7 research outputs found

    Sensorineural hearing loss in pregnancy: an alternative, simpler possible explanation.

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    An interesting paper recently published by Kenny et al. in the Irish Journal of Medical Science reports a case of two episodes of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) which occurred to the same patient during two consecutive pregnancies. The possible underlying mechanisms are discussed and include increased endolymphatic pressure linked to changes in CSF pressure associated to a patent cochlear aqueduct, hormone changes, oedema, autoimmune disorders, increased activation of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis during pregnancy. Furthermore, the possibility of an influence of altered anatomy and physiology of the epidural space is taken into account. However, the authors conclude that other possible aetiologies need to be excluded


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    Anatomia. Anamnesi ed esame obiettivo. Indagini strumentali. Paralisi del nervo facciale. Neurinoma dell'acustico. Neurectomia vestibolar

    Secretory meningioma of the middle ear: a light microscopic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of one case.

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    A 66-year-old woman was referred with left hearing loss. A probable diagnosis of left secretory otitis media with effusion was formulated. A left myringotomy was performed to remove hyperplastic hard tissue from the tympanic cavity. A high resolution CT scan of the temporal bone disclosed a soft-tissue mass completely involving the mastoid and tympanic cavity, surrounding the ossicular chain which appeared spared with no signs of infiltration. The histopathologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural response was secretory meningioma, a rare variant of conventional meningothelial meningioma in atypical sites