57 research outputs found

    Model-driven approach for supporting the mapping of parallel algorithms to parallel computing platforms

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    The trend from single processor to parallel computer architectures has increased the importance of parallel computing. To support parallel computing it is important to map parallel algorithms to a computing platform that consists of multiple parallel processing nodes. In general different alternative mappings can be defined that perform differently with respect to the quality requirements for power consumption, efficiency and memory usage. The mapping process can be carried out manually for platforms with a limited number of processing nodes. However, for exascale computing in which hundreds of thousands of processing nodes are applied, the mapping process soon becomes intractable. To assist the parallel computing engineer we provide a model-driven approach to analyze, model, and select feasible mappings. We describe the developed toolset that implements the corresponding approach together with the required metamodels and model transformations. We illustrate our approach for the well-known complete exchange algorithm in parallel computing. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    Topology-aware Quality-of-Service Support in Highly Integrated Chip Multiprocessors

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    Current design complexity trends, poor wire scalability, and power limitations argue in favor of highly modular onchip systems. Today’s state-of-the-art CMPs already feature up to a hundred discrete cores. With increasing levels of integration, CMPs with hundreds of cores, cache tiles, and specialized accelerators are anticipated in the near future. Meanwhile, server consolidation and cloud computing paradigms have emerged as profit vehicles for exploiting abundant resources of chip-multiprocessors. As multiple, potentially malevolent, users begin to share virtualized resources of a single chip, CMP-level quality-of-service (QOS) support becomes necessary to provide performance isolation, service guarantees, and security. This work takes a topology-aware approach to on-chip QOS. We propose to segregate shared resources, such as memory controllers and accelerators, into dedicated islands (shared regions) of the chip with full hardware QOS support. We rely on a richly connected Multidrop Express Channel (MECS) topology to connect individual nodes to shared regions, foregoing QOS support in much of the substrate and eliminating its respective overheads. We evaluate several topologies for the QOSenabled shared regions, focusing on the interaction between network-on-chip (NOC) and QOS metrics. We explore a new topology called Destination Partitioned Subnets (DPS), which uses a light-weight dedicated network for each destination node. On synthetic workloads, DPS nearly matches or outperforms other topologies with comparable bisection bandwidth in terms of performance, area overhead, energyefficiency, fairness, and preemption resilience.

    Scalable Shared-Cache Management by Containing Thrashing Workloads

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    W-Order Scan: Minimizing Cache Pollution by Application Software Level Cache Management for MMDB

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    A Cache Design for a Security Architecture for Microprocessors (SAM)

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    Thread Owned Block Cache: Managing Latency in Many-Core Architecture

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