdeel van de Natuurplanner het modelinstrumentarium van het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau1, is een aantal problemen aan het licht gekomen. In dit werkdocument wordt een aantal van deze problemen behandeld en wordt een oplossing gegeven of een oplossingsrichting aangegeve

    Critical loads and excess loads of cadmium, copper and lead for European forest soils

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    Recently, concern has arisen about the impact of the dispersion of heavy metals in Europe. Therefore, a study (ESQUAD) was initiated to assess critical loads and steady-state concentrations of cadmium, copper and lead for European forest soils. The calculation methods used strongly resemble those used to compute critical loads for acidifying compounds. Results show that the computed critical loads and associated excess loads for forest soils strongly depend on the threshold values chosen and on the soil phase (adsorbed/dissolved) considered. Further research is needed to improve input data and the modelling of heavy metal adsorption

    Critical loads for eutrophication and acidification for European terrestrial ecosystems

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    The project aimed to improve the European background database used by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) to calculate Critical Loads (CLs) for eutrophication and acidification for (semi-) natural European terrestrial ecosystems. The database is used when member countries do not provide their own CL data to the CCE. In this case, the missing country data are replaced by the results of the background database when the CCE produces European CL maps. This report describes the (a) underlying datasets; (b) derivation of the input data for the CL model; (c) R packages and scripts developed; and (c) verification of the results. These results feed into international and national policy advice, e.g., they are an important input to the Gothenburg Protocol Review currently underway in the year 2021
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