898 research outputs found

    Polygons vs. clumps of discs: a numerical study of the influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials

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    We performed a series of numerical vertical compression tests on assemblies of 2D granular material using a Discrete Element code and studied the results with regard to the grain shape. The samples consist of 5,000 grains made from either 3 overlapping discs (clumps - grains with concavities) or six-edged polygons (convex grains). These two grain type have similar external envelopes, which is a function of a geometrical parameter α\alpha. In this paper, the numerical procedure applied is briefly presented followed by the description of the granular model used. Observations and mechanical analysis of dense and loose granular assemblies under isotropic loading are made. The mechanical response of our numerical granular samples is studied in the framework of the classical vertical compression test with constant lateral stress (biaxial test). The comparison of macroscopic responses of dense and loose samples with various grain shapes shows that when α\alpha is considered a concavity parameter, it is therefore a relevant variable for increasing mechanical performances of dense samples. When α\alpha is considered an envelope deviation from perfect sphericity, it can control mechanical performances for large strains. Finally, we present some remarks concerning the kinematics of the deformed samples: while some polygon samples subjected to a vertical compression present large damage zones (any polygon shape), dense samples made of clumps always exhibit thin reflecting shear bands. This paper was written as part of a CEGEO research project www.granuloscience.comComment: This version of the paper doesn't include figures. Visit the journal web site to download the final version of the paper with the figure

    Bose-Glass behaviour in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1-x}Y_{x}Cu_{2}O_{8} crystals with columnar defects: experimental evidence for variable-range hopping

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    We report on vortex transport in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}Ca_{1-x}Y_{x}Cu_{2}O_{8} crystals irradiated at different doses of heavy ions. We show evidence of a flux-creep resistivity typical of a variable-range vortex hopping mechanism as predicted by Nelson and Vinokur.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX2e (uses elsart.cls), 1 Encapsulated PostScript figur

    Shear-band arrest and stress overshoots during inhomogeneous flow in a metallic glass

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    At the transition from a static to a dynamic deformation regime of a shear band in bulk metallic glasses, stress transients in terms of overshoots are observed. We interpret this phenomenon with a repeated shear-melting transition and are able to access a characteristic time for a liquidlike to solidlike transition in the shear band as a function of temperature, enabling us to understand why shear bands arrest during inhomogenous serrated flow in bulk metallic glasses

    A portable platform for accelerated PIC codes and its application to GPUs using OpenACC

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    We present a portable platform, called PIC_ENGINE, for accelerating Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes on heterogeneous many-core architectures such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The aim of this development is efficient simulations on future exascale systems by allowing different parallelization strategies depending on the application problem and the specific architecture. To this end, this platform contains the basic steps of the PIC algorithm and has been designed as a test bed for different algorithmic options and data structures. Among the architectures that this engine can explore, particular attention is given here to systems equipped with GPUs. The study demonstrates that our portable PIC implementation based on the OpenACC programming model can achieve performance closely matching theoretical predictions. Using the Cray XC30 system, Piz Daint, at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), we show that PIC_ENGINE running on an NVIDIA Kepler K20X GPU can outperform the one on an Intel Sandybridge 8-core CPU by a factor of 3.4

    ULF/ELF electromagnetic fields produced in a conducting medium of infinite extent by linear current sources of infinite length

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    A previous analysis of a linear current source of finite length embedded in a conducting medium of infinite extent is extended to linear current sources of (1) infinite length and (2) semi-infinite length. Electric and magnetic field expressions are derived, and the results are numerically evaluated for frequencies in the ULF/ELF bands. For convenience, some of the results are presented in a dimensionless form. A comparison is made between the electromagnetic fields produced by linear current sources of finite and infinite length, and it is shown that there is a relative enhancement in the electric field near the source of finite length. It is also found that an optimum frequency exists for the electric field produced by a linear current source of infinite length at which the field amplitude is a maximum at a fixed observation point. Some practical applications of our results are suggested

    ULF/ELF electromagnetic fields generated along the sea floor interface by a straight current source of infinite length

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    Propagation of ULF/ELF electromagnetic fields along the seafloor interface (assumed to be a plane boundary separating two semi-infinite conducting media) is considered. Earlier expressions for the electromagnetic fields generated by a straight current source of infinite length are applied to the sea/seabed interface. The field components are calculated numerically and are compared to the field components in seawater of infinite extent. At the seafloor boundary, the fields can propagate longer distances because of the lower seabed conductivities. The new horizontal component of the magnetic field generated as a result of the existence of the sea/seabed interface becomes larger than the vertical component of the magnetic field at large distances; it is also more sensitive to the conductivity of the seabed at low frequencies. The results indicate that there is an optimal frequency at which two of the field components have a maximum field intensity at a certain distance from the source. Some practical applications are discussed

    Metal-to-insulator crossover and pseudogap in single-layer compound Bi2+x_{2+x}Sr2x_{2-x}Cu1+y_{1+y}O6+δ_{6+\delta} single crystals in high magnetic fields

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    The in-plane ρab(H)\rho_{ab}(H) and the out-of-plane ρc(H)\rho_c(H) magneto-transport in magnetic fields up to 28 T has been investigated in a series of high quality, single crystal, hole-doped La-free Bi2201 cuprates for a wide doping range and over a wide range of temperatures down to 40 mK. With decreasing hole concentration going from the overdoped (p=0.2) to the underdoped (p=0.12) regimes, a crossover from a metallic to and insulating behavior of ρab(T)\rho_{ab}(T) is observed in the low temperature normal state, resulting in a disorder induced metal insulator transition. In the zero temperature limit, the normal state ratio ρc(H)/ρab(H)\rho_c(H)/\rho_{ab}(H) of the heavily underdoped samples in pure Bi2201 shows an anisotropic 3D behavior, in striking contrast with that observed in La-doped Bi2201 and LSCO systems. Our data strongly support that that the negative out-of-plane magnetoresistance is largely governed by interlayer conduction of quasiparticles in the superconducting state, accompanied by a small contribution of normal state transport associated with the field dependent pseudogap. Both in the optimal and overdoped regimes, the semiconducting behavior of ρc(H)\rho_c(H) persists even for magnetic fields above the pseudogap closing field HpgH_{pg}. The method suggested by Shibauchi \textit{et al.} (Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{86}, 5763, (2001)) for evaluating HpgH_{pg} is unsuccessful for both under- and overdoped Bi2201 samples. Our findings suggest that the normal state pseudogap is not always a precursor of superconductivity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, published in PRB Nov 200