1,062 research outputs found

    Atomic Data for Permitted Resonance Lines of Atoms and Ions from H to Si, and S, Ar, Ca and Fe

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    We list vacuum wavelengths, energy levels, statistical weights, transition probabilities and oscillator strengths for permitted resonance spectral lines of all ions of 18 astrophysically important elements (H through Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe). Using a compilation of experimental energy levels, we derived accurate wavelengths for 5599 lines of 1828 ground-term multiplets which have gf-values calculated in the Opacity Project. We recalculated the Opacity Project multiplet gf-values to oscillator strengths and transition probabilities of individual lines. For completeness, we added 372 resonance lines of NeI, ArI, FeI and FeII ions which are not covered by the Opacity Project. Intercombination and forbidden lines are not included in the present compilation.Comment: 6 pages of text, latex, 1 figure, 4 tables; tables in ASCII format available at ftp://asta.pa.uky.edu/dima/lines/ or at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~verner/atom.html Accepted by Atomic Data Nucl. Data Table

    Studies on the denaturation of antibody. IV. The influence of pH and certain other factors on the rate of inactivation of Staphylococcus antitoxin in urea solutions

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    In previous work on the denaturation of antibody, studies have been made of some of the factors influencing the inactivation of diphtheria antitoxin in urea solutions (1, 2). A quantitative formulation of a simple kinetic theory was found to fit satisfactorily the experimental data and to offer a reasonable explanation of the deviation of the inactivation from simple first order behavior (2). In the present work we have studied the inactivation of Staphylococcus antitoxin, investigating the influence of certain new factors on the rate and course of the over-all reaction, with a view toward gaining further insight into the mechanism of the reactions, and reinvestigating the influence of pH, a factor studied previously with diphtheria antitoxin, in order to test the applicability of the proposed kinetic mechanism to different antibodies

    Atomic Data for Astrophysics. II. New Analytic Fits for Photoionization Cross Sections of Atoms and Ions

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    We present a complete set of analytic fits to the non-relativistic photoionization cross sections for the ground states of atoms and ions of elements from H through Si, and S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. Near the ionization thresholds, the fits are based on the Opacity Project theoretical cross sections interpolated and smoothed over resonances. At higher energies, the fits reproduce calculated Hartree-Dirac-Slater photoionization cross sections.Comment: 24 pages including Postscript figures and tables, uses aaspp4.sty, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Misprint in Eq.(1) is correcte

    Continuum Pumping of [Fe II] in the Orion Nebula

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    This paper presents detailed comparisons between numerical simulations of Fe II emission spectra and recent high-resolution and signal-to-noise spectra of the Orion Nebula. We have identified 40 [Fe II] lines in the spectrum, allowing extensive comparisons between theory and observations. The identifications are based on predictions of a realistic model of the Fe II atom, which includes the lowest 371 levels (all levels up to 11.6 eV). We investigate the dependence of the spectrum on electron density and on pumping by the stellar continuum. Orion is important because it provides a relatively simple environment in which to test complex simulations. We have identified the pumping routes that are responsible for the observed emission. Our theoretical model of Fe II emission is in good agreement with the observational data