13 research outputs found

    Gapless Assembly of Maize Chromosomes Using Long-Read Technologies

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    Creating gapless telomere-to-telomere assemblies of complex genomes is one of the ultimate challenges in genomics. We use two independent assemblies and an optical map-based merging pipeline to produce a maize genome (B73-Ab10) composed of 63 contigs and a contig N50 of 162 Mb. This genome includes gapless assemblies of chromosome 3 (236 Mb) and chromosome 9 (162 Mb), and 53 Mb of the Ab10 meiotic drive haplotype. The data also reveal the internal structure of seven centromeres and five heterochromatic knobs, showing that the major tandem repeat arrays (CentC, knob180, and TR-1) are discontinuous and frequently interspersed with retroelements

    The genomic organization of retrotransposons in Brassica oleracea

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    We have investigated the copy numbers and genomic organization of five representative reverse transcriptase domains from retrotransposons in Brassica oleracea. Two non-homologous Pseudoviridae (Ty1/copia-like) elements, two Metaviridae (Ty3/gypsy-like) elements (one related to the Athila family) and one Retroposinae (LINE) element were hybridized to a gridded BAC library, “BoB”. The results indicated that the individual LTR retrotransposons (copia and gypsy-like) were represented by between 90 and 320 copies in the haploid genome, with only evidence of a single location for the LINE. Sequence analysis of the same elements against genome survey sequence gave estimates of between 60 and 570, but no LINE was found. There was minimal evidence for clustering between any of these retroelements: only half the randomly expected number of BACs hybridized to both LTR-retrotransposon families. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed that each of the retroelements had a characteristic genomic distribution. Our results suggest there are preferential sites and perhaps control mechanisms for the insertion or excision of different retrotransposon groups