7 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative calculations for the effective potential of the PTPT symmetric and non-Hermitian (−gϕ4)(-g\phi^{4}) field theoretic model

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    We investigate the effective potential of the PTPT symmetric (−gϕ4)(-g\phi^{4}) field theory, perturbatively as well as non-perturbatively. For the perturbative calculations, we first use normal ordering to obtain the first order effective potential from which the predicted vacuum condensate vanishes exponentially as G→G+G\to G^+ in agreement with previous calculations. For the higher orders, we employed the invariance of the bare parameters under the change of the mass scale tt to fix the transformed form totally equivalent to the original theory. The form so obtained up to G3G^3 is new and shows that all the 1PI amplitudes are perurbative for both G≪1G\ll 1 and G≫1G\gg 1 regions. For the intermediate region, we modified the fractal self-similar resummation method to have a unique resummation formula for all GG values. This unique formula is necessary because the effective potential is the generating functional for all the 1PI amplitudes which can be obtained via ∂nE/∂bn\partial^n E/\partial b^n and thus we can obtain an analytic calculation for the 1PI amplitudes. Again, the resummed from of the effective potential is new and interpolates the effective potential between the perturbative regions. Moreover, the resummed effective potential agrees in spirit of previous calculation concerning bound states.Comment: 20 page

    Mesoscopic Description of Heterojunctions

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    Starting from the microscopic current associated with the single-electron wave functions and using Wannier functions suitably generalized for nonperiodic heterostructures we construct mesoscopic (either discrete or continuous) conserved currents associated with states having components only in the considered band. This provides a rigorous basis to the approximate envelope function approaches. As an application we analyze general one-dimensional heterojunctions, mapping explicitly the microscopic asymptotic states onto mesoscopic (one-band envelope) ones. This proves that, apart from the effective masses and the band offsets, the connection rules are characterized in general by three parameters, the values of which are unconstrained, confirming the results of phenomenological analyses