466 research outputs found

    The PL calibration for Milky Way Cepheids and its implications for the distance scale

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    The rationale behind recent calibrations of the Cepheid PL relation using the Wesenheit formulation is reviewed and reanalyzed, and it is shown that recent conclusions regarding a possible change in slope of the PL relation for short-period and long-period Cepheids are tied to a pathological distribution of HST calibrators within the instability strip. A recalibration of the period-luminosity relation is obtained using Galactic Cepheids in open clusters and groups, the resulting relationship, described by log L/L_sun = 2.415(+-0.035) + 1.148(+-0.044)log P, exhibiting only the moderate scatter expected from color spread within the instability strip. The relationship is confirmed by Cepheids with HST parallaxes, although without the need for Lutz-Kelker corrections, and in general by Cepheids with revised Hipparcos parallaxes, albeit with concerns about the cited precisions of the latter. A Wesenheit formulation of Wv = -2.259(+-0.083) - 4.185(+-0.103)log P for Galactic Cepheids is tested successfully using Cepheids in the inner regions of the galaxy NGC 4258, confirming the independent geometrical distance established for the galaxy from OH masers. Differences between the extinction properties of interstellar and extragalactic dust may yet play an important role in the further calibration of the Cepheid PL relation and its application to the extragalactic distance scale.Comment: Accepted for Publication (Astrophysics & Space Science

    A cohort study of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome and PCV2 in 178 pigs from birth to 14 weeks on a single farm in England

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    Our hypothesis was that pigs that develop post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) are detectable from an early age with signs of weight loss and other clinical and serological abnormalities. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the temporally varying and fixed events linked with the clinical incidence of PMWS by comparing affected and unaffected pigs in a cohort of 178 male piglets. Piglets were enrolled at birth and examined each week. Samples of blood were collected at regular intervals. The exposures measured were porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) antibody titres in all 178 and PCV2 antigen in a subset of 75 piglets. We also observed piglet health and measured their weight, and a post-mortem examination was performed by an external laboratory on all pigs between 6 and 14 weeks of age that died. From the cohort, 14 (8%) pigs died from PMWS and 4% from other causes. A further 37 pigs between 6 and 14 weeks of age died from PMWS (30) and ileitis and other causes (7). PMWS was only apparent in pigs from 1 to 2 weeks before death when they wasted rapidly. There were no other characteristic clinical signs and no obvious gross clinical lesions post-mortem. There was no strong link with PCV2 antibody throughout life but PCV2 antigen level was higher from 4 to 6 weeks of age in pigs that died from PMWS compared with pigs that died from other causes

    Supersymmetry, Axions and Cosmology

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    Various authors have noted that in particular models, the upper bound on the axion decay constant may not hold. We point out that within supersymmetry, this is a generic issue. For large decay constants, the cosmological problems associated with the axion's scalar partner are far more severe than those of the axion. We survey a variety of models, both for the axion multiplet and for cosmology, and find that in many cases where the cosmological problems of the saxion are solved, the usual upper bound on the axion is significantly relaxed. We discuss, more generally, the cosmological issues raised by the pseudoscalar members of moduli multiplets, and find that they are potentially quite severe.Comment: 27 pages, published version, some discussions clarifie

    Constraining the primordial spectrum of metric perturbations from gravitino and moduli production

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    We consider the production of gravitinos and moduli fields from quantum vacuum fluctuations induced by the presence of scalar metric perturbations at the end of inflation. We obtain the corresponding occupation numbers, up to first order in perturbation theory, in terms of the power spectrum of the metric perturbations. We compute the limits imposed by nucleosynthesis on the spectral index nsn_s for different models with constant nsn_s. The results show that, in certain cases, such limits can be as strong as ns<1.12n_s<1.12, which is more stringent than those coming from primordial black hole production.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. Corrected figures, new references included. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Photon mixing in universes with large extra-dimensions

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    In presence of a magnetic field, photons can mix with any particle having a two-photon vertex. In theories with large compact extra-dimensions, there exists a hierachy of massive Kaluza-Klein gravitons that couple to any photon entering a magnetic field. We study this mixing and show that, in comparison with the four dimensional situation where the photon couples only to the massless graviton, the oscillation effect may be enhanced due to the existence of a large number of Kaluza-Klein modes. We give the conditions for such an enhancement and then investigate the cosmological and astrophysical consequences of this phenomenon; we also discuss some laboratory experiments. Axions also couple to photons in the same way; we discuss the effect of the existence of bulk axions in universes with large extra-dimensions. The results can also be applied to neutrino physics with extra-dimensions.Comment: 41 pages, LaTex, 6 figure

    The Large Magellanic Cloud and the Distance Scale

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    The Magellanic Clouds, especially the Large Magellanic Cloud, are places where multiple distance indicators can be compared with each other in a straight-forward manner at considerable precision. We here review the distances derived from Cepheids, Red Variables, RR Lyraes, Red Clump Stars and Eclipsing Binaries, and show that the results from these distance indicators generally agree to within their errors, and the distance modulus to the Large Magellanic Cloud appears to be defined to 3% with a mean value of 18.48 mag, corresponding to 49.7 Kpc. The utility of the Magellanic Clouds in constructing and testing the distance scale will remain as we move into the era of Gaia.Comment: 23 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. From a presentation at the conference The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale: State of the Art and the Gaia Perspective, Naples, May 201

    Limits on the gravity wave contribution to microwave anisotropies

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    We present limits on the fraction of large angle microwave anisotropies which could come from tensor perturbations. We use the COBE results as well as smaller scale CMB observations, measurements of galaxy correlations, abundances of galaxy clusters, and Lyman alpha absorption cloud statistics. Our aim is to provide conservative limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio for standard inflationary models. For power-law inflation, for example, we find T/S<0.52 at 95% confidence, with a similar constraint for phi^p potentials. However, for models with tensor amplitude unrelated to the scalar spectral index it is still currently possible to have T/S>1.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Calculations extended to blue spectral index, Fig. 6 added, discussion of results expande

    Collider signals from slow decays in supersymmetric models with an intermediate-scale solution to the mu problem

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    The problem of the origin of the mu parameter in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model can be solved by introducing singlet supermultiplets with non-renormalizable couplings to the ordinary Higgs supermultiplets. The Peccei-Quinn symmetry is broken at a scale which is the geometric mean between the weak scale and the Planck scale, yielding a mu term of the right order of magnitude and an invisible axion. These models also predict one or more singlet fermions which have electroweak-scale masses and suppressed couplings to MSSM states. I consider the case that such a singlet fermion, containing the axino as an admixture, is the lightest supersymmetric particle. I work out the relevant couplings in several of the simplest models of this type, and compute the partial decay widths of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle involving leptons or jets. Although these decays will have an average proper decay length which is most likely much larger than a typical collider detector, they can occasionally occur within the detector, providing a striking signal. With a large sample of supersymmetric events, there will be an opportunity to observe these decays, and so gain direct information about physics at very high energy scales.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 4 figure

    Can induced gravity isotropize Bianchi I, V, or IX Universes?

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    We analyze if Bianchi I, V, and IX models in the Induced Gravity (IG) theory can evolve to a Friedmann--Roberson--Walker (FRW) expansion due to the non--minimal coupling of gravity and the scalar field. The analytical results that we found for the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory are now applied to the IG theory which has ωâ‰Ș1\omega \ll 1 (ω\omega being the square ratio of the Higgs to Planck mass) in a cosmological era in which the IG--potential is not significant. We find that the isotropization mechanism crucially depends on the value of ω\omega. Its smallness also permits inflationary solutions. For the Bianch V model inflation due to the Higgs potential takes place afterwads, and subsequently the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) ends with an effective FRW evolution. The ordinary tests of successful cosmology are well satisfied.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. D1

    The modulation effect for supersymmetric dark matter detection with asymmetric velocity dispersion

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    The detection of the theoretically expected dark matter is central to particle physics cosmology. Current fashionable supersymmetric models provide a natural dark matter candidate which is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). Such models combined with fairly well understood physics like the quark substructure of the nucleon and the nuclear form factor and the spin response function of the nucleus, permit the evaluation of the event rate for LSP-nucleus elastic scattering. The thus obtained event rates are, however, very low or even undetectable. So it is imperative to exploit the modulation effect, i.e. the dependence of the event rate on the earth's annual motion. In this review we study such a modulation effect in directional and undirectional experiments. We calculate both the differential and the total rates using symmetric as well as asymmetric velocity distributions. We find that in the symmetric case the modulation amplitude is small, less than 0.07. There exist, however, regions of the phase space and experimental conditions such that the effect can become larger. The inclusion of asymmetry, with a realistic enhanced velocity dispersion in the galactocentric direction, yields the bonus of an enhanced modulation effect, with an amplitude which for certain parameters can become as large as 0.46.Comment: 35 LATEX pages, 7 Tables, 8 PostScript Figures include
