3 research outputs found

    Факторы риска, ассоциированные с развитием недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани

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    Development of the undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) is influenced by various adverse factors to the fetus during intrauterine growth. There is not a clear linkage to the contribution of the separate factors to the development of the UCTD.Aims of the study are to determine the risk factors associated with the development of the UCTD of the adolescents and to appreciate the predictive value of the examined factors related to UCTD to form the dispensary groups of the children with UCTD.Materials and methods. During the first stage of the study there was an examination of 110 adolescents at the age of 10–14 years old, the UCTD presence was established according to the scale proposed by T.I. Kadurina and V.N. Gorbunova (2009). During the second stage the data of the prenatal casework and maternity hospital records attached to the out-patient medical records were examined to detect the specialties of the antenatal life course. During the third stage 2 groups were formed: with the presence of UCTD (n = 81) and without UCTD (n = 29). The mother groups were formed accordingly with the adolescents groups.Results. The pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents with UCTD proceeded against the anemia, threatening miscarriage, chronic fetal hypoxia, chronic fetoplacental insufficiency, toxicosis, gestosis, and concomitant chronic conditions (thyroid, kidneys, digestive apparatus, aspiration pathology) more common than the pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents without UCTD. The binary logistic regression method allowed the predictors of the UCTD’s formation to be determined, there were: toxicosis during the gestation course (OR = 10.9; CI 95% 2.94–40.49), anemia of pregnancy (OR = 8.6; CI 95%: 2.42–30.81), gestosis (OR = 6.53; CI 95%: 1.27–33.71), chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 4.4; CI 95%: 1.09–17.83) and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers (OR = 3.6; CI 95%: 0.86–15.48). Different factor combination enhances the likelihood of the delivery of a child with UCTD more than 6.5-fold: chronic conditions of the mothers and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 6.8; CI 95%: 1.95–48.57); anemia of pregnancy and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 7.2; CI 95%: 1.01–50.99), and toxicosis (OR = 10.4; CI 95%: 1.48–72.82).Conclusion. The risk factors associated to the development of UCTD in adolescents are: toxicosis during the gestation course, anemia of pregnancy, gestosis, chronic fetal hypoxia and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers. The use of the equation of the binary logistic regression allows the prediction of the possibility of the development of UCTD in adolescents at the level of 80.9% and to form the dispensary groups of children in order to prevent the development of dysplastic-dependent pathologyРазвитию недифференцированной дисплазии соединительной ткани (НДСТ) способствует влияние разнообразных неблагоприятных факторов на плод в период его внутриутробного развития, при этом нет однозначного представления о вкладе отдельных факторов в развитие НДСТ.Цель исследования. Установить факторы риска, ассоциированные с развитием НДСТ в подростковом возрасте, и оценить предиктивное значение исследуемых факторов в отношении НДСТ для возможности формирования диспансерных групп детей с НДСТ.Материалы и методы. На I этапе исследования был проведен осмотр 110 подростков в возрасте 10–14 лет, наличие НДСТ устанавливали по шкале, предложенной Т.И. Кадуриной, В.Н. Горбуновой (2009). На II этапе для выявления особенностей течения антенатального периода изучали сведения дородовых патронажей и выписок из роддомов, прикрепленных к амбулаторным картам. На III этапе апостериорно были сформированы две группы: с наличием НДСТ (n = 81) и без НДСТ (n = 29). Группы матерей были сформированы соответственно группам подростков.Результаты. У матерей группы подростков с НДСТ чаще, чем без НДСТ беременность протекала на фоне анемии, угрозы прерывания беременности, хронической гипоксии плода, хронической фетоплацентарной недостаточности, токсикоза, гестоза, сопутствующих хронических заболеваний (болезней щитовидной железы, почек, органов пищеварения, дыхания). С помощью метода бинарной логистической регрессии предикторами формирования НДСТ были установлены: течение беременности на фоне токсикоза (ОШ = 10,9; ДИ 95% 2,94–40,49), анемии беременной (ОШ = 8,6; ДИ 95% 2,42–30,81), гестоза (ОШ = 6,53; ДИ 95% 1,27–33,71), хронической гипоксии плода (ОШ = 4,4; ДИ: 95% 1,09–17,83) и наличия хронических заболеваний у матери (ОШ = 3,6; ДИ 95% 0,86–15,48). Сочетание факторов в различных комбинациях увеличивает вероятность рождения ребенка с НДСТ более, чем в 6,5 раз: хронические заболевания у матери с хронической гипоксией плода (ОШ = 6,8; ДИ 95% 1,95–48,57); анемия беременной с хронической гипоксией плода (ОШ = 7,2; ДИ 95% 1,01–50,99), с токсикозом (ОШ = 10,4; ДИ 95% 1,48–72,82).Заключение. Факторами риска, ассоциированными с развитием НДСТ в подростковом возрасте, являются: течение беременности на фоне токсикоза, анемии беременной, гестоз, хроническая гипоксия плода и наличие хронических заболеваний у матери. Использование уравнения бинарной логистической регрессии позволяет с вероятностью 80,9% прогнозировать развитие НДСТ у ребенка в подростковом возрасте и сформировать диспансерные группы детей для профилактики развития диспластикозависимой патологии.

    Risk factors associated with the development of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

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    Development of the undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (UCTD) is influenced by various adverse factors to the fetus during intrauterine growth. There is not a clear linkage to the contribution of the separate factors to the development of the UCTD.Aims of the study are to determine the risk factors associated with the development of the UCTD of the adolescents and to appreciate the predictive value of the examined factors related to UCTD to form the dispensary groups of the children with UCTD.Materials and methods. During the first stage of the study there was an examination of 110 adolescents at the age of 10–14 years old, the UCTD presence was established according to the scale proposed by T.I. Kadurina and V.N. Gorbunova (2009). During the second stage the data of the prenatal casework and maternity hospital records attached to the out-patient medical records were examined to detect the specialties of the antenatal life course. During the third stage 2 groups were formed: with the presence of UCTD (n = 81) and without UCTD (n = 29). The mother groups were formed accordingly with the adolescents groups.Results. The pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents with UCTD proceeded against the anemia, threatening miscarriage, chronic fetal hypoxia, chronic fetoplacental insufficiency, toxicosis, gestosis, and concomitant chronic conditions (thyroid, kidneys, digestive apparatus, aspiration pathology) more common than the pregnancy of the mothers of the adolescents without UCTD. The binary logistic regression method allowed the predictors of the UCTD’s formation to be determined, there were: toxicosis during the gestation course (OR = 10.9; CI 95% 2.94–40.49), anemia of pregnancy (OR = 8.6; CI 95%: 2.42–30.81), gestosis (OR = 6.53; CI 95%: 1.27–33.71), chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 4.4; CI 95%: 1.09–17.83) and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers (OR = 3.6; CI 95%: 0.86–15.48). Different factor combination enhances the likelihood of the delivery of a child with UCTD more than 6.5-fold: chronic conditions of the mothers and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 6.8; CI 95%: 1.95–48.57); anemia of pregnancy and chronic fetal hypoxia (OR = 7.2; CI 95%: 1.01–50.99), and toxicosis (OR = 10.4; CI 95%: 1.48–72.82).Conclusion. The risk factors associated to the development of UCTD in adolescents are: toxicosis during the gestation course, anemia of pregnancy, gestosis, chronic fetal hypoxia and pre-existing chronic conditions of the mothers. The use of the equation of the binary logistic regression allows the prediction of the possibility of the development of UCTD in adolescents at the level of 80.9% and to form the dispensary groups of children in order to prevent the development of dysplastic-dependent patholog