20 research outputs found

    Influence of type of amphora on physico-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of 'Falanghina' white wines

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    The present research was aimed to evaluate the effects of ageing and type of container on physico-chemical indices and on antioxidant compounds of ‘Falanghina’ wines. Wines were stored for 12 months in raw, glazed, and engobe amphorae, and in stainless steel tanks. Lactic, acetic, citric, succinic, and hydroxycinnamoyl tartaric acids, and the antioxidant capacity (DPPH assay) were not affected by the type of container for the duration of the ageing. Flavonoids decreased by about 85% in all the containers. The concentrations of flavans reactive with vanilline were reduced by 100% in raw and glazed amphorae, 23% in engobe amphorae, and 59% in stainless steel tanks. The hydroxycinnamoyl tartaric acids decreased by about 11% in raw and engobe amphorae and by 22% in glazed amphorae and in stainless steel tanks. During the whole ageing time, the decrease of the antioxidant capacity ranged from 28% (raw amphorae) to 43% (stainless steel tanks)

    The effect of in-amphorae aging on oenological parameters, phenolic profile and volatile composition of Minutolo white wine

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    Awine was obtained from cryomacerated Minutolo grapes under reductive conditions and aged for 12 months in glass container and in 3 types of amphorae. After aging, wines in glass containers showed the highest alcohol content, volatile acidity, dissolved oxygen, concentrations of aromatics, alcohols, and esters and by the lowest contents of enols and terpenes. They also showed the highest decrease of flavonoids, hydroxycinnamoyl tartaric acids, and procyanidins.Wines in rawamphorae showed the dramatic decrease of flavonoids and flavans reactive with vanillin. The highest antioxidant activity was exhibited by wines in engobe amphorae, while the lowest values were showed by the wines in glass containers and glazed amphorae. Caftaric acid and procyanidin B3 decreased in wine aged under glass while epicatechin mainly reduced in raw amphorae. According to the Principal Component Analysis, the wines resulted homogeneously grouped as a function of the type of container in which were aged

    The effect of in-amphorae aging on oenological parameters, phenolic profile and volatile composition of Minutolo white wine

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    A wine was obtained from cryomacerated Minutolo grapes under reductive conditions and aged for 12. months in glass container and in 3 types of amphorae. After aging, wines in glass containers showed the highest alcohol content, volatile acidity, dissolved oxygen, concentrations of aromatics, alcohols, and esters and by the lowest contents of enols and terpenes. They also showed the highest decrease of flavonoids, hydroxycinnamoyl tartaric acids, and procyanidins. Wines in raw amphorae showed the dramatic decrease of flavonoids and flavans reactive with vanillin. The highest antioxidant activity was exhibited by wines in engobe amphorae, while the lowest values were showed by the wines in glass containers and glazed amphorae. Caftaric acid and procyanidin B3 decreased in wine aged under glass while epicatechin mainly reduced in raw amphorae.According to the Principal Component Analysis, the wines resulted homogeneously grouped as a function of the type of container in which were age