129 research outputs found

    On elliptic solutions of the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The Conte-Musette method has been modified for the search of only elliptic solutions to systems of differential equations. A key idea of this a priory restriction is to simplify calculations by means of the use of a few Laurent series solutions instead of one and the use of the residue theorem. The application of our approach to the quintic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE5) allows to find elliptic solutions in the wave form. We also find restrictions on coefficients, which are necessary conditions for the existence of elliptic solutions for the CGLE5. Using the investigation of the CGLE5 as an example, we demonstrate that to find elliptic solutions the analysis of a system of differential equations is more preferable than the analysis of the equivalent single differential equation.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    Oxidation of n-С5-С8 hydrocarbons and cyclohexane in a reactor with barrier discharge. P. 2. Simulating cyclohexane oxidation reaction

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    Numerical model of hydrocarbon oxidation kinetics in a reactor with barrier discharge has been proposed by the example of cyclohexane oxidation reaction. The results of calculations with the use of barrier discharge surface model showed that electron energy and other discharge characteristics in pure oxygen and in the mixture of oxygen with cyclohexane vapors slightly differ that allowed using a simplified model of homogeneous discharge for simulating cyclohexane oxidation reaction. The results of calculation showed good fit with the experimental dat

    On elliptic solutions of the cubic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The cubic complex one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau equation is considered. Using the Hone's method, based on the use of the Laurent-series solutions and the residue theorem, we have proved that this equation has neither elliptic standing wave nor elliptic travelling wave solutions. This result amplifies the Hone's result, that this equation has no elliptic travelling wave solutions.Comment: LaTeX, 12 page


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    The article describes the clinical case of successful treatment of a 42 year old female patient suffering from bilateral fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis with fully destroyed left lung, persistent bacillary excretion and extensive drug resistance. The treatment was complicated by poor tolerance of the used anti-tuberculosis drugs.Multiple surgeries were applied combined with resection and collapse interventions; anti-tuberculosis drugs and their doses were prescribed individually to this patients and supplemented by adjuvant therapy.The course of the disease stabilized, sputum converted and cavities were healed

    Оптимизация ортотопической илеоцистопластики у больных раком мочевого пузыря после цистэктомии

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    Introduction. Surgery remains the main method of treatment of patients with bladder cancer, and the only radical surgery is cystectomy with lymphadenectomy and a rationally selected method of urinary diversion. In the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary, an original method of orthotopic neobladder reconstruction in bladder cancer patients was developed.Objective: to improve the results of surgical treatment and the quality of life of patients with bladder cancer who underwent cystectomy.Materials and methods. The article presents results of a study of patients with bladder cancer who underwent orthotopic ileocystoplasty after radical cystectomy using a unique original technique. The reservoir was formed using a segment of the ileum of 45–50 cm in length with a 20–25 cm offset from the ileocecal junction. It’s important to preserve nutrition of the resected fragment. One of the branches of the ileocolic artery supplies blood to the distant part of the ileum which explains the necessity of the offset. After examination of the mesentery for unusual blood supply, the necessary intestinal segment was resected. Intestinal patency was restored by application of an anastomosis side-to-side with double row suture on the mucosa and serous-muscular layer. The reservoir was formed by application of an enteroenterostomy side-to-side with one row inverting continuous suture. Before that, the resected small-intestinal segment was detubulized (dissected) through the antimesenteric margin for 12–15 cm.Results. This method has the lowest rate of complications; doesn»t affect overall, cancer-specific and recurrence-free survival.Conclusion. The proposed method of neobladder formation allows to significantly improve the results of bladder cancer treatment.Введение. Основным методом лечения больных раком мочевого пузыря остается хирургический, а единственной радикальной операцией является цистэктомия с лимфаденэктомией и рационально выбранным способом деривации мочи. В Челябинском областном клиническом онкологическом диспансере разработана оригинальная методика ортотопической пластики мочевого пузыря у пациентов с раком мочевого пузыря.Цель исследования – улучшение результатов хирургического лечения и качества жизни больных раком мочевого пузыря, перенесших цистэктомию.Материалы и методы. В статье представлены результаты лечения пациентов с раком мочевого пузыря, перенесших ортотопическую илеоцистопластику после радикальной цистэктомии с применением авторской оригинальной методики. Для формирования резервуара использовался сегмент подвздошной кишки длиной 45–50 см, предварительно отступя 20–25 см от илеоцекального угла. Важно, чтобы не произошло нарушения питания резецируемого сегмента. Подвздошно-ободочная артерия одной из своих ветвей кровоснабжает дистальную часть подвздошной кишки, этим объясняется необходимость отступа. После осмотра брыжейки на предмет особенностей кровоснабжения резецировался необходимый сегмент кишки. Производили восстановление проходимости кишечника путем накладывания анастомоза «бок-в-бок» с двурядным швом на слизистую и серозно-мышечную оболочки. Формирование резервуара выполняли путем наложения межкишечного анастомоза «бок-в-бок» однорядным непрерывным вворачивающим швом. Для этого производили детубуляризацию (рассечение) резецированного сегмента тонкой кишки по противобрыжеечному краю на протяжении 12–15 см.Результаты. Данная методика обладает небольшим количеством осложнений, не ухудшает показателей общей, онкоспецифической и безрецидивной выживаемости.Заключение. Предложенный вариант формирования мочевого резервуара позволяет значительно улучшить ближайшие результаты лечения рака мочевого пузыря


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    The article describes the clinical case of successful treatment of a 42 year old female patient suffering from bilateral fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis with fully destroyed left lung, persistent bacillary excretion and extensive drug resistance. The treatment was complicated by poor tolerance of the used anti-tuberculosis drugs.Multiple surgeries were applied combined with resection and collapse interventions; anti-tuberculosis drugs and their doses were prescribed individually to this patients and supplemented by adjuvant therapy.The course of the disease stabilized, sputum converted and cavities were healed. Представлен случай успешного лечения пациентки 42 лет, страдавшей двусторонним фиброзно-кавернозным туберкулезом легких с полным разрушением левого легкого, постоянным бактериовыделением, с широкой лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя. Лечение затруднялось плохой переносимостью применяемых противотуберкулезных препаратов.Проведены многоэтапное хирургическое лечение с сочетанием резекционных и коллапсохирургических вмешательств, индивидуальный подбор противотуберкулезных препаратов и их дозировки в сочетании с патогенетической терапией.Достигнуты устойчивая стабилизация туберкулезного процесса, прекращение бактериовыделения, закрытие полостей распада

    Patients with a Combination of Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Heart Failure in Clinical Practice: Comorbidities, Drug Treatment and Outcomes

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    Aim. To assess in clinical practice the structure of multimorbidity, cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and outcomes in patients with a combination of atrial fibrillation (AF) and chronic heart failure (CHF) based on prospective registries of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD).Materials and Methods. The data of 3795 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) were analyzed within the registries RECVASA (Ryazan), RECVASA FP (Moscow, Kursk, Tula, Yaroslavl), REGION-PO and REGION-LD (Ryazan), REGION-Moscow, REGATA (Ryazan). The comparison groups consisted of 3016 (79.5%) patients with AF in combination with CHF and 779 (29.5%) patients with AF without CHF. The duration of prospective observation is from 2 to 6 years.Results. Patients with a combination of AF and CHF (n=3016, age was 72.0±10.3 years; 41.8% of men) compared with patients with AF without CHF (n=779, age was 70.3±12.0 years; 43.5% of men) had a higher risk of thromboembolic complications (CHA2DS2-VASc – 4.68±1.59 and 3.10±1.50; p<0.001) and hemorrhagic complications (HAS-BLED – 1.59±0.77 and 1.33±0.76; p<0.05). Patients with a combination of AF and CHF significantly more often (p<0.001) than in the absence of CHF were diagnosed with arterial hypertension (93.9% and 83.8%), coronary heart disease (87.9% and 53,5%), myocardial infarction (28.4% and 14.0%), diabetes mellitus (22.4% and 7.7%), chronic kidney disease (24.8% and 16.2%), as well as respiratory diseases (20.1% and 15.3%; p=0.002). Patients with AF in the presence of CHF, compared with patients without CHF, were more often diagnosed with a permanent form of arrhythmia (49.3% and 32.9%; p<0.001) and less often paroxysmal (22.5% and 46.2%; p<0.001) form  of  arrhythmia.  Ejection  fraction  ≤40%  (9.3%  and  1.2%;  p<0.001),  heart  rate  ≥90/min  (23.7% and 19.3%; p=0.008) and blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg (59.9% and 52.2%; p<0.001) were recorded with AF in the presence of CHF more often than in the absence of CHF. The frequency of proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy was higher, albeit insufficient, in the presence of CHF (64.9%) than in the absence of it (56.1%), but anticoagulants were prescribed less frequently when AF and CHF were combined (38.8% and  49, 0%; p<0.001). The frequency of unreasonable prescription of antiplatelet agents instead of anticoagulants was 52.5% and 33.3% (p<0.001) in the combination of AF, CHF and coronary heart disease, as well as in the combination of AF with coronary heart disease but without CHF. Patients with AF and CHF during the observation period compared with those without CHF had higher mortality from all causes (37.6% and 30.3%; p=0.001), the frequency of non-fatal cerebral stroke (8.2% and 5.4%; p=0.032) and myocardial infarction (4.7% and 2.5%; p=0.036), hospitalizations for CVD (22.8% and 15.5%; p<0.001).Conclusion. Patients with a combination of AF and CHF, compared with the group of patients with AF without CHF, were older, had a higher risk of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications, they were more often diagnosed with other concomitant cardiovascular and chronic noncardiac diseases, decreased left ventricular ejection fraction, tachysystole, failure to achieve the target blood pressure level in the presence of arterial hypertension. The frequency of prescribing proper cardiovascular pharmacotherapy was higher, albeit insufficient, in the presence of CHF, while the frequency of prescribing anticoagulants was less. The  incidence of mortality from all causes, the development of non-fatal myocardial infarction   and cerebral stroke, as well as the incidence of hospitalizations for CVDs were higher in AF associated with CHF


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    Aim. To study a pattern of concomitant cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and to estimate particularities and quality of medical antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients in real outpatient practice with a help of the Registry in Ryazan region.Material and methods. A total of 3690 patients with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation, who had attended general practitioners and cardiologists of 3 outpatient clinics in Ryazan city, were enrolled in the outpatient Registry of cardiovascular diseases (RECVASA). The diagnosis of hypertension was recorded in 3648 of 3690 (98.9%) outpatient charts, 28.1% of the subjects were men and 71.9% - women.Results. A total of 2907 (79.7%) of 3648 patients had combination of hypertension with other CVDs. Combination of 3-4 cardiovascular diagnoses was registered in 63.8% of the cases. 11.5% and 9.5% of the patients had a history of myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke, respectively. Diagnosis of hypertension was verified in 448 of 450 randomized hypertensive patients (99.6%). The incidence of prescription of one and two antihypertensive drugs (AHDs) was 25% and 39%, respectively, of 3 AHDs – 21%, 4 and more – 2%. AHDs were not prescribed in 13% of hypertensive patients. The mean number of prescribed AHDs was 1.73. The mean incidence rate of target blood pressure achievement was 26.1%. We have noted insufficient ACE inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) and beta-blockers prescription in different concomitant CVDs. Patients with 3-4 cardiovascular diagnoses were more often prescribed combined antihypertensive treatment. Prescription of ACE inhibitors/ARB, beta-blockers and thiazide diuretics combination was preferable in 74.1% of the cases, when taking into account absolute and relative contraindications for betablockers use – in 64.0%. 15.2% of the hypertensive patients used reimbursed drugs for CVDs at the moment of the Registry enrollment as compared with 39.2% in previous years (p<0.05).Conclusion. The RECVASA study data allowed revealing high incidence of concomitant CVDs in hypertensive patients, insufficient use of combined antihypertensive treatment, including AHDs with proved favorable influence on prognosis. Achievement of concordance of medical treatment to national and international guidelines, taking into account concomitant CVDs, and optimization of patients’ coverage with reimbursed drugs are the main reserves for antihypertensive treatment quality improvement

    Long-term outcomes in patients after COVID-19: data from the TARGET-VIP registry

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    Aim. To assess long-term outcomes within 12 months after hospital treatment of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as part of a prospective registry.Material and methods. Outcomes in the posthospital period were assessed in 827 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (age, 58,0±14,8 years; men, 51,3%). For periods of 30-60 days, 6 and 12 months after discharge from the hospital, cases of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke, hospitalization, acute respiratory viral infections/influenza were assessed. The follow-up period was 13,0±1,5 months.Results. During the follow-up period, 35 (4,2%) patients died, 6 (0,73%) and 4 (0,48%) cases of MI and stroke were registered. In addition, 142 (17%) patients were hospitalized, while 217 (26,2%) patients had acute respiratory viral infections/ influenza. Factors of age and length of intensive care unit stay were significantly associated (p<0,001) with the risk of all-cause death (hazard ratio (HR)=1,085 per 1 year of life and HR=6,98, respectively), with the risk of composite endpoint (death, non-fatal MI and stroke): HR=1,081 per 1 year of life and HP=4,47. Of the 35 deaths, 11 (31%) were within the first 30 days of follow-up, and 19 (54%) — 90 days after discharge from the hospital. A higher probability of hospitalization was associated with older age (odds ratio (OR)=1,038; p<0,001), while a higher probability of acute respiratory viral infections/influenza was associated with younger age (OR=0,976 per 1 year of life; p<0,001) and female sex (OR=1,414; p=0,03).Conclusion. A prospective follow-up of 827 patients in the TARGET-VIP registry revealed that 12-month mortality was 4,2%, while more than half of the deaths (54%) were registered in the first 90 days, including 31% — for the first month after discharge from the hospital. The most common events were hospitalizations (17,0%) and acute respiratory viral infections/influenza (26,2%), while the rarest were myocardial infarction (0,73%) and stroke (0,48%). The key factors associated with 12-month mortality in the post-COVID-19 period were older age and intensive care unit stay during the reference hospitalization. A higher readmission rate during the follow-up period was associated with older age, and the prevalence of acute respiratory viral infections /influenza during the follow-up period was associated with younger patients and female sex