9 research outputs found

    CCAT2, a novel noncoding RNA mapping to 8q24, underlies metastatic progression and chromosomal instability in colon cancer

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    The functional roles of SNPs within the 8q24 gene desert in the cancer phenotype are not yet well understood. Here, we report that CCAT2, a novel long noncoding RNA transcript (lncRNA) encompassing the rs6983267 SNP, is highly overexpressed in microsatellite-stable colorectal cancer and promotes tumor growth, metastasis, and chromosomal instability. We demonstrate that MYC, miR-17-5p, and miR-20a are up-regulated by CCAT2 through TCF7L2-mediated transcriptional regulation. We further identify the physical interaction between CCAT2 and TCF7L2 resulting in an enhancement of WNT signaling activity. We show that CCAT2 is itself a WNT downstream target, which suggests the existence of a feedback loop. Finally, we demonstrate that the SNP status affects CCAT2 expression and the risk allele G produces more CCAT2 transcript. Our results support a new mechanism of MYC and WNT regulation by the novel lncRNA CCAT2 in colorectal cancer pathogenesis, and provide an alternative explanation of the SNP-conferred cancer risk

    Sentence recognition in noise: Variables in compilation and interpretation of tests

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    Tests of sentence recognition in noise constitute an essential tool for the assessment of auditory abilities that are representative of everyday listening experiences. A number of recent articles have reported on the development of such tests, documenting different approaches and methods. However, both the development and interpretation of these tests require careful consideration of many variables. This article reviews and categorizes the stimulus, presentation, subject, response, and performance variables influencing the development and interpretation of tests of sentence recognition in noise. A systematic framework is utilized to document published findings on these variables. Recommendations and guidelines, based on test performance requirements and test objectives, are provided concerning the interpretation of results and the development of new test materials